Winter Weather Issues Oct. 19, 2006 Presentation at Friends and Partners in Aviation Weather meeting Roy Rasmussen, NCAR AWRP Winter Weather PDT lead
Winter Weather Issues 1. Ice Pellets 2. Heavy Snow 3. Ingest of freezing drizzle by engines 4. Implementing real-time liquid equivalent rates one of the highest priority for the Ground Deicing Industry (2006 Portugal SAE Ground Deicing Meeting) 5. ASOS summary 6. Winter Weather Research PDT future
Winter Deicing/Anti-icing Guidance: Ice Pellet Allowance Time Background “In October 2005, the FAA issued Notices , Dispatching During Precipitation Conditions of Ice Pellets, Snow Pellets, or Other Icing Events for which No Hold Over Times Exist; and , Parts 121 and 135 Operations Specifications for Deicing/Anti-icing Operations in Ice Pellets Without Deice/Anti-ice Fluids. As a result of these notices, industry requested the FAA conduct research to obtain data to support relief for some of the current conditions for which no holdover times exist. That research was conducted during the winter season of ”
Ice Pellet testing results: C. Operators with a deicing program approved in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 121, section , will be allowed, in light ice pellet conditions with no other form of precipitation present, up to 25 minutes after the start of the anti-icing fluid application to commence the takeoff with the following restrictions: 1. The aircraft critical surfaces must be free of contaminants, or the aircraft be properly deiced prior to the application of the anti-icing fluid. 2. This allowance time, of up to 25 minutes, is valid only if the aircraft is anti-iced with undiluted Type IV fluid. ………………..
25 g/d2/hr = 17 minutes endurance time at -5 C 12 g/d2/hr = 100 minutes endurance time at 0 C 12 g/d2/hr = 55 min endurance Time at -5 C
After inspecting operations at many airlines during the winter , the FAA issued a Notice to Airman in October 2005 prohibiting operations during ice pellet conditions due to the fact that no holdover time exists for ice pellets. This notice had the potential to seriously impact operations at a number of airports such as Pittsburgh where such operations had been going on for many years (using a Pre-takeoff contamination check which allows 5 minutes to take off after the check). ATA requested a meeting on January 24, 2006 to discuss this issue as well as the heavy snow issue with the FAA. As a result, the FAA embarked on a test program for ice pellets through application of ice pellets on the wing of an aircraft during simulated takeoff. Ice Pellets Issue:
Based on testing, FAA has allowed a holdover time of 25 minutes during light ice pellet conditions only (no other type of precipitation present). Problem: -Ice pellets mixed with other types of precipitation 70% of the time (18% freezing rain, 18% rain, 37% snow), conditions for which the new holdover times do not apply. -The estimation of light ice pellet rates usually done by visibility. This technique as not been confirmed, nor has the over estimate of visibility at night been considered. Ice Pellet Issues: (cont.)
Heavy Snow
Visibility Criteria for Snow Intensity FAA TYPE I HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINE Table 1. FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAE Type I Fluid Mixture as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. Outside Air Temperature ( OAT) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) CC FF Active Frost Freezing Fog Very Light Snow Light Snow Moderate Snow **Freezing Drizzle Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ -3 and above 27 and above 0:45 0:11 - 0:17 0:18-0:220:11 - 0:180:06 - 0:110:09 - 0:13 0:02 - 0:05 0:02 - 0:05* CAUTIO N: No holdover time guideline s exist below -3 to –6 below 27 to 21 0:45 0:08 - 0:13 0:14-0:170:08 - 0:140:05 - 0:080:05 - 0:09 0:02 - 0:05 CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation below -6 to –10 below 21 to 14 0:45 0:06 - 0:10 0:11-0:130:06 - 0:110:04 - 0:060:04 - 0:07 0:02 - 0:05 below -10 below 14 0:45 0:05 - 0:09 0:07-0:080:04 - 0:070:02 - 0:04 Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 1B. SNOWFALL INTENSITIES AS A FUNCTION OF PREVAILING VISIBILITY. FOR TYPE I HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINES Time of Day Temp.Visibility (Statute Mile) ( C)( F) 2 1/2 21 1/213/41/2 1/4 Day colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Very Light Light Moderate Heav y Sno wfall Inten sity warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy Night colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light ModerateHeavy NOTE: Based upon technical report, “The Estimation of Snowfall Rate Using Visibility,” Rasmussen, et al., Journal of Applied Meteorology, October 1999 and additional in situ data. HEAVY = Caution - no holdover time guidelines exist °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAE TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2A - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for KILFROST ABC-II PLUS Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 3,600cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle LV2, 250ml beaker, 150ml fluid, 10 min. grd. leg. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:10-2:250:35-1:200:35-1:100:30-0:400:05-1:00CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:10-2:250:35-1:100:30-1:000:20-0:400:05-0:50 50/50 4:000:15-0:450:20-0:400:05-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:10-2:250:25-0:550:35-1:100:30-0:40 75/25 5:001:10-2:250:25-0:500:30-1:000:20-0:40 50/50 3:000:15-0:450:15-0:350:05-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:30-1:050:15-0:35**0:15-0:45**0:10-0:30 75/25 5:000:20-0:550:15-0:35**0:15-0:30**0:10-0:20 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:15-0:200:15-0:30 below -25below /0 Kilfrost ABC-II PLUS Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when Kilfrost ABC-II PLUS Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. KILFROST ABC-II PLUS TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2B - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for KILFROST ABC-2000 Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 2,350 cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle LV2, 250ml beaker, 150ml fluid, 10 min. grd. leg. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:30-3:050:40-1:150:55-1:350:40-0:500:15-1:10CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:40-3:300:40-1:150:45-1:150:40-0:500:15-1:40 50/50 4:001:00-2:100:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:30-3:050:30-1:000:55-1:350:40-0:50 75/25 5:001:40-3:300:30-1:050:45-1:150:40-0:50 50/50 3:001:00-2:100:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:35-1:250:25-0:45**0:25-0:50**0:10-0:30 75/25 5:000:35-1:150:25-0:50**0:25-0:55**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:20-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 Kilfrost ABC-2000 Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when Kilfrost ABC-2000 Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. KILFROST ABC-2000 TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2C - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for Octagon E-MAX II Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 13,520 cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle LV1, 600 ml beaker, 500 ml fluid, 33 min 20 sec, grd. leg CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:002:05-3:450:45-1:300:45-1:350:30-0:400:15-1:30CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:25-2:500:30-1:000:40-1:100:20-0:300:10-1:05 50/50 4:000:30-0:550:15-0:30 0:10-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:002:05-3:450:40-1:200:45-1:350:30-0:40 75/25 5:001:25-2:500:25-0:550:40-1:100:20-0:30 50/50 3:000:30-0:550:10-0:250:15-0:300:10-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:50-1:450:35-1:10**0:35-1:00**0:20-0:30 75/25 5:000:30-1:200:25-0:50**0:35-1:05**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:20-0:350:15-0:30 below -25below /0 Octagon E-MAX II Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when Octagon E-MAX II Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. OCTAGON E-MAX II TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2D – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SPCA ECOWING 26 Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% fluid Tested 4,900cp, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 30 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:25-2:350:40-1:050:50-1:350:40-0:500:20-1:25CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:05-1:550:30-0:500:45-1:050:25-0:350:10-1:00 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:25-2:350:40-1:000:50-1:350:40-0:50 75/25 5:001:05-1:550:25-0:450:45-1:050:25-0:35 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:45-2:150:35-0:55**0:30-1:10**0:15-0:35 75/25 5:000:35-1:150:25-0:40**0:20-0:50**0:15-0:25 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:25-0:450:30-0:50 below -25below /0 SPCA ECOWING 26 Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SPCA ECOWING 26 Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA ECOWING 26 TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2E – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAFEWING MP II 2025 Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% fluid Tested 5,500mPa.s, 20 o C, 0.3 rpm, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:30-2:050:45-1:200:40-1:000:25-0:350:10-1:15CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:000:55-1:450:25-0:45 0:20-0:250:05-0:50 50/50 4:000:20-0:350:10-0:200:10-0:150:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:30-2:050:40-1:100:40-1:000:25-0:35 75/25 5:000:55-1:450:25-0:45 0:20-0:25 50/50 3:000:20-0:350:05-0:150:10-0:150:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:45-1:500:35-1:00**0:35-1:05**0:20-0:35 75/25 5:000:40-1:200:25-0:45**0:30-0:40**0:15-0:25 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:25-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 SAFEWING MPII 2025 ECO Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MPII 2025 Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA ECOWING 26 TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 FAA TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINE TABLE 4 - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAE Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /018:001:05-2:150:35-1:050:40-1:100:25-0:400:10-0:50CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/256:001:05-1:450:30-1:050:35-0:500:15-0:300:05-0:35 50/504:000:15-0:350:05-0:200:10-0:200:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to 27100/012:001:05-2:150:30-0:550:40-1:100:25-0:40 75/255:001:05-1:450:25-0:500:35-0:500:15-0:30 50/503:000:15-0:350:05-0:150:10-0:200:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7 100/012:000:20-1:200:20-0:40**0:20- 0:45 **0:10-0:25 75/255:000:25-0:500:20-0:35**0:15- 0:30 **0:10-0:20 below -14 to - 25 below 7 to /012:000:15-0:400:15-0:30 below - 25 below /0SAE Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C(13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAE Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAE TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4A - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for UCAR ULTRA+ Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 36,000cP, 0 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-31/13R, 10ml fluid, 10 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:35-3:350:40-1:250:45-1:350:25-0:400:10-1:20CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 50/50 CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:35-3:350:35-1:150:45-1:350:25-0:40 75/25 50/50 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:001:25-3:000:25-0:55**0:45-1:25**0:30-0:45 75/25 below -14 to -24 below 7 to /0 12:000:40-2:100:20-0:45 below -24below /0 UCAR ULTRA+ Type IV fluid may be used below –24 °C (-12 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when UCAR ULTRA+ Type IV fluid cannot be used. