Iraq I. In order to understand anything about this country, you must first know about it’s ETHNORELIGIOUS DIVISIONS !
II. Iraq- History A British rule A.Even after independence Britain retained oil rights and kept military bases in Iraq B.Monarchy military rule Ba’athists (1960s / secularism, socialism, and pan-Arab unionism) C.1979 Saddam Hussein took power D.Saddam suppressed opposition also Kurdish minority
III. Iran-Iraq War, A.War for regional domination and rights to the Shatt al- Arab waterway B.367,000 died; 700,000 wounded C.U.S. supported both sides D.Precipitated proliferation of U.S. bases in region— particularly in Saudi Arabia The Iran-Iraq war recalled WWI trench warfare on Iran-Iraq border
IV. Gulf War A.1990 Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait B.1991 put down by U.S.-led coalition C.Weapons inspections and economic sanctions begin
V. America’s “war on terror” A.9/11 attacks on World Trade Towers B.2001: Northern Coalition topples Taliban in Afghanistan C.2003 : Invasion of Iraq on charges of WMD and aiding and abetting terrorism
VI. Iraq now A.U.S. forces were in Iraq longer than they fought in World War II B.U.S. is currently spent approximately 2 billion dollars/week on Iraq; nearly 100 Americans died every month C.Over 4000 American forces have been killed. 1 in 16 American service personnel wounded D.Estimates vary for Iraqis: A.655,000 [Lancet Survey] B.50-55,000 [Iraq Body Count Project] C ,000 [Iraq Health Minister] E.Sectarian violence between Sunni and Shia. Qaeda in Iraq (a precursor to ISIS) G.…And now ISIS watch?v=AQPlREDW-Ro