Tanzania By Mrs. Hall’s 5 th Grade Class
A Agriculture- although 5 percent of Tanzania’s land is used for farming, agriculture accounts for more than a third of the country's economic production.
B Bloodstone- green jasper dotted with bright red spots of iron oxide. It’s also called heliotrope which refers to turning towards the sun, inferring that the reflection of the sun is blood red.
C Cheetah- it’s 1262 km2. the best time to go is during May- October, it’s found in north eastern Tanzania.
D Diopside-in appearance, diopside may be confused with peridot, deratoid garnet, zirgan, enstatite, chrysoheryl, or grossuiarite.
E Economy- significant measure have been taken to liberalize the Tanzanian economy along market lines.
F February's birthstone in Tanzania- Amethyst the ring Cleopatra wore was Amethyst.
G Germans and British rule- in the 1800’s, explores and Christian missionaries from Europe traveled deep in to the mainland of what is now Tanzania.
H History- in Tanzania scientist found remains of some of the earliest known human settlements.
I Inlay- apiece of material (often stone or glass) this is partly embedded in another mineral ( usually metal) such that the 2 materials make a leveled surface.
J Jomaz-is a costume jewel mark used by Joseph J. Mazer.
K Kunzite- is a transparent pink, or light purple gem stone that resembles rose quarts.
L Language- Swahili (also known as Kiswahili).
M Money- one hundred cents equals 1 shillings.
N National anthem- “ mungu ibaki Afrika” (God bless Africa).
O Official name- The United Republic Of Tanzania.
P Population of people- 29,685,00 (1995 estimate) population growth rate 3% ( estimate average).
Q Quinzite opal- a red to pink type of opal. Also called Quincite.
R Red Columbus of Zanzibar- lives in Zanzibar of which 500 live in Jozani.
S Service industries- account for about half the total value of Tanzania's economic production Government and trade are the leading service industries
T Tanzanite- a king of expensive gemstone. Made of mineral called zosite.
U Urbanization- percent urban ( 1995 estimate)
V Voting rights- just like in America in Tanzania you have to be 18 or older
W Wild life of sedous game reserve- The Rufiji river runs through selours game reserve.
X Xyloid jasper- is jasperized wood (petrified wood).
Y Yag- is an acronym for yittrium aluminum garnet, a man- made imitation diamond.
Z Zanzibar- an early Arab/ Persia trading center, Zanzibar fell under Portuguese domination in the 16 th and early 17 th centuries but were retaken by Omani Arabs in the early 18 th century.