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:002:35-4:001:10-2:001:20-1:501:00-1:250:20-1:15CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:05-1:450:30-1:050:45-1:100:35-0:500:10-0:50 50/50 4:000:20-0:350:05-0:200:15-0:200:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:002:35-4:001:00-1:401:20-1:501:00-1:25 75/25 5:001:05-1:450:30-0:550:45-1:100:35-0:50 50/50 3:000:20-0:350:05-0:150:15-0:200:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-2:050:45-1:20**0:20-1:00**0:10-0:30 75/25 5:000:25-1:000:25-0:50**0:20-1:10**0:10-0:35 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:400:40-1:10 below -25below /0 KILFROST ABC-S Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when KILFROST ABC-S Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. KILFROST ABC-S TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4D - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAFEWING MP IV 1957 Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 16,200cP, 20o, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:05-2:150:35-1:050:40-1:100:30-0:450:15-1:10CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:10-2:100:35-1:05 0:25-0:400:10-1:00 50/50 4:000:25-0:500:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:05-2:150:30-0:550:40-1:100:30-0:45 75/25 5:001:10-2:100:30-0:500:35-1:050:25-0:40 50/50 3:000:25-0:500:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-1:300:30-0:50**0:35-0:55**0:20-0:35 75/25 5:000:25-1:100:20-0:40**0:25-0:55**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:25-0:400:25-0:45 below -25below /0 SAFEWING MP IV 1957 Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MP IV 1957 Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAFEWING MP IV 1957 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4E – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAFEWING MP IV 2001 Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 18,000cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:20-3:201:55-2:000:55-1:550:40-1:000:15-2:00CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:20-2:000:50-1:250:35-1:100:25-0:350:10-1:25 50/50 4:000:15-0:400:10-0:20 0:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:20-3:201:00-1:550:55-1:550:40-1:00 75/25 5:001:20-2:000:35-1:000:35-1:100:25-0:35 50/50 3:000:15-0:400:10-0:20 0:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-1:350:30-0:50**0:55-1:35**0:30-0:45 75/25 5:000:30-1:000:20-0:35**0:40-1:10**0:20-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:450:20-0:35 below -25below /0 SAFEWING MP IV 2001 Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MP IV 2001 Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAFEWING MP IV 2001 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4F – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for CLARIANT SAFEWING MPIV 2012 PROTECT Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% fluid Tested 7,800cp, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:15-2:301:10-2:000:40-1:100:25-0:450:10-1:05CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:10-2:050:35-1:100:35-0:500:15-0:300:05-0:40 50/50 4:000:25-0:450:15-0:250:15-0:200:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:15-2:300:40-1:150:40-1:100:25-0:45 75/25 5:001:10-2:050:25-0:550:35-0:500:15-0:30 50/50 3:000:25-0:450:15-0:250:15-0:200:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-1:450:20-0:40**0:25-0:45**0:15-0:25 75/25 5:000:25-1:050:20-0:40**0:15-0:30**0:10-0:20 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV 2012 PROTECT TYPE IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV 2012 PROTECT TYPE IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV 2012 PROTECT TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4G - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for CLARIANT SAFEWING FOUR Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 6,400cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:50-2:450:45-1:451:05-1:450:50-1:050:10-1:20CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:45-2:250:40-1:250:50-1:300:30-0:450:15-1:25 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:15-0:25 0:10-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:50-2:450:35-1:201:05-1:450:50-1:05 75/25 5:001:45-2:250:30-1:050:50-1:300:30-0:45 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:10-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:30-1:300:25-0:55**0:25-1:05**0:15-0:30 75/25 5:000:30-1:050:20-0:45**0:20-0:50**0:15-0:25 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:45 below -25below /0 CLARIANT SAFEWING FOUR Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when CLARIANT SAFEWING FOUR Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAFEWING FOUR TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4H - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for CLARIANT SAFEWING MPIV 2030 ECO Type IV as a function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 10,500 mPa.s, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:55-3:200:50-1:350:55-2:000:40-0:500:15-1:40CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:15-2:050:35-1:050:40-1:050:25-0:350:10-1:10 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:15-0:25 0:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:55-3:200:50-1:300:55-2:000:40-0:50 75/25 5:001:15-2:050:35-1:050:40-1:050:25-0:35 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:15-0:25 0:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:50-2:000:45-1:25**0:30-1:10**0:20-0:35 75/25 5:000:40-1:300:35-1:05**0:35-1:20**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:25-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 CLARIANT SAFEWING MPIV 2030 ECO Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MPIV 2030 ECO Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA AD-480 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4I - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SPCA AD-480 Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 15,200cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 30 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:002:00-3:300:55-1:500:50-1:300:35-0:550:15-1:35CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:30-2:450:40-1:200:50-1:150:30-0:450:10-1:15 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:002:00-3:300:40-1:200:50-1:300:35-0:55 75/25 5:001:30-2:450:30-1:050:50-1:150:30-0:45 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:20-1:200:30-0:55**0:25-1:20**0:15-0:30 75/25 5:000:25-0:500:20-0:45**0:25-1:05**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:15-0:400:25-0:40 below -25below /0 SPCA AD-480 Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SPCA AD-480 Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA AD-480 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 5 - FAA Guidelines for the Application of SAE Type II and Type IV Fluid Mixtures. Minimum Concentrations as a Function of Outside Air Temperature (OAT). Concentrations in % V/V OATOne-step Procedure Deicing/Anti-icing Two-step Procedure First step: DeicingSecond step: Anti-icing 1 -3 C (27 F) and above 50/50 Heated 2 Type II/IV Water heated or a heated mix of Type I, II or IV with water 50/50 Type II/IV Below –3 C (27 F) to –14 C (7 F) 75/25 Heated 2 Type II/IV Heated suitable mix of Type I, Type II/IV, and water with FP not more than 3 C (5 F) above actual OAT 75/25 Type II/IV Below –14 C (7 F) to –25 C (-13 F) 100/0 Heated 2 Type II/IV Heated suitable mix of Type I, Type II/IV, and water with FP not more than 3 C (5 F) above actual OAT 100/0 Type II/IV Below –25 C (-13 F)SAE Type II/IV fluid may be used below –25 C (-13 F) provided that the freezing point of the fluid is at least a 7 C (13 F) below OAT and that aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider the use of SAE Type I when Type II/IV fluid cannot be used (see Table 1). 1) To be applied before first step fluid freezes, typically within 3 minutes. 2) Clean aircraft may be anti-iced with unheated fluid. NOTE: For heated fluids, a fluid temperature not less than 60 C (140 F) at the nozzle is desirable. Upper temperature limit shall not exceed fluid and aircraft manufacturers recommendations. CAUTIONS: Wing skin temperatures may differ and, in some cases, be lower than OAT. A stronger mix can be used under the latter conditions. As fluid freezing may occur, 50/50 Type II or IV fluid shall not be used for the anti-icing step of a cold-soaked wing as indicated by frost or ice on the lower surface of the wing in the area of the fuel tank. An insufficient amount of anti-icing fluid, especially in the second step of a two-step procedure, may cause a substantial loss of holdover time, particularly when using a Type I fluid mixture for the first step (deicing). Effective: October 1, 2003 Table 6. List of Qualified (1) Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids – Winter Qualified Type I Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name Aviation Xi’an High-TechKHF-1 Beijing Wangye Aviation Chem. Prod. Co. KLA-1 Battelle Memorial InstituteD Deicing Fluid ClariantSafewing MPI 1938 ECO ClariantSafewing MPI 1938 PRE MIX ClariantSafewing MP I 1938 TF ClariantSafewing EG I 1996 Cryotech Deicing TechnologyDF Plus Cryotech Deicing TechnologyDF Plus (88) Delta PetroleumIce Away Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF Concentrate Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF 50/50 Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF XL-54 Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR PG ADF Concentrate Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR PG ADF 60/40 Home Oil Inc.SAFETEMP I PG 100 Home Oil Inc.SAFETEMP I ES InlandDuragly – P InlandDuragly – E Jarchem IndustriesJarKleer 1000 TF KilfrostKilfrost DF KilfrostKilfrost DF PLUS KilfrostKilfrost DF PLUS (80) Lyondell Chemical Worldwide, IncARCOPlus Concentrate Lyondell Chemical Worldwide, IncARCOPlus Dilute Lyondell Chemical Worldwide, IncARCOPlus Canadian Dilute Metss CorporationADF-2 Newwave Aerochemical Co. Ltd.FCY-1A Octagon Process, IncOCTAFLO EG Octagon Process, IncOCTAFLO EF Sanshin Kagaku Kogyo Co.San-Ai ADF Type 1-A SPCASPCA DE-950 Table 6. List of Qualified (1) Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids – Winter (Continued) Qualified Type II Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name ClariantSafewing MP II 1951 ClariantSafewing MP II 2025 ECO KilfrostKilfrost ABC-II PLUS KilfrostKilfrost ABC-3 KilfrostKilfrost ABC-2000 Octagon Process, IncOctagon E-Max SPCASPCA Ecowing 26 Qualified Type IV Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name ClariantSafewing MP IV 2030 ECO ClariantSafewing MP IV 1957 ClariantSafewing FOUR ClariantSafewing MP IV 2001 ClariantSafewing MP IV 2012 PROTECT Cryotech Deicing TechnologyKilfrost ABC-S Kilfrost LimitedKilfrost ABC-S Octagon Oct Ely-Chemical - Octagon Process, Inc. Max Flight SPCASPCA AD-480 Union Carb Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF/AAF ULTRA+ (1) NOTE: Qualified implies that the fluid has met the requirements of the applicable SAE AMS performance specifications, as conducted by the Anti-Icing Materials International Laboratory at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada, in effect at the time of certification. Web site: It also implies that the fluid has completed HOT testing. Fluids that successfully qualify after the issuance of this list will appear in a later update. Time of Day Temp. Visibility (Statute Mile) ( C)( F) 2 1/2 21 1/213/41/2 1/4 Day colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Very Light Light Moderate Heavy Snow fall Inten sity warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy Night colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light ModerateHeavy NOTE: Based upon technical report, “The Estimation of Snowfall Rate Using Visibility,” Rasmussen, et al., Journal of Applied Meteorology, October 1999 and additional in situ data. HEAVY = Caution - no holdover time guidelines exist
