Becoming an inbox ninja * Inbox Overload
* Make work for you * No extra frills * Keep it basic
* Don’t live in your inbox * It’s just a conduit * Mobile devices
* One place for everything * Process to zero * Convert to actions
What is ‘Processing’? More than checking Less than responding Every doesn’t need a response!
* Check on a schedule. * Get rid of it? * Does some else need it? * Can someone do it better? * Do I only need to respond? * Do I need to wait Only take a few moments Archive
Pros * Fast * Simple * Very low setup time * Very low maintenance Cons * Pretty minimalist * Hard to stick with * Feeling of no structure * Less than 3 folders
For control freaks
* Folders, Folders, Folders * Departments, Projects, People
Pros * Total control * Find faster than search * Organized Cons * High Setup time * High Maintenance * Easy to get lost * High thought
In, Out, Move on
* Variation on ZIB * Always TRY to empty inbox. * into 1 of 3ish folders. * Rely on search feature
Pros * Low setup * Low maintenance * Low thought Cons * To minimalist ? * Feeling of no structure
* Plenty of great resources out there. * We will look at a few: * “Organize web content” * “Organize your content”
* There has to be a better way !