WP5 – Pilot progress Consortium Meeting Rijeka 25/02/2015 Presented by: Carolina Navarro/Salvador Furió
WP5 Bologna Pilot progress
City of Bologna PC3 Pilot implementation: main task carried out PILOT Progress Analysis and evaluation of current waste collection services in Bologna Analysis and evaluation of best practices in waste collection (in order to be transferred to similar contexts) Identification of operational framework Definition of Key Performance Indicators Definition of pilot's planning Implementation of planned solution Monitoring of pilot's progress Evaluation of pilot's results Fine tuning of operational schema Evaluation of pilot's transferrability AS IS ANALYSIS SETUPMONITORINGEVALUATION
City of Bologna PC3 Pilot implementation: planning Sep OctNovDecJan Feb MarAprMay As-is ana- lysis Setup Pilot Next steps Extend monitoring phase (and fine tuning of planned service) Monitoring Data collection for further evaluation Data consolidation Evaluation
City of Bologna PC3 Pilot measuring planning: KPI´s Transport – Operations KPI: Vehicles number, km travelled, number of stops, number of roundtrips and relative travelling time, number of stops, driving time, load factor of the vehicles, Special Requirements. Economy - costs and benefits KPI: Operating costs expressed in terms of number of shifts, vehicles and km. Trasport – Energy consumption KPI: Number of liters fuel consumed during operations, by vehicle and fuel type. Environment – Air Quality, emissions and noise KPI: Contaminants emissions, Contaminants concentrations.
City of Bologna PC3 Pilot measuring planning: analysis of the main KPI´s IndicatorDescriptionValue StopsBins emptied/2 weeks RoundtripsRoundtrips/2 weeks137 KilometersKilometers travelled/2 weeks> Load FactorVehicle load factor in volume89% IndicatorDescriptionValue StopsBins emptied/2 weeks RoundtripsRoundtrips/2 weeks128 KilometersKilometers travelled/2 weeks9.000 Load FactorVehicle load factor in volume97% CO2 emissionsCO2, av. Emissions per veh/km-42 (ton/y) IndicatorDescriptionValue StopsBins emptied/2 weeksIn progress.. RoundtripsRoundtrips/2 weeksIn progress.. KilometersKilometers travelled/2 weeksIn progress.. Load FactorVehicle load factor in volumeIn progress… CO2 emissionsCO2, av. Emissions per veh/kmIn progress… Monitoring pilot, collecting data and consolidating solution to obtain: -Consistent data -Solid KPI estimation As-is: Planned: Tested:
City of Bologna PC3 Challenges ahead Resistance to the new: Resistance from the planner to the adoption of innovative software tools. From the mind to the system: The codification, and transmission to the software, of knowledge stored for long time only on “planner mind” may be an hard task. Sensation of losing control: Manual planning is recognized simple because is kept simple. A sensation of increased complexity, and of losing control of the planning, can be expected. “It can’t do that!”: The final revision by the planner has the scope of fixing solution generated from wrong data. But small mistakes in input may produce “clearly infeasible!” solutions, challenging the confidence of the planner.
City of Bologna PC3 Next steps -KPI measurement and pilot ending : Estimate the predefined KPIs -Data collection : Continue collecting data while pilot test is operative. -Monitoring and data consolidation: Complete the monitoring phase on date 15/3/2015, ensuring solidity of data collected. -Complete evaluation and pilot: Evaluation period terminates on date 31/3/2015.
Thank You Giuseppe Luppino - Chiara Iorfida - Alberto Preti -