Modified Visibility Criteria for Snow Intensity Based on Temperature and Day or Night FAA TYPE I HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINE Table 1. FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAE Type I Fluid Mixture as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. Outside Air Temperature ( OAT) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) CC FF Active Frost Freezing Fog Very Light Snow Light Snow Moderate Snow **Freezing Drizzle Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ -3 and above 27 and above 0:45 0:11 - 0:17 0:18-0:220:11 - 0:180:06 - 0:110:09 - 0:13 0:02 - 0:05 0:02 - 0:05* CAUTIO N: No holdover time guideline s exist below -3 to –6 below 27 to 21 0:45 0:08 - 0:13 0:14-0:170:08 - 0:140:05 - 0:080:05 - 0:09 0:02 - 0:05 CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation below -6 to –10 below 21 to 14 0:45 0:06 - 0:10 0:11-0:130:06 - 0:110:04 - 0:060:04 - 0:07 0:02 - 0:05 below -10 below 14 0:45 0:05 - 0:09 0:07-0:080:04 - 0:070:02 - 0:04 Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 1B. SNOWFALL INTENSITIES AS A FUNCTION OF PREVAILING VISIBILITY. FOR TYPE I HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINES Time of Day Temp.Visibility (Statute Mile) ( C)( F) 2 1/2 21 1/213/41/2 1/4 Day colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Very Light Light Moderate Heav y Sno wfall Inten sity warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy Night colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light ModerateHeavy NOTE: Based upon technical report, “The Estimation of Snowfall Rate Using Visibility,” Rasmussen, et al., Journal of Applied Meteorology, October 1999 and additional in situ data. HEAVY = Caution - no holdover time guidelines exist °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAE TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2A - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for KILFROST ABC-II PLUS Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 3,600cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle LV2, 250ml beaker, 150ml fluid, 10 min. grd. leg. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:10-2:250:35-1:200:35-1:100:30-0:400:05-1:00CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:10-2:250:35-1:100:30-1:000:20-0:400:05-0:50 50/50 4:000:15-0:450:20-0:400:05-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:10-2:250:25-0:550:35-1:100:30-0:40 75/25 5:001:10-2:250:25-0:500:30-1:000:20-0:40 50/50 3:000:15-0:450:15-0:350:05-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:30-1:050:15-0:35**0:15-0:45**0:10-0:30 75/25 5:000:20-0:550:15-0:35**0:15-0:30**0:10-0:20 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:15-0:200:15-0:30 below -25below /0 Kilfrost ABC-II PLUS Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when Kilfrost ABC-II PLUS Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. KILFROST ABC-II PLUS TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2B - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for KILFROST ABC-2000 Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 2,350 cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle LV2, 250ml beaker, 150ml fluid, 10 min. grd. leg. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:30-3:050:40-1:150:55-1:350:40-0:500:15-1:10CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:40-3:300:40-1:150:45-1:150:40-0:500:15-1:40 50/50 4:001:00-2:100:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:30-3:050:30-1:000:55-1:350:40-0:50 75/25 5:001:40-3:300:30-1:050:45-1:150:40-0:50 50/50 3:001:00-2:100:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:35-1:250:25-0:45**0:25-0:50**0:10-0:30 75/25 5:000:35-1:150:25-0:50**0:25-0:55**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:20-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 Kilfrost ABC-2000 Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when Kilfrost ABC-2000 Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. KILFROST ABC-2000 TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2C - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for Octagon E-MAX II Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 13,520 cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle LV1, 600 ml beaker, 500 ml fluid, 33 min 20 sec, grd. leg CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:002:05-3:450:45-1:300:45-1:350:30-0:400:15-1:30CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:25-2:500:30-1:000:40-1:100:20-0:300:10-1:05 50/50 4:000:30-0:550:15-0:30 0:10-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:002:05-3:450:40-1:200:45-1:350:30-0:40 75/25 5:001:25-2:500:25-0:550:40-1:100:20-0:30 50/50 3:000:30-0:550:10-0:250:15-0:300:10-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:50-1:450:35-1:10**0:35-1:00**0:20-0:30 75/25 5:000:30-1:200:25-0:50**0:35-1:05**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:20-0:350:15-0:30 below -25below /0 Octagon E-MAX II Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when Octagon E-MAX II Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. OCTAGON E-MAX II TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2D – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SPCA ECOWING 26 Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% fluid Tested 4,900cp, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 30 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:25-2:350:40-1:050:50-1:350:40-0:500:20-1:25CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:05-1:550:30-0:500:45-1:050:25-0:350:10-1:00 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:25-2:350:40-1:000:50-1:350:40-0:50 75/25 5:001:05-1:550:25-0:450:45-1:050:25-0:35 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:45-2:150:35-0:55**0:30-1:10**0:15-0:35 75/25 5:000:35-1:150:25-0:40**0:20-0:50**0:15-0:25 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:25-0:450:30-0:50 below -25below /0 SPCA ECOWING 26 Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SPCA ECOWING 26 Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA ECOWING 26 TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2E – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAFEWING MP II 2025 Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% fluid Tested 5,500mPa.s, 20 o C, 0.3 rpm, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:30-2:050:45-1:200:40-1:000:25-0:350:10-1:15CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:000:55-1:450:25-0:45 0:20-0:250:05-0:50 50/50 4:000:20-0:350:10-0:200:10-0:150:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:30-2:050:40-1:100:40-1:000:25-0:35 75/25 5:000:55-1:450:25-0:45 0:20-0:25 50/50 3:000:20-0:350:05-0:150:10-0:150:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:45-1:500:35-1:00**0:35-1:05**0:20-0:35 75/25 5:000:40-1:200:25-0:45**0:30-0:40**0:15-0:25 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:25-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 SAFEWING MPII 2025 ECO Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MPII 2025 Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA ECOWING 26 TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 FAA TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINE TABLE 4 - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAE Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /018:001:05-2:150:35-1:050:40-1:100:25-0:400:10-0:50CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/256:001:05-1:450:30-1:050:35-0:500:15-0:300:05-0:35 50/504:000:15-0:350:05-0:200:10-0:200:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to 27100/012:001:05-2:150:30-0:550:40-1:100:25-0:40 75/255:001:05-1:450:25-0:500:35-0:500:15-0:30 50/503:000:15-0:350:05-0:150:10-0:200:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7 100/012:000:20-1:200:20-0:40**0:20- 0:45 **0:10-0:25 75/255:000:25-0:500:20-0:35**0:15- 0:30 **0:10-0:20 below -14 to - 25 below 7 to /012:000:15-0:400:15-0:30 below - 25 below /0SAE Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C(13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAE Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAE TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4A - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for UCAR ULTRA+ Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 36,000cP, 0 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-31/13R, 10ml fluid, 10 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:35-3:350:40-1:250:45-1:350:25-0:400:10-1:20CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 50/50 CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:35-3:350:35-1:150:45-1:350:25-0:40 75/25 50/50 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:001:25-3:000:25-0:55**0:45-1:25**0:30-0:45 75/25 below -14 to -24 below 7 to /0 12:000:40-2:100:20-0:45 below -24below /0 UCAR ULTRA+ Type IV fluid may be used below –24 °C (-12 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when UCAR ULTRA+ Type IV fluid cannot be used. