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Presentation transcript:

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 1 OUR CONTRIBUTION INSIDE EURISOL TASK 11 OPTIMIZATION OF IN-TARGET NUCLEI YIELDS Target parameters: material (Al 2 O 3, Pb…) density (alloy, porosity…) radius (0.9 cm to 2.55 cm) length (8 cm to 125 cm) Direct target Spallation target Nuclei of interest: NuPECC : Ar, Be, Fe, Ga, Kr, Ni, Sn Additional: Hg, Li, Mg, Ne, etc. On-line nuclei extraction Beam parameters: power particle type (p, t, He…) energy gaussian parameter Incident beam (gaussian profile)  Simulations with multiple parameters target parameters beam parameters  Simulations with multiple parameters target parameters beam parameters models and codes (MCNPX, CINDER, etc.)  Simulations with multiple parameters target parameters beam parameters models and codes (MCNPX, CINDER, etc.) many nuclei of interest  Simulations with multiple parameters target parameters beam parameters models and codes (MCNPX, CINDER, etc.) many nuclei of interest  Construction of an easy-access database for all simulated nuclei yields  Simulations with multiple parameters target parameters  Simulations with multiple parameters

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 2 APPLICATION TO DIRECT TARGETS: 183 Hg and 11 Be case INPUT PARAMETERS incident particle: proton energy: 0.5 to 2 GeV 3 targets: Pb, Ta, UCx gaussian parameter: R/3 code: MCNPX2.5 model: INCL4/ABLA contribution: n > 20 MeV  preliminary results BEST TARGET: Pb

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod Hg case (II) BEST PROTON ENERGY AT CONSTANT POWER: 1 GeV

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod Hg case (III) + 50 % + 64 % + 26 % + 11 % Nuclei extraction efficiency decreases with volume  BEST LENGTH: 18 cm?

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod Hg case (IV)

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 6 APPLICATION TO DIRECT TARGETS: 11 Be case INPUT PARAMETERS incident particle: proton 3 targets: Al 2 O 3, SiC, UCx energy: 0.5 to 2 GeV gaussian parameter: R/3 code: MCNPX2.5 model: INCL4/ABLA contribution: n > 20 MeV  preliminary results BEST TARGET: ? Si component O component Al component C component

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 7 11 Be case (II) BEST TARGET: Al 2 O 3

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 8 11 Be case (III) BEST PROTON ENERGY AT CONSTANT POWER: 1 GeV

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 9 11 Be case (IV) Nuclei extraction efficiency decreases with volume  BEST LENGTH: 75 cm?

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod Be case (V)

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 11 SUMMARY & OUTLOOK Development of a methodology for in-target yields optimization  MCNPX/CINDER simulations  progressive construction of a database for simulated nuclei yields  Implementation of simple analysis programs for a fast navigation into the database content  use of the database for target design optimization (examples of 183 Hg or 11 Be) Extension of the methodology to additional direct targets (ex: Nb) and two- staged (fission) targets  Relevance of simulation results is conditioned by the relevance of spallation models (especially for light targets) and completeness of cross section libraries  Final steps towards target design optimization will require ion extraction efficiencies

EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 12 Outlook (continued) a) we contributed already in the double stage target for 6He beam production, namely p+W-->xn+Be. This work was already reported. b) we made some preliminary calculations on an alternative production of fission fragments using solid target-converter, namely p+W  xn+UCx. One could also try to work on d+Li,Be  xn+UCx. c) we did some calculation also in the case of presently « reference » MMW target p+Hg  xn+U235, U238, and Th232 resulting in in-target fission yield distributions. We have the numbers and should report on that by the end of this year. d) Today there is a new design of the MMW target station based on MAFF concept. As our last contribution we will provide in this case different yields from p+Hg  xn + various targets (U235, U238, Th232, and BeO). This we will be able to report early next spring. S. Chabod will leave CEA Saclay on 1 October  we look for another PostDoc candidate to continue this work!