EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 1 OUR CONTRIBUTION INSIDE EURISOL TASK 11 OPTIMIZATION OF IN-TARGET NUCLEI YIELDS Target parameters: material (Al 2 O 3, Pb…) density (alloy, porosity…) radius (0.9 cm to 2.55 cm) length (8 cm to 125 cm) Direct target Spallation target Nuclei of interest: NuPECC : Ar, Be, Fe, Ga, Kr, Ni, Sn Additional: Hg, Li, Mg, Ne, etc. On-line nuclei extraction Beam parameters: power particle type (p, t, He…) energy gaussian parameter Incident beam (gaussian profile) Simulations with multiple parameters target parameters beam parameters Simulations with multiple parameters target parameters beam parameters models and codes (MCNPX, CINDER, etc.) Simulations with multiple parameters target parameters beam parameters models and codes (MCNPX, CINDER, etc.) many nuclei of interest Simulations with multiple parameters target parameters beam parameters models and codes (MCNPX, CINDER, etc.) many nuclei of interest Construction of an easy-access database for all simulated nuclei yields Simulations with multiple parameters target parameters Simulations with multiple parameters
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 2 APPLICATION TO DIRECT TARGETS: 183 Hg and 11 Be case INPUT PARAMETERS incident particle: proton energy: 0.5 to 2 GeV 3 targets: Pb, Ta, UCx gaussian parameter: R/3 code: MCNPX2.5 model: INCL4/ABLA contribution: n > 20 MeV preliminary results BEST TARGET: Pb
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod Hg case (II) BEST PROTON ENERGY AT CONSTANT POWER: 1 GeV
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod Hg case (III) + 50 % + 64 % + 26 % + 11 % Nuclei extraction efficiency decreases with volume BEST LENGTH: 18 cm?
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod Hg case (IV)
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 6 APPLICATION TO DIRECT TARGETS: 11 Be case INPUT PARAMETERS incident particle: proton 3 targets: Al 2 O 3, SiC, UCx energy: 0.5 to 2 GeV gaussian parameter: R/3 code: MCNPX2.5 model: INCL4/ABLA contribution: n > 20 MeV preliminary results BEST TARGET: ? Si component O component Al component C component
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 7 11 Be case (II) BEST TARGET: Al 2 O 3
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 8 11 Be case (III) BEST PROTON ENERGY AT CONSTANT POWER: 1 GeV
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 9 11 Be case (IV) Nuclei extraction efficiency decreases with volume BEST LENGTH: 75 cm?
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod Be case (V)
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 11 SUMMARY & OUTLOOK Development of a methodology for in-target yields optimization MCNPX/CINDER simulations progressive construction of a database for simulated nuclei yields Implementation of simple analysis programs for a fast navigation into the database content use of the database for target design optimization (examples of 183 Hg or 11 Be) Extension of the methodology to additional direct targets (ex: Nb) and two- staged (fission) targets Relevance of simulation results is conditioned by the relevance of spallation models (especially for light targets) and completeness of cross section libraries Final steps towards target design optimization will require ion extraction efficiencies
EURISOL – Task 11 meeting 2007S. Chabod 12 Outlook (continued) a) we contributed already in the double stage target for 6He beam production, namely p+W-->xn+Be. This work was already reported. b) we made some preliminary calculations on an alternative production of fission fragments using solid target-converter, namely p+W xn+UCx. One could also try to work on d+Li,Be xn+UCx. c) we did some calculation also in the case of presently « reference » MMW target p+Hg xn+U235, U238, and Th232 resulting in in-target fission yield distributions. We have the numbers and should report on that by the end of this year. d) Today there is a new design of the MMW target station based on MAFF concept. As our last contribution we will provide in this case different yields from p+Hg xn + various targets (U235, U238, Th232, and BeO). This we will be able to report early next spring. S. Chabod will leave CEA Saclay on 1 October we look for another PostDoc candidate to continue this work!