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:002:35-4:001:10-2:001:20-1:501:00-1:250:20-1:15CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:05-1:450:30-1:050:45-1:100:35-0:500:10-0:50 50/50 4:000:20-0:350:05-0:200:15-0:200:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:002:35-4:001:00-1:401:20-1:501:00-1:25 75/25 5:001:05-1:450:30-0:550:45-1:100:35-0:50 50/50 3:000:20-0:350:05-0:150:15-0:200:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-2:050:45-1:20**0:20-1:00**0:10-0:30 75/25 5:000:25-1:000:25-0:50**0:20-1:10**0:10-0:35 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:400:40-1:10 below -25below /0 KILFROST ABC-S Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when KILFROST ABC-S Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. KILFROST ABC-S TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4D - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAFEWING MP IV 1957 Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 16,200cP, 20o, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:05-2:150:35-1:050:40-1:100:30-0:450:15-1:10CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:10-2:100:35-1:05 0:25-0:400:10-1:00 50/50 4:000:25-0:500:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:05-2:150:30-0:550:40-1:100:30-0:45 75/25 5:001:10-2:100:30-0:500:35-1:050:25-0:40 50/50 3:000:25-0:500:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-1:300:30-0:50**0:35-0:55**0:20-0:35 75/25 5:000:25-1:100:20-0:40**0:25-0:55**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:25-0:400:25-0:45 below -25below /0 SAFEWING MP IV 1957 Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MP IV 1957 Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAFEWING MP IV 1957 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4E – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAFEWING MP IV 2001 Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 18,000cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:20-3:201:55-2:000:55-1:550:40-1:000:15-2:00CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:20-2:000:50-1:250:35-1:100:25-0:350:10-1:25 50/50 4:000:15-0:400:10-0:20 0:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:20-3:201:00-1:550:55-1:550:40-1:00 75/25 5:001:20-2:000:35-1:000:35-1:100:25-0:35 50/50 3:000:15-0:400:10-0:20 0:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-1:350:30-0:50**0:55-1:35**0:30-0:45 75/25 5:000:30-1:000:20-0:35**0:40-1:10**0:20-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:450:20-0:35 below -25below /0 SAFEWING MP IV 2001 Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MP IV 2001 Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAFEWING MP IV 2001 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4F – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for CLARIANT SAFEWING MPIV 2012 PROTECT Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% fluid Tested 7,800cp, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:15-2:301:10-2:000:40-1:100:25-0:450:10-1:05CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:10-2:050:35-1:100:35-0:500:15-0:300:05-0:40 50/50 4:000:25-0:450:15-0:250:15-0:200:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:15-2:300:40-1:150:40-1:100:25-0:45 75/25 5:001:10-2:050:25-0:550:35-0:500:15-0:30 50/50 3:000:25-0:450:15-0:250:15-0:200:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-1:450:20-0:40**0:25-0:45**0:15-0:25 75/25 5:000:25-1:050:20-0:40**0:15-0:30**0:10-0:20 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV 2012 PROTECT TYPE IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV 2012 PROTECT TYPE IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV 2012 PROTECT TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4G - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for CLARIANT SAFEWING FOUR Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 6,400cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:50-2:450:45-1:451:05-1:450:50-1:050:10-1:20CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:45-2:250:40-1:250:50-1:300:30-0:450:15-1:25 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:15-0:25 0:10-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:50-2:450:35-1:201:05-1:450:50-1:05 75/25 5:001:45-2:250:30-1:050:50-1:300:30-0:45 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:10-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:30-1:300:25-0:55**0:25-1:05**0:15-0:30 75/25 5:000:30-1:050:20-0:45**0:20-0:50**0:15-0:25 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:45 below -25below /0 CLARIANT SAFEWING FOUR Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when CLARIANT SAFEWING FOUR Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAFEWING FOUR TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4H - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for CLARIANT SAFEWING MPIV 2030 ECO Type IV as a function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 10,500 mPa.s, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:55-3:200:50-1:350:55-2:000:40-0:500:15-1:40CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:15-2:050:35-1:050:40-1:050:25-0:350:10-1:10 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:15-0:25 0:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:55-3:200:50-1:300:55-2:000:40-0:50 75/25 5:001:15-2:050:35-1:050:40-1:050:25-0:35 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:15-0:25 0:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:50-2:000:45-1:25**0:30-1:10**0:20-0:35 75/25 5:000:40-1:300:35-1:05**0:35-1:20**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:25-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 CLARIANT SAFEWING MPIV 2030 ECO Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MPIV 2030 ECO Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA AD-480 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4I - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SPCA AD-480 Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 15,200cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 30 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:002:00-3:300:55-1:500:50-1:300:35-0:550:15-1:35CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:30-2:450:40-1:200:50-1:150:30-0:450:10-1:15 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:002:00-3:300:40-1:200:50-1:300:35-0:55 75/25 5:001:30-2:450:30-1:050:50-1:150:30-0:45 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:20-1:200:30-0:55**0:25-1:20**0:15-0:30 75/25 5:000:25-0:500:20-0:45**0:25-1:05**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:15-0:400:25-0:40 below -25below /0 SPCA AD-480 Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SPCA AD-480 Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA AD-480 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 5 - FAA Guidelines for the Application of SAE Type II and Type IV Fluid Mixtures. Minimum Concentrations as a Function of Outside Air Temperature (OAT). Concentrations in % V/V OATOne-step Procedure Deicing/Anti-icing Two-step Procedure First step: DeicingSecond step: Anti-icing 1 -3 C (27 F) and above 50/50 Heated 2 Type II/IV Water heated or a heated mix of Type I, II or IV with water 50/50 Type II/IV Below –3 C (27 F) to –14 C (7 F) 75/25 Heated 2 Type II/IV Heated suitable mix of Type I, Type II/IV, and water with FP not more than 3 C (5 F) above actual OAT 75/25 Type II/IV Below –14 C (7 F) to –25 C (-13 F) 100/0 Heated 2 Type II/IV Heated suitable mix of Type I, Type II/IV, and water with FP not more than 3 C (5 F) above actual OAT 100/0 Type II/IV Below –25 C (-13 F)SAE Type II/IV fluid may be used below –25 C (-13 F) provided that the freezing point of the fluid is at least a 7 C (13 F) below OAT and that aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider the use of SAE Type I when Type II/IV fluid cannot be used (see Table 1). 1) To be applied before first step fluid freezes, typically within 3 minutes. 2) Clean aircraft may be anti-iced with unheated fluid. NOTE: For heated fluids, a fluid temperature not less than 60 C (140 F) at the nozzle is desirable. Upper temperature limit shall not exceed fluid and aircraft manufacturers recommendations. CAUTIONS: Wing skin temperatures may differ and, in some cases, be lower than OAT. A stronger mix can be used under the latter conditions. As fluid freezing may occur, 50/50 Type II or IV fluid shall not be used for the anti-icing step of a cold-soaked wing as indicated by frost or ice on the lower surface of the wing in the area of the fuel tank. An insufficient amount of anti-icing fluid, especially in the second step of a two-step procedure, may cause a substantial loss of holdover time, particularly when using a Type I fluid mixture for the first step (deicing). Effective: October 1, 2003 Table 6. List of Qualified (1) Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids – Winter Qualified Type I Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name Aviation Xi’an High-TechKHF-1 Beijing Wangye Aviation Chem. Prod. Co. KLA-1 Battelle Memorial InstituteD Deicing Fluid ClariantSafewing MPI 1938 ECO ClariantSafewing MPI 1938 PRE MIX ClariantSafewing MP I 1938 TF ClariantSafewing EG I 1996 Cryotech Deicing TechnologyDF Plus Cryotech Deicing TechnologyDF Plus (88) Delta PetroleumIce Away Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF Concentrate Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF 50/50 Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF XL-54 Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR PG ADF Concentrate Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR PG ADF 60/40 Home Oil Inc.SAFETEMP I PG 100 Home Oil Inc.SAFETEMP I ES InlandDuragly – P InlandDuragly – E Jarchem IndustriesJarKleer 1000 TF KilfrostKilfrost DF KilfrostKilfrost DF PLUS KilfrostKilfrost DF PLUS (80) Lyondell Chemical Worldwide, IncARCOPlus Concentrate Lyondell Chemical Worldwide, IncARCOPlus Dilute Lyondell Chemical Worldwide, IncARCOPlus Canadian Dilute Metss CorporationADF-2 Newwave Aerochemical Co. Ltd.FCY-1A Octagon Process, IncOCTAFLO EG Octagon Process, IncOCTAFLO EF Sanshin Kagaku Kogyo Co.San-Ai ADF Type 1-A SPCASPCA DE-950 Table 6. List of Qualified (1) Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids – Winter (Continued) Qualified Type II Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name ClariantSafewing MP II 1951 ClariantSafewing MP II 2025 ECO KilfrostKilfrost ABC-II PLUS KilfrostKilfrost ABC-3 KilfrostKilfrost ABC-2000 Octagon Process, IncOctagon E-Max SPCASPCA Ecowing 26 Qualified Type IV Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name ClariantSafewing MP IV 2030 ECO ClariantSafewing MP IV 1957 ClariantSafewing FOUR ClariantSafewing MP IV 2001 ClariantSafewing MP IV 2012 PROTECT Cryotech Deicing TechnologyKilfrost ABC-S Kilfrost LimitedKilfrost ABC-S Octagon Oct Ely-Chemical - Octagon Process, Inc. Max Flight SPCASPCA AD-480 Union Carb Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF/AAF ULTRA+ (1) NOTE: Qualified implies that the fluid has met the requirements of the applicable SAE AMS performance specifications, as conducted by the Anti-Icing Materials International Laboratory at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada, in effect at the time of certification. Web site: It also implies that the fluid has completed HOT testing. Fluids that successfully qualify after the issuance of this list will appear in a later update. Time of Day Temp. Visibility (Statute Mile) ( C)( F) 2 1/2 21 1/213/41/2 1/4 Day colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Very Light Light Moderate Heavy Snow fall Inten sity warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy Night colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light ModerateHeavy NOTE: Based upon technical report, “The Estimation of Snowfall Rate Using Visibility,” Rasmussen, et al., Journal of Applied Meteorology, October 1999 and additional in situ data. HEAVY = Caution - no holdover time guidelines exist
Heavy Snow B. Operators with a deicing program approved in accordance with 14 CFR part 121, section , will be allowed to take off in heavy snow conditions subject to the following restrictions: 1. The aircraft must be anti-iced with undiluted Type IV fluid. 2. The aircraft critical surfaces must be free of contaminants, or the aircraft be properly deiced prior to the application of the anti-icing fluid. 3. The operator must accomplish an approved tactile and/or visual check, as appropriate, of the aircraft critical surfaces within 5 minutes of takeoff. 4. If this check is accomplished visually from within the aircraft, the view must be such that it is not obscured by de/anti-icing fluid, dirt, or fogging. If the critical surfaces cannot be seen due to snowfall, distance from the viewing position, or inadequate lighting, or for any other reason, the check must be a visual or tactile check conducted from outside the aircraft. 5. If a definitive fluid failure determination cannot be made using the checks prescribed, takeoff is not authorized. The aircraft must be completely deiced, and if precipitation is still present, anti-iced again prior to a subsequent takeoff.
