Śrīmad Bhāgavatam pañcadaśaḿ vāmanakaḿ kṛtvāgād adhvaraḿ baleḥ pada-trayaḿ yācamānaḥ pratyāditsus tri-piṣṭapam
SYNONYMS pañcadaśam — the fifteenth in the line; vāmanakam — the dwarf brāhmaṇa; kṛtvā — by assumption of; agāt — went; adhvaram — arena of sacrifice; baleḥ — of King Bali; pada-trayam — three steps only; yācamānaḥ — begging; pratyāditsuḥ — willing at heart to return; tri-piṣṭapam — the kingdom of the three planetary systems.
TRANSLATION In the fifteenth incarnation, the Lord assumed the form of a dwarf-brāhmaṇa [Vāmana] and visited the arena of sacrifice arranged by Mahārāja Bali. Although at heart He was willing to regain the kingdom of the three planetary systems, He simply asked for a donation of three steps of land. PURPORT The Almighty God can bestow upon anyone the kingdom of the universe from a very small beginning, and similarly, He can take away the kingdom of the universe on the plea of begging a small piece of land.
Çré Daçävatära-stotra Text One pralaya-payodhi-jäle dhåtavän asi vedaà vihita-vahitra-caritram akhedam keçava dhåta-ména-çaréra jaya jagadéça hare Text Two kñitir iha vipulatare tiñöhati tava påñöhe dharaëi-dhäraëa-kiëa-cakra-gariñöhe keçava dhåta-kürma-çaréra jaya jagadéça hare
Çré Daçävatära-stotra Text Three vasati daçana-çikhare dharaëé tava lagnä çaçini kalaìka-kaleva nimagnä keçava dhåta-çükara-rüpa jaya jagadéça hare Text Four tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta- çåìgaà dalita-hiraëyakaçipu-tanu-bhåìgam keçava dhåta-narahari-rüpa jaya jagadéça hare
Çré Daçävatära-stotra Text Five chalayasi vikramaëe balim adbhuta- vämana pada-nakha-néra-janita-jana-pävana keçava dhåta-vämana-rüpa jaya jagadéça hare Text Six kñatriya-rudhira-maye jagad-apagata- päpam snapayasi payasi çamita-bhava-täpam keçava dhåta-bhågupati-rüpa jaya jagadiça hare
Çré Daçävatära-stotra Text Seven vitarasi dikñu raëe dik-pati-kamanéyaà daça-mukha-mauli-balim ramaëéyam keçava dhåta-räma-çaréra jaya jagadiça hare Text Eight vahasi vapuñi viçade vasanaà jaladäbhaà hala-hati-bhéti-milita-yamunäbham keçava dhåta-haladhara-rüpa jaya jagadiça hare
Çré Daçävatära-stotra Text Nine nindäsé yajïa-vidher ahaha çruti-jätaà sadaya-hådaya darçita-paçu-ghätam keçava dhåta-buddha-çaréra jaya jagadéça hare Text Ten mleccha-nivaha-nidhane kalayasi karavälaà dhümaketum iva kim api karälam keçava dhåta-kalki-çaréra jaya jagadéça hare
Text Five chalayasi vikramaëe balim adbhuta- vämana pada-nakha-néra-janita-jana-pävana keçava dhåta-vämana-rüpa jaya jagadéça hare TRANSLATION O Keçava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of a dwarf- brähmaëa! All glories to You! O wonderful dwarf, by Your massive steps You deceive King Bali, and by the Ganges water that has emanated from the nails of Your lotus feet, You deliver all living beings within this world.
SYNONYMS chalayasi–You deceive; vikramaëe–by Your massive steps; balim–King Bali; adbhuta-vämana–O wonderful dwarf!; pada-nakha–from the nails of Your lotus feet; néra-janita–by the (Ganges) water that has emanated; jana-pävana–You deliver all living beings within this world; keçava–O Lord Keçava, of fine hair!; dhåta-vämana-rüpa–who have accepted the form of a dwarf-brähmaëa; jaya jagadéça hare...
SB SB : On the day of Śravaṇa-dvādaśī [the twelfth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhādra], when the moon came into the lunar mansion Śravaṇa, at the auspicious moment of Abhijit, the Lord appeared in this universe. Considering the Lord's appearance very auspicious, all the stars and planets, from the sun to Saturn, were munificently charitable.
SB SB : O King, when the Lord appeared — on dvādaśī, the twelfth day of the moon — the sun was at the meridian, as every learned scholar knows. This dvādaśī is called Vijayā. SB SB : Conchshells, kettledrums, drums, paṇavas and ānakas vibrated in concert. The sound of these and various other instruments was tumultuous. SB SB : Being very pleased, the celestial dancing girls [Apsarās] danced in jubilation, the best of the Gandharvas sang songs, and the great sages, demigods, Manus, Pitās and fire-gods offered prayers to satisfy the Lord.
SB SB : The Siddhas, Vidyādharas, Kimpuruṣas, Kinnaras, Cāraṇas, Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, Suparṇas, the best of serpents, and the followers of the demigods all showered flowers on Aditi's residence, covering the entire house, while glorifying and praising the Lord and dancing. SB SB : When Aditi saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had appeared from her own womb, having accepted a transcendental body by His own spiritual potency, she was struck with wonder and was very happy. Upon seeing the child, Prajāpati Kaśyapa exclaimed, "Jaya! Jaya!" in great happiness and wonder.
Bali Maharaja Conquers Indra. Aditi – Payo-vrata. Three paces of land. Bali Maharaja goes down to Sutala. Sukra-acharya Pacified.
o Son of_________? o Wrote how many verses? o Good scholar? o Srinivasa, Dukhi-krsna, Narottama.
Thank You Anjana Suta Academy (rev Sep 26)