Welcome 5 th Grade Curriculum Night September 22, 2015 Mrs. McDowellELA Mrs. ReedMath Mr. DunbarScience
5 th Grade Schedule ELA Block 7:45-8:15ELA Block 7:45-8:15 1 st Block: 8:15-9:451 st Block: 8:15-9:45 2 nd Block: 9:45-11:152 nd Block: 9:45-11:15 Lunch/Recess is from 11:15 to 12:15Lunch/Recess is from 11:15 to 12:15 3 rd Block: 12:15-1:503 rd Block: 12:15-1:50 Conference time is from 1:50-2:45Conference time is from 1:50-2:45
Communication PlannersPlanners Beck Staff Webpages: check frequentlyBeck Staff Webpages: check frequently S’More Newsletter – updated weeklyS’More Newsletter – updated weekly / Phone: Our contact information is on the webpage. Due to the district filter, if you do not receive a response to an within 24 hours, please call the school. / Phone: Our contact information is on the webpage. Due to the district filter, if you do not receive a response to an within 24 hours, please call the school. Changes in transportation can be ed to in transportation can be ed to Moodle Teacher Pages Home Access Center - HAC
STUDENT ABSENCES Please notify the front office and/or homeroom teacher by . Front office or you can homeroom teachers directly. Please notify the front office and/or homeroom teacher by . Front office or you can homeroom teachers directly. Students need to take responsibility and communicate with the teacher to make up any assignments missed while out of class. Students need to take responsibility and communicate with the teacher to make up any assignments missed while out of class. Check HAC center for missing grades on the days the student missed. Check HAC center for missing grades on the days the student missed. Please make your appointments during elective times or after school. Please make your appointments during elective times or after school.
Organization of Student Materials 3 Ring Binder goes home nightly with planner and homework3 Ring Binder goes home nightly with planner and homework Keep graded work until the end of the six weeksKeep graded work until the end of the six weeks Check the blue Beck Bulldog folder for take home flyers and informationCheck the blue Beck Bulldog folder for take home flyers and information
District Policy for formative and summative grades: “Grading Guidelines” *Formative: Daily Assessments 40% *Formative grades below 70 may be redone for an averaged grade. *Summative: Cumulative/Formal Assessments 60% *Summative grades below 70 will be retaught and then retested for an averaged grade. **If the summative grade on certain material is higher than the formative pertaining to that summative, then the lowest of those formatives can be dropped. 69, 79, 89 will be rounded in final six weeks grades.
Grades Access 3 week progress reports 6 week report cards Access in HAC Please let Jennifer Jantz know if you need a login for HAC/Home Access Center
DisciplineLove&Logic Love allows children to grow through their mistakes. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices.
Volunteering Complete the PTA volunteer form available online or in the officeComplete the PTA volunteer form available online or in the office Background check/forms from office and on Beck website (background checks need to be updated yearly)Background check/forms from office and on Beck website (background checks need to be updated yearly) Watch Dog Dad ProgramWatch Dog Dad Program
Birthday Celebrations If parents would like to provide a treat for your child’s class in celebration of a birthday, the treat can be sent with your child, or you may bring it to the front office to be delivered to your child’s classroom. The teacher will determine the appropriate time in the afternoon for sharing the treat. We would ask that you not bring party favors. The treats must be STORE BOUGHT single servings, ex. Cupcakes, cookies, etc. Also, please provide napkins for the treats.
Thank you so much for spending this time with us! We are looking forward to a great year.