The use of the modified visibility table has resulted in heavy snow being reported much more frequently than before (~10 times more often). Since heavy snow does not have a holdover time, operations during heavy snowfall is prohibited. Last years FSAT prohibited the use of a pre-takeoff contamination check as well. This year, FSAT allows for a pre-takeoff contamination check. Pilots are starting to ignore the modified visibility table, using the direct snowfall intensities from the METAR. Heavy Snow Issue: Need liquid equivalent rate in real-time!
The liquid equivalent rate of snow, freezing rain, snow pellets, ice pellets, and freezing drizzle is the primary factor causing aircraft deicing fluids to fail. The current NWS estimates of snowfall and drizzle intensity available to pilots via METARS through ASOS and ATIS is based on visibility, not liquid equivalent. The use of a modified visibility table does not solve the problem, and in fact may make it worse! The lack of liquid equivalent and precipitation type real-time information updated every minute is having a significant impact on aircraft deicing operations and is a significant safety factor
Freezing drizzle ingest into engines can cause significant damage to fan blades (light freezing drizzle reported by METAR, heavy freezing drizzle actually occuring, J. Aircraft paper just published, Rasmussen et al.)
Precipitation Type sensor (Vaisala PWD-22) EPI sensor Freezing Rain sensor (Goodrich) Hotplate (Yankee) Weighing Snowgauge (GEONOR) All Precip Checktime System Holdover Time determination Checktime determination
ASOS Winter Issues 1. Enhanced Precipitation Indicator - Will Enable freezing drizzle detection and rate, ice pellet detection and rate and snow pellet detection, hail detection. - Demonstration test at limited # of sites (focused on hail and ice pellet detection) this winter. - FAA needs to commit to fund in order for this sensor to be deployed (business case not compelling). NWS will not deploy without FAA funding. 2. Liquid Equivalent based snowfall rate still not implemented! - National Weather Service has proposed to implement at sites with liquid equivalent gauges, but FAA has not accepted.
Future of Winter Weather Research Related to these issues Planned FY07 Activities that will not occur: 1. Demonstration of All Weather Check Time system at Pittsburgh 2. Active frost detection and forecast hour snow forecast
Freezing drizzle Light Snow Ice Pellets
Need for METAR to report liquid equivalent rates instead of intensities based on visibility The following proposal was made to the FAA in the summer of The current visibility based definition of light, moderate and heavy snow is inadequate for aircraft deicing purposes because it doesn’t give a reliable indication of the liquid equivalent rate of snowfall. The liquid equivalent rate is the primary factor causing deicing fluids to fail, and is critical to know in order to determine the correct holdover time for the conditions. 2.Need the FAA to make it a requirement to use the following definition of snowfall intensity operationally: Light: Less than or equal to 10 g/d 2 /hr Moderate: Between 10 and 25 g/d 2 /hr Heavy: Greater than or equal to 25 g/d 2 /hr and to report these conditions operationally every 1 minute.
Result: Meetings with the Office of the Federal Coordinator of Meteorology All agencies agree in principal to this change. The National Weather Service proposed a new criteria to determine light, moderate, heavy snow at surface station sites (ASOS) that have liquid equivalent gauges. The installation of the new OTT liquid equivalent gauge at all NWS ASOS sites could provide liquid equivalent rates at all major airports impacted by winter weather. The FAA, however, has subsequently objected to this definition, so no changes have been made.
PRECIPITATION RATE ANALYSIS NATURAL SNOW - ABOVE 0ºC Shows that most of heavy snow occurs at rates < 50g/dm 2 /h Heavy snow
METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS Regression analysis that provides a power law relationship is used for each fluid and each dilution for each weather condition
Heavy snow
16 DECEMBER Z Reported Temperature, Precipitation: -8.0°C, Snow Snow intensity based on reported METAR visibility (1/2): Moderate APS Calculated rate of precipitation: 74.3 g/dm 2 /h Snow intensity based on rate: Heavy HOLDOVER TIME TABLES (MODERATE) Type IV: 25 to 55 Type I: 4 to 6 ACTUAL HOLDOVER TIME BASED ON RATE Type IV: +/- 10 Type I: +/- 2 ACTUAL REPORTED EVENT - YUL
At the high rates of precipitation experienced in heavy snow conditions, any deviation from an accurate assessment of the snow intensity could have detrimental effects True significance of Heavy Snow Rates: 25 g/dm 2 /h is equivalent to 2.5 mm of water or 2.5 cm of snow per hour 50 g/dm 2 /h is equivalent to 5 mm of water or 5 cm of snow per hour 75 g/dm 2 /h is equivalent to 7.5 mm of water or 7.5 cm of snow per hour AREA OF CONCERN
Objective: To gather operational information to evaluate actual flight crew de/anti-icing fluid decisions in comparison to optimal decisions based on scientific measurements November 2004 to April 2005 November 2005 to April 2006 Data for 1459 departures at YUL were collected OPERATIONAL DATA COLLECTION
Heavy snow conditions prevailed at YUL for nearly 8 consecutive hours 0855Z to 1640Z Rates between 29 g/dm 2 /h and 113 g/dm 2 /h Data for 33 departures at YUL were collected DECEMBER 16, 2005
Time (GMT) DECEMBER 16, 2005 Heavy snow
16 DECEMBER 2005 Narrowbody METAR Temperature, Precipitation: -6.0°C, +Snow METAR Visibility: 1/8 SM Calculated rate of precipitation: 50.2 g/dm 2 /h Fluid treatment: Type IV Current holdover time table range (MS): 25 to 55 minutes Aircraft heldover time: 45 minutes HOLDOVER TIME BASED ON RATE Type IV: 15 minutes EXAMPLE – EXCEEDED HOLDOVER TIME
16 DECEMBER 2005 Narrowbody METAR Temperature, Precipitation: -7.0°C, Snow BLSN METAR Visibility: 1/2 SM Calculated rate of precipitation: 77.1 g/dm 2 /h Fluid treatment: Type IV Current holdover time table range (MS): 25 to 55 minutes Aircraft heldover time: 20 minutes HOLDOVER TIME BASED ON RATE Type IV: 10 minutes EXAMPLE – EXCEEDED HOLDOVER TIME
Calculated rate of precipitation: 77.1 g/dm 2 /h Aircraft heldover time: 20 minutes HOLDOVER TIME BASED ON RATE: 10 minutes Typical Stabilized Type IV Fluid Film Thickness: 1 to 2 mm Snowfall during heldover time of aircraft: 2.57 mm LWC UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM
Ice Pellets “A type of precipitation consisting of transparent or translucent pellets of ice, 5 mm or less in diameter. They may be spherical, irregular, or (rarely) conical in shape. Ice pellets usually bounce when hitting hard ground and make a sound upon impact.” AMS Glossary of Meteorology Ice pellets are most often formed by the freezing of raindrops. As a result, size distribution of ice pellets similar to that of rain.
Ice Pellet Formation Vertical Temperature Profile: Height Temperature 0ºC If ice core remains, ice pellets form If ice core completely melts, freezing rain forms (rain super-cools to -10 ºC).
