Nepalese Seed Sector Policies and Programs A brief introduction Rajendra Adhikari, MOAD
The basic input of agriculture production that sets the limit to all other production technologies The most important basis of agro-biodiversity The only renewal resource that farmers can preserve, protect and reuse in the production process with potential of even improving the quality Expresses all advances in agricultural science and is the vehicle of technological transformation THEREFORE Improving the productivity through efficient and effective exploitation of maximum potential of seed - agenda of the post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Seed
National Seed Policy 1999 and National Seed Vision the two guiding sub-sectoral policies Formulated on the broad framework of overarching sectoral policies such as Agriculture Perspective Plan (APP) and National Agricultural Policy 2004 Complemented by two regulatory instruments particularly amended Seeds Act 1988 and Seeds Rules Agriculture Development Strategy ( ) that succeeds the APP links Seed vision to Agricultural Development. These sets of sectoral and sub-sectoral policies and regulatory instruments together constitute the seed related policies in Nepal Seed Policies in Nepal
Mission: Produce and manage the supply of quality seeds to all farmers through a sustainable and competitive seed system. Goal: To increase crop productivity, raise income, and generate employment opportunities through self sufficiency, import substitution and export promotion of quality seeds. Objectives To enhance farmers’ access to sufficient quantity of quality seeds and other planting materials. To increase seed replacement rate through increased production and supply of quality seeds. To promote local seed security through conservation and sustainable use of agro biodiversity. To create an enabling environment for developing, producing and marketing quality seeds of improved varieties of agricultural crops. Seed Vision Mission, Goal and Objectives
Promote use of quality seeds by expanding farmers’ choice including use of local genetic resources. Support public, community and private enterprises in source seed production, seed multiplication, processing and conditioning through efficient seed quality services. Strengthen varietal development, release, and maintenance breeding using diverse gene pool both from local and exotic sources at different agro-ecological zones of the country. Enhance marketing skills of seed entrepreneurs and invest in seed related infrastructure. Create enabling environment for developing efficient and effective public, community and private seed related organizations with business culture. Seed Vision Strategic Directions
Envisages to increase crop productivity, raise income and employment opportunities through self-sufficiency, import substitution and export of quality seeds. Addresses gaps in variety development and maintenance, seed multiplication, seed processing and conditioning, seed marketing, and quality assurance and use. Identifies major gaps that include inadequate availability of seeds of farmer-preferred varieties, concentration of breeding on OPVs, low attention to maintenance breeding and keeping genetic purity of crops, inadequate infrastructure and facilities, and limited human resources in seed sector Seed Vision..
Objectives Availing required quantity of good quality seeds of various crops in efficient manner. Promoting export by producing good quality seeds. Making seed business effective considering the existing world trade. Conserving and maintaining the genetic characteristics of indigenous speciality seeds of Nepal and coordinating concerned organizations to protect the rights over them. National Seed Policy 1999
Develops an effective production and distribution mechanism for high quality seeds Addresses issues related to variety development and maintenance, seed multiplication, quality control, private sector participation, seed distribution, institutional strengthening, and the use of modern technology Encourages involvement of Government, non-government, and private sector agencies in seed testing, seed analysis, seed sampling, and seed crop inspection. National Seed Policy
Seeds Act 1988 Maintaining the convenience and economic interest of crop growers by providing seeds of high quality standards through a well planned system of production, processing, testing, and distribution. Seeds Act amendment in 2008 and Seeds Rules 2013 Delegation of the authority in different aspects of seed value chains, introducing private sector friendly provisions, harmonizing the rules and regulations of Nepal with neighbouring countries, and giving equal importance to internal and external quality control mechanisms. Seeds Act and Rules
Protocol of Discussions signed among IRRI, Nepal, India and Bangladesh to share data for Fast track variety release process, Avail quality seeds to farmers easily and Collaborate among public sector stakeholders The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has taken an initiative to establish a Regional Seed bank at the SAARC level with three basic objectives: Provide regional support to national seed security efforts; address regional seed shortages through collective actions; and foster inter- country partnerships. Promote increase of Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) with appropriate varieties at a faster rate as far as possible. Act as a regional seed security reserve for Member States of SAARC. Regional Initiatives
Increased production and supply of quality seeds (domestic and export markets) Increased access to and use of quality seeds by farmers Increased focus on hybrid research and development Delineation of roles of public, private and community sectors Greater emphasis on private sector involvement in different aspects of value chains A more conducive environment for private sector investment in seed sector, including in R&D Major thrusts of seed policies and legislations
An overarching policy framework for agriculture sector and a vision for next 20 years with 10 year's of action plan and roadmap. Emphasizes the effective implementation of existing seed policies, especially the National Seed Vision 2013 – 2025 through sufficient investment in human resources and capacity building Explicit on Seed Sovereignty and GMO restriction Introduction of a voucher system to directly link benefits to target groups Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS)
Public Sector MOAD NARC: Varietal Development, source seed production SQCC: Regulation and Quality control DOA/DOLS: District seed self-sufficiency Program (DISSPRO), seed productio, support seed multiplication and extension Kisan ko lagi unnat biu-bijan karyarkram (KUBK): Seed multiplication, processing, private sector support Competitive Grant Projects including Agriculture and Food Security Project National Seed Company Limited (NSCL) Seed multiplication, post-harvest processing and marketing Salt Trading Corporation Limited (STCL) Seed production and marketing Major seed programs and projects
Private sector (seed companies, agro-vets, association) Seed multiplication and post-harvest processing, marketing, and seed export Farmers Groups and Cooperatives Seed production and marketing NGOs (e.g., CEAPRED, FORWARD, LIBIRD) Variety development, seed production, extension, processing and internal quality control, linking seed producers with private traders and seed quality testing services Major seed programs/projects… contd.
Public SectorPrivate Sector ActorNARC and NSCL, STCL Seed entrepreneurs' associations and cooperatives Farmer FacilitatorMOAD, SQCC, DOA/DOLS, CDD, DADO, ASC, Agrovets, I/NGO, CBOs Farmer Groups FormalInformal Stakeholders of Seed Sub-System
StakeholdersArea of Competency Public sectorVariety development, Providing policy environment, Regulation, Custodians of vulnerables’ right and diversity CooperativesProduction and multiplication, Conservation of Indigenous seed, technology and knowledge Private sectorMarketing including extension of high yielding varieties, Import/Export, Innovation and collaboration with public sector in research and development, integrating with global value chains Farmersfarmers to farmers exchange Balancing Act
This sector builds on the foundation of strong private sector with research, extension competencies and production and marketing efficiency. The public sector should keep investing in the varietal development, seed multiplication and extension until the private sector emerge/come up with required capabilities to assume the higher responsibility as determined by the market forces. An integrated approach that brings support from public sector institutions, incentives and tax break environment for private sector, infrastructure development support and strategic partnerships between public-private institutions is the must. An Integrated Approach –the Must
Seed Sector Development: Integrated Framework
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