Gavin Abo Nate Stout Nathan Thomas HydroFly Flywheel
Hydrofly Two Teams –Flywheel –Fuel Cell Adam Lint Chris Cockrell Daniel Hubbard
Sponsors & Mentors Brian Johnson Herb Hess Satish Samineni
Presentation Outline I. Introduction II. Objectives III. Design Functionality IV. Schedule V. Budget VI. Questions
I. Introduction Why is the project being done? - To correct short voltage sags (a few seconds) to maintain a stable voltage to critical loads.
II. Primary Objective Interface a flywheel to the AMPS with the ability to correct for voltage sags occurring on the AMPS. –Implement the design by Satish Samineni
Secondary Objectives Spin a flywheel Communicate between converters Operate each converter with its own PWM Provide power to AMPS Make the system safe Operation Manual
III. Design Functionality Organizational Chart Block Diagram Overall Circuit Schematic Sub Circuit Schematics Programming Assembled Documentation Specifications
Organizational Chart Operate a sine–triangle PWM scheme Operate a space vector PWM scheme Provide power to AMPS Communicate between converters Program the triangle wave Program the sine wave look up table Spin a flywheel Program the switching times calculation Program a Phase locked loop Program matrix math functions Sag Status Interface a flywheel to AMPS to correct for voltage sags on the system
Code Flow Diagram
Block Diagram
Circuit Schematic
Series Transformer Diagram
DC link charging power supply We used simple rectifier circuits to generate the DC voltage
The Programming All code is mathematically verified and setup to be interfaced to the DSP Testing still needs to be done.
Documentation Completed –Test plan –Poster –Life Cycle Report –Product Reliability Report Not Completed –Final Report –Operations Manual
Safety Features Plexiglas around all four sides of the cart Capacitor interface with banana jack leads Capacitor Shorting bars Power strip as power connection
Future Work Unbalanced sags Better DC link charging supply Interface an visual human machine interface (HMI) –Error reporting –Event recording Complete the project
IV. Schedule
V. Budget
VI. Questions