Cortinas et al Climatology of freezing rain,freezing drizzle, and ice pellets
Mean annual hours of ice pellets from 14 year climatology from 1976 – 1990 by Cortinas, Bernstein, Robbins, and Strapp (2004)
Mean ice pellet days Cortinas et al. (2004)
Surface Most ice pellets occur at temperatures warmer than 0 ºC, suggesting high likelihood of sticking to a wing!
% of Mixed Observations TABLE 1. Frequency (%) of concurrent precipitation observations. Columns may not add up to 100% since more than one type of precipitation can be reported (FZRA, freezing rain; FZDZ, freezing drizzle; PE, ice pellets; DZ, drizzle; RA, rain; SN, snow; T, thunder; none, no other precipitation type) FZRA (%) FZDZ (%) PE (%) SP(%) FZRA FZDZ PE DZ RA SN Thunder Hail Snow pellets None
IntensityCriteria LightUp to 25 g/d 2 /hr Moderate25 to 75 g/d 2 /hr HeavyGreater than 75 g/d 2 /hr Intensity of ice pellets or rain Federal Meteorological Handbook No.1 Surface Weather Observations and Reports Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research
IntensityCriteria LightScattered pellets that do not completely cover an exposed surface regardless of duration. Visibility is not affected. ModerateSlow accumulation of the ground. Visibility reduced by ice pellets to less than 7 statute miles HeavyRapid accumulation on ground. Visibility reduced by ice pellets to less than 3 statute miles Estimating Intensity of ice pellets (typically used by observers since ASOS does not automatically sense ice pellet type or rate) Federal Meteorological Handbook No.1 Surface Weather Observations and Reports Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research
Ice pellet rates estimated by visibility need to be verified! Example: Ice pellet event occurred at Montreal, Dorval airport on January 18, 2006 (last week) from 0128 to 0200 UTC Estimated intensity: Light Estimate visibility: statute miles Actual mass accumulation: 50 g/d 2 /hr (measured in a pan by APS Aviation) Actual intensity based on this rate: Moderate Thus, the actual rate was likely twice the estimated rate by visiblity! (light by visibility, moderate by rate) Possible cause for this descrepancy: Difference in visibility between day and night. Event occurred at night, when the visibility is twice as high, thus the mile visibility should actually have been 5-7 miles, which is moderate intensity.
Overall Summary Ice pellet weather events occur during warm fronts due to partial snow melting and re-freezing in a cold layer below a warm nose Ice pellet even duration is usually 0 C. This suggests that ice pellets are highly likely to adhere to a wing surface. Ice pellet intensity is usually done by an observer using visibility as a criteria for rate. Ice pellet case from Montreal last week suggests that ice pellet rates may be under estimated using visibility, thus a careful evaluation of the technique to estimate ice pellet rate needs to be done.
Particles with Bulges – 250 cases 1 mm Source: Takahashi (1975) 1 mm
Summary The images of 1023 particles were analyzed from a 4 hour ice pellet event: Average size of 1 mm. At most 15% of the particles were spherical. Most ice pellets were bulged, fractured, irregular or had spicules. Approximately 9% of the particles were aggregates with between 2 and 5 components.
Overall Summary Ice pellet weather events occur during warm fronts due to partial snow melting and re-freezing in a cold layer below a warm nose Ice pellet even duration is usually 0 C. This suggests that ice pellets are highly likely to adhere to a wing surface. Ice pellet intensity is usually done by an observer using visibility as a criteria for rate. Ice pellet case from Montreal last week suggests that ice pellet rates may be under estimated using visibility, thus a careful evaluation of the technique to estimate ice pellet rate needs to be done.
Concluding Remarks Some preliminary points can be made in terms of the formation of ice pellets during this event: Many appear to be formed by freezing from the outside in. Some particles join to form aggregates, others do not at the same time. Variety of shapes and formation mechanisms present simultaneously at the surface.
Visibility Based Snowfall Chart Modified Visibility Criteria for Snow Intensity Based on Temperature Day or Night FAA TYPE I HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINE Table 1. FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAE Type I Fluid Mixture as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. Outside Air Temperature ( OAT) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) CC FF Active Frost Freezing Fog Very Light Snow Light Snow Moderate Snow **Freezing Drizzle Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ -3 and above 27 and above 0:45 0:11 - 0:17 0:18-0:220:11 - 0:180:06 - 0:110:09 - 0:13 0:02 - 0:05 0:02 - 0:05* CAUTIO N: No holdover time guideline s exist below -3 to –6 below 27 to 21 0:45 0:08 - 0:13 0:14-0:170:08 - 0:140:05 - 0:080:05 - 0:09 0:02 - 0:05 CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation below -6 to –10 below 21 to 14 0:45 0:06 - 0:10 0:11-0:130:06 - 0:110:04 - 0:060:04 - 0:07 0:02 - 0:05 below -10 below 14 0:45 0:05 - 0:09 0:07-0:080:04 - 0:070:02 - 0:04 Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 1B. SNOWFALL INTENSITIES AS A FUNCTION OF PREVAILING VISIBILITY. FOR TYPE I HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINES Time of Day Temp.Visibility (Statute Mile) ( C)( F) 2 1/2 21 1/213/41/2 1/4 Day colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Very Light Light Moderate Heav y Sno wfall Inten sity warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy Night colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light ModerateHeavy NOTE: Based upon technical report, “The Estimation of Snowfall Rate Using Visibility,” Rasmussen, et al., Journal of Applied Meteorology, October 1999 and additional in situ data. HEAVY = Caution - no holdover time guidelines exist Table 6. List of Qualified (1) Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids – Winter (Continued) Qualified Type II Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name ClariantSafewing MP II 1951 ClariantSafewing MP II 2025 ECO KilfrostKilfrost ABC-II PLUS KilfrostKilfrost ABC-3 KilfrostKilfrost ABC-2000 Octagon Process, IncOctagon E-Max SPCASPCA Ecowing 26 Qualified Type IV Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name ClariantSafewing MP IV 2030 ECO ClariantSafewing MP IV 1957 ClariantSafewing FOUR ClariantSafewing MP IV 2001 ClariantSafewing MP IV 2012 PROTECT Cryotech Deicing TechnologyKilfrost ABC-S Kilfrost LimitedKilfrost ABC-S Octagon Oct Ely-Chemical - Octagon Process, Inc. Max Flight SPCASPCA AD-480 Union Carb Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF/AAF ULTRA+ (1) NOTE: Qualified implies that the fluid has met the requirements of the applicable SAE AMS performance specifications, as conducted by the Anti-Icing Materials International Laboratory at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada, in effect at the time of certification. Web site: It also implies that the fluid has completed HOT testing. Fluids that successfully qualify after the issuance of this list will appear in a later update.
FAA TYPE I HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINE Table 1. FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAE Type I Fluid Mixture as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. FAA TYPE I HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINE Table 1. FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAE Type I Fluid Mixture as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. Outside Air Temperature ( OAT) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) CC FF Active Frost Freezing Fog Very Light Snow Light Snow Moderate Snow **Freezing Drizzle Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ -3 and above 27 and above 0:45 0:11 - 0:17 0:18-0:220:11 - 0:180:06 - 0:110:09 - 0:13 0:02 - 0:05 0:02 - 0:05* CAUTIO N: No holdover time guideline s exist below -3 to –6 below 27 to 21 0:45 0:08 - 0:13 0:14-0:170:08 - 0:140:05 - 0:080:05 - 0:09 0:02 - 0:05 CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation below -6 to –10 below 21 to 14 0:45 0:06 - 0:10 0:11-0:130:06 - 0:110:04 - 0:060:04 - 0:07 0:02 - 0:05 below -10 below 14 0:45 0:05 - 0:09 0:07-0:080:04 - 0:070:02 - 0:04 Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 1B. SNOWFALL INTENSITIES AS A FUNCTION OF PREVAILING VISIBILITY. FOR TYPE I HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINES Time of Day Temp.Visibility (Statute Mile) ( C)( F) 2 1/2 21 1/213/41/2 1/4 Day colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Very Light Light Moderate Heav y Sno wfall Inten sity warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy Night colder/equal colder/equal 30 Very Light Moderate Heavy warmer than warmer than 30 Very Light ModerateHeavy NOTE: Based upon technical report, “The Estimation of Snowfall Rate Using Visibility,” Rasmussen, et al., Journal of Applied Meteorology, October 1999 and additional in situ data. HEAVY = Caution - no holdover time guidelines exist °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAE TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2A - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for KILFROST ABC-II PLUS Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 3,600cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle LV2, 250ml beaker, 150ml fluid, 10 min. grd. leg. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:10-2:250:35-1:200:35-1:100:30-0:400:05-1:00CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:10-2:250:35-1:100:30-1:000:20-0:400:05-0:50 50/50 4:000:15-0:450:20-0:400:05-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:10-2:250:25-0:550:35-1:100:30-0:40 75/25 5:001:10-2:250:25-0:500:30-1:000:20-0:40 50/50 3:000:15-0:450:15-0:350:05-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:30-1:050:15-0:35**0:15-0:45**0:10-0:30 75/25 5:000:20-0:550:15-0:35**0:15-0:30**0:10-0:20 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:15-0:200:15-0:30 below -25below /0 Kilfrost ABC-II PLUS Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when Kilfrost ABC-II PLUS Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. KILFROST ABC-II PLUS TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2B - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for KILFROST ABC-2000 Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 2,350 cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle LV2, 250ml beaker, 150ml fluid, 10 min. grd. leg. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:30-3:050:40-1:150:55-1:350:40-0:500:15-1:10CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:40-3:300:40-1:150:45-1:150:40-0:500:15-1:40 50/50 4:001:00-2:100:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:30-3:050:30-1:000:55-1:350:40-0:50 75/25 5:001:40-3:300:30-1:050:45-1:150:40-0:50 50/50 3:001:00-2:100:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:35-1:250:25-0:45**0:25-0:50**0:10-0:30 75/25 5:000:35-1:150:25-0:50**0:25-0:55**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:20-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 Kilfrost ABC-2000 Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when Kilfrost ABC-2000 Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. KILFROST ABC-2000 TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2C - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for Octagon E-MAX II Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 13,520 cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle LV1, 600 ml beaker, 500 ml fluid, 33 min 20 sec, grd. leg CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:002:05-3:450:45-1:300:45-1:350:30-0:400:15-1:30CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:25-2:500:30-1:000:40-1:100:20-0:300:10-1:05 50/50 4:000:30-0:550:15-0:30 0:10-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:002:05-3:450:40-1:200:45-1:350:30-0:40 75/25 5:001:25-2:500:25-0:550:40-1:100:20-0:30 50/50 3:000:30-0:550:10-0:250:15-0:300:10-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:50-1:450:35-1:10**0:35-1:00**0:20-0:30 75/25 5:000:30-1:200:25-0:50**0:35-1:05**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:20-0:350:15-0:30 below -25below /0 Octagon E-MAX II Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when Octagon E-MAX II Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. OCTAGON E-MAX II TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2D – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SPCA ECOWING 26 Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% fluid Tested 4,900cp, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 30 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:25-2:350:40-1:050:50-1:350:40-0:500:20-1:25CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:05-1:550:30-0:500:45-1:050:25-0:350:10-1:00 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:25-2:350:40-1:000:50-1:350:40-0:50 75/25 5:001:05-1:550:25-0:450:45-1:050:25-0:35 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:45-2:150:35-0:55**0:30-1:10**0:15-0:35 75/25 5:000:35-1:150:25-0:40**0:20-0:50**0:15-0:25 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:25-0:450:30-0:50 below -25below /0 SPCA ECOWING 26 Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SPCA ECOWING 26 Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA ECOWING 26 TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 2E – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAFEWING MP II 2025 Type II Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% fluid Tested 5,500mPa.s, 20 o C, 0.3 rpm, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type II Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 12:001:30-2:050:45-1:200:40-1:000:25-0:350:10-1:15CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:000:55-1:450:25-0:45 0:20-0:250:05-0:50 50/50 4:000:20-0:350:10-0:200:10-0:150:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 8:001:30-2:050:40-1:100:40-1:000:25-0:35 75/25 5:000:55-1:450:25-0:45 0:20-0:25 50/50 3:000:20-0:350:05-0:150:10-0:150:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 8:000:45-1:500:35-1:00**0:35-1:05**0:20-0:35 75/25 5:000:40-1:200:25-0:45**0:30-0:40**0:15-0:25 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 8:000:25-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 SAFEWING MPII 2025 ECO Type II fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MPII 2025 Type II fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA ECOWING 26 TYPE II FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 FAA TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINE TABLE 4 - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAE Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /018:001:05-2:150:35-1:050:40-1:100:25-0:400:10-0:50CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/256:001:05-1:450:30-1:050:35-0:500:15-0:300:05-0:35 50/504:000:15-0:350:05-0:200:10-0:200:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to 27100/012:001:05-2:150:30-0:550:40-1:100:25-0:40 75/255:001:05-1:450:25-0:500:35-0:500:15-0:30 50/503:000:15-0:350:05-0:150:10-0:200:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7 100/012:000:20-1:200:20-0:40**0:20- 0:45 **0:10-0:25 75/255:000:25-0:500:20-0:35**0:15- 0:30 **0:10-0:20 below -14 to - 25 below 7 to /012:000:15-0:400:15-0:30 below - 25 below /0SAE Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C(13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAE Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAE TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4A - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for UCAR ULTRA+ Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 36,000cP, 0 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-31/13R, 10ml fluid, 10 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:35-3:350:40-1:250:45-1:350:25-0:400:10-1:20CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 50/50 CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:35-3:350:35-1:150:45-1:350:25-0:40 75/25 50/50 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:001:25-3:000:25-0:55**0:45-1:25**0:30-0:45 75/25 below -14 to -24 below 7 to /0 12:000:40-2:100:20-0:45 below -24below /0 UCAR ULTRA+ Type IV fluid may be used below –24 °C (-12 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when UCAR ULTRA+ Type IV fluid cannot be used. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:002:35-4:001:10-2:001:20-1:501:00-1:250:20-1:15CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:05-1:450:30-1:050:45-1:100:35-0:500:10-0:50 50/50 4:000:20-0:350:05-0:200:15-0:200:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:002:35-4:001:00-1:401:20-1:501:00-1:25 75/25 5:001:05-1:450:30-0:550:45-1:100:35-0:50 50/50 3:000:20-0:350:05-0:150:15-0:200:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-2:050:45-1:20**0:20-1:00**0:10-0:30 75/25 5:000:25-1:000:25-0:50**0:20-1:10**0:10-0:35 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:400:40-1:10 below -25below /0 KILFROST ABC-S Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when KILFROST ABC-S Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. KILFROST ABC-S TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4D - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAFEWING MP IV 1957 Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 16,200cP, 20o, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:05-2:150:35-1:050:40-1:100:30-0:450:15-1:10CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:10-2:100:35-1:05 0:25-0:400:10-1:00 50/50 4:000:25-0:500:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:05-2:150:30-0:550:40-1:100:30-0:45 75/25 5:001:10-2:100:30-0:500:35-1:050:25-0:40 50/50 3:000:25-0:500:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-1:300:30-0:50**0:35-0:55**0:20-0:35 75/25 5:000:25-1:100:20-0:40**0:25-0:55**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:25-0:400:25-0:45 below -25below /0 SAFEWING MP IV 1957 Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MP IV 1957 Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAFEWING MP IV 1957 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4E – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SAFEWING MP IV 2001 Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 18,000cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:20-3:201:55-2:000:55-1:550:40-1:000:15-2:00CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:20-2:000:50-1:250:35-1:100:25-0:350:10-1:25 50/50 4:000:15-0:400:10-0:20 0:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:20-3:201:00-1:550:55-1:550:40-1:00 75/25 5:001:20-2:000:35-1:000:35-1:100:25-0:35 50/50 3:000:15-0:400:10-0:20 0:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-1:350:30-0:50**0:55-1:35**0:30-0:45 75/25 5:000:30-1:000:20-0:35**0:40-1:10**0:20-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:450:20-0:35 below -25below /0 SAFEWING MP IV 2001 Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MP IV 2001 Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAFEWING MP IV 2001 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4F – FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for CLARIANT SAFEWING MPIV 2012 PROTECT Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% fluid Tested 7,800cp, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:15-2:301:10-2:000:40-1:100:25-0:450:10-1:05CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:10-2:050:35-1:100:35-0:500:15-0:300:05-0:40 50/50 4:000:25-0:450:15-0:250:15-0:200:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:15-2:300:40-1:150:40-1:100:25-0:45 75/25 5:001:10-2:050:25-0:550:35-0:500:15-0:30 50/50 3:000:25-0:450:15-0:250:15-0:200:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:45-1:450:20-0:40**0:25-0:45**0:15-0:25 75/25 5:000:25-1:050:20-0:40**0:15-0:30**0:10-0:20 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV 2012 PROTECT TYPE IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV 2012 PROTECT TYPE IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV 2012 PROTECT TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4G - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for CLARIANT SAFEWING FOUR Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 6,400cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:50-2:450:45-1:451:05-1:450:50-1:050:10-1:20CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:45-2:250:40-1:250:50-1:300:30-0:450:15-1:25 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:15-0:25 0:10-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:50-2:450:35-1:201:05-1:450:50-1:05 75/25 5:001:45-2:250:30-1:050:50-1:300:30-0:45 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:10-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:30-1:300:25-0:55**0:25-1:05**0:15-0:30 75/25 5:000:30-1:050:20-0:45**0:20-0:50**0:15-0:25 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:20-0:45 below -25below /0 CLARIANT SAFEWING FOUR Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when CLARIANT SAFEWING FOUR Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SAFEWING FOUR TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4H - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for CLARIANT SAFEWING MPIV 2030 ECO Type IV as a function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 10,500 mPa.s, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 15 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:001:55-3:200:50-1:350:55-2:000:40-0:500:15-1:40CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:15-2:050:35-1:050:40-1:050:25-0:350:10-1:10 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:15-0:25 0:05-0:10CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:001:55-3:200:50-1:300:55-2:000:40-0:50 75/25 5:001:15-2:050:35-1:050:40-1:050:25-0:35 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:15-0:25 0:05-0:10 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:50-2:000:45-1:25**0:30-1:10**0:20-0:35 75/25 5:000:40-1:300:35-1:05**0:35-1:20**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:25-0:450:15-0:30 below -25below /0 CLARIANT SAFEWING MPIV 2030 ECO Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SAFEWING MPIV 2030 ECO Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA AD-480 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 4I - FAA Guideline for Holdover Times Anticipated for SPCA AD-480 Type IV Fluid Mixtures as a Function of Weather Conditions and OAT – Viscosity of Neat 100% Fluid Tested 15,200cP, 20 o C, 0.3 RPM, Spindle SC4-34/13R, 10ml fluid, 30 min. CAUTION: THIS TABLE IS FOR DEPARTURE PLANNING ONLY AND SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRE-TAKEOFF CHECK PROCEDURES. OAT Manufacturer Specific Type IV Fluid Concentration Neat-Fluid/Water (Vol. %/Vol. %) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) °C°FFrost*Freezing Fog Snow Freezing Drizzle*** Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ above 0above /0 18:002:00-3:300:55-1:500:50-1:300:35-0:550:15-1:35CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 75/25 6:001:30-2:450:40-1:200:50-1:150:30-0:450:10-1:15 50/50 4:000:30-0:450:15-0:300:15-0:250:05-0:15CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation 0 to -332 to /0 12:002:00-3:300:40-1:200:50-1:300:35-0:55 75/25 5:001:30-2:450:30-1:050:50-1:150:30-0:45 50/50 3:000:30-0:450:10-0:200:15-0:250:05-0:15 below -3 to -14 below 27 to 7100/0 12:000:20-1:200:30-0:55**0:25-1:20**0:15-0:30 75/25 5:000:25-0:500:20-0:45**0:25-1:05**0:15-0:30 below -14 to -25 below 7 to /0 12:000:15-0:400:25-0:40 below -25below /0 SPCA AD-480 Type IV fluid may be used below –25 °C (-13 °F) provided the freezing point of the fluid is at least 7 °C (13 °F) below the OAT and the aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider use of SAE Type I when SPCA AD-480 Type IV fluid cannot be used. °C = Degrees Celsius OAT = Outside Air Temperature °F = Degrees Fahrenheit VOL = Volume THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPLICATION OF THESE DATA REMAINS WITH THE USER. * During conditions that apply to aircraft protection for ACTIVE FROST ** No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 C (14 F) *** Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible ‡ Snow pellets, ice pellets, heavy snow, moderate and heavy freezing rain, and hail Snow includes snow grains CAUTIONS: THE TIME OF PROTECTION WILL BE SHORTENED IN HEAVY WEATHER CONDITIONS. HEAVY PRECIPITATION RATES OR HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT, HIGH WIND VELOCITY, OR JET BLAST MAY REDUCE HOLDOVER TIME BELOW THE LOWEST TIME STATED IN THE RANGE. HOLDOVER TIME MAY BE REDUCED WHEN AIRCRAFT SKIN TEMPERATURE IS LOWER THAN OAT. SPCA AD-480 TYPE IV FLUID USED DURING GROUND DEICING/ANTI-ICING IS NOT INTENDED FOR AND DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION DURING FLIGHT. Effective: October 1, 2003 TABLE 5 - FAA Guidelines for the Application of SAE Type II and Type IV Fluid Mixtures. Minimum Concentrations as a Function of Outside Air Temperature (OAT). Concentrations in % V/V OATOne-step Procedure Deicing/Anti-icing Two-step Procedure First step: DeicingSecond step: Anti-icing 1 -3 C (27 F) and above 50/50 Heated 2 Type II/IV Water heated or a heated mix of Type I, II or IV with water 50/50 Type II/IV Below –3 C (27 F) to –14 C (7 F) 75/25 Heated 2 Type II/IV Heated suitable mix of Type I, Type II/IV, and water with FP not more than 3 C (5 F) above actual OAT 75/25 Type II/IV Below –14 C (7 F) to –25 C (-13 F) 100/0 Heated 2 Type II/IV Heated suitable mix of Type I, Type II/IV, and water with FP not more than 3 C (5 F) above actual OAT 100/0 Type II/IV Below –25 C (-13 F)SAE Type II/IV fluid may be used below –25 C (-13 F) provided that the freezing point of the fluid is at least a 7 C (13 F) below OAT and that aerodynamic acceptance criteria are met. Consider the use of SAE Type I when Type II/IV fluid cannot be used (see Table 1). 1) To be applied before first step fluid freezes, typically within 3 minutes. 2) Clean aircraft may be anti-iced with unheated fluid. NOTE: For heated fluids, a fluid temperature not less than 60 C (140 F) at the nozzle is desirable. Upper temperature limit shall not exceed fluid and aircraft manufacturers recommendations. CAUTIONS: Wing skin temperatures may differ and, in some cases, be lower than OAT. A stronger mix can be used under the latter conditions. As fluid freezing may occur, 50/50 Type II or IV fluid shall not be used for the anti-icing step of a cold-soaked wing as indicated by frost or ice on the lower surface of the wing in the area of the fuel tank. An insufficient amount of anti-icing fluid, especially in the second step of a two-step procedure, may cause a substantial loss of holdover time, particularly when using a Type I fluid mixture for the first step (deicing). Effective: October 1, 2003 Table 6. List of Qualified (1) Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids – Winter Qualified Type I Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name Aviation Xi’an High-TechKHF-1 Beijing Wangye Aviation Chem. Prod. Co. KLA-1 Battelle Memorial InstituteD Deicing Fluid ClariantSafewing MPI 1938 ECO ClariantSafewing MPI 1938 PRE MIX ClariantSafewing MP I 1938 TF ClariantSafewing EG I 1996 Cryotech Deicing TechnologyDF Plus Cryotech Deicing TechnologyDF Plus (88) Delta PetroleumIce Away Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF Concentrate Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF 50/50 Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF XL-54 Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR PG ADF Concentrate Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR PG ADF 60/40 Home Oil Inc.SAFETEMP I PG 100 Home Oil Inc.SAFETEMP I ES InlandDuragly – P InlandDuragly – E Jarchem IndustriesJarKleer 1000 TF KilfrostKilfrost DF KilfrostKilfrost DF PLUS KilfrostKilfrost DF PLUS (80) Lyondell Chemical Worldwide, IncARCOPlus Concentrate Lyondell Chemical Worldwide, IncARCOPlus Dilute Lyondell Chemical Worldwide, IncARCOPlus Canadian Dilute Metss CorporationADF-2 Newwave Aerochemical Co. Ltd.FCY-1A Octagon Process, IncOCTAFLO EG Octagon Process, IncOCTAFLO EF Sanshin Kagaku Kogyo Co.San-Ai ADF Type 1-A SPCASPCA DE-950 Table 6. List of Qualified (1) Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids – Winter (Continued) Qualified Type II Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name ClariantSafewing MP II 1951 ClariantSafewing MP II 2025 ECO KilfrostKilfrost ABC-II PLUS KilfrostKilfrost ABC-3 KilfrostKilfrost ABC-2000 Octagon Process, IncOctagon E-Max SPCASPCA Ecowing 26 Qualified Type IV Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids Company NameFluid Name ClariantSafewing MP IV 2030 ECO ClariantSafewing MP IV 1957 ClariantSafewing FOUR ClariantSafewing MP IV 2001 ClariantSafewing MP IV 2012 PROTECT Cryotech Deicing TechnologyKilfrost ABC-S Kilfrost LimitedKilfrost ABC-S Octagon Oct Ely-Chemical - Octagon Process, Inc. Max Flight SPCASPCA AD-480 Union Carb Dow Chemical CompanyUCAR ADF/AAF ULTRA+ (1) NOTE: Qualified implies that the fluid has met the requirements of the applicable SAE AMS performance specifications, as conducted by the Anti-Icing Materials International Laboratory at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada, in effect at the time of certification. Web site: It also implies that the fluid has completed HOT testing. Fluids that successfully qualify after the issuance of this list will appear in a later update. Outside Air Temperature ( OAT) Approximate Holdover Times Under Various Weather Conditions (hours: minutes) CC FF Active Frost Freezing Fog Very Light Snow Light Snow Moderate Snow **Freezing Drizzle Light Freezing Rain Rain on Cold Soaked Wing Other ‡ -3 and above 27 and above 0:45 0:11 - 0:17 0:18-0:22 0:11 - 0:18 0:06 - 0:110:09 - 0:13 0:02 - 0:05 0:02 - 0:05* CAUTIO N: No holdover time guideline s exist below -3 to –6 below 27 to 21 0:45 0:08 - 0:13 0:14-0:17 0:08 - 0:14 0:05 - 0:080:05 - 0:09 0:02 - 0:05 CAUTION: Clear ice may require touch for confirmation below -6 to –10 below 21 to 14 0:45 0:06 - 0:10 0:11-0:13 0:06 - 0:11 0:04 - 0:060:04 - 0:07 0:02 - 0:05 below -10 below 14 0:45 0:05 - 0:09 0:07-0:08 0:04 - 0:07 0:02 - 0:04