TC–TIST Oct. 24, Within FP6 Prioritary item 8: Area “Horizontal research activities involving SMEs”. Concerns : 1) COLLECTIVE RESEARCH ( large-scale projects ) 2) COOPERATIVE RESEARCH ( lower-scale projects ) Instruments considered: COST TC-TIST info to Actions wrt FP6 instruments Projects are specified along bottom-up approach; Special rules applied for foreground Intellectual Property Rights. In both cases:
TC–TIST Oct. 24, Characteristics : COLLECTIVE RESEARCH ( 1 ) COLLECTIVE RESEARCH is a type of research carried out by RTD performers (e.g. research centres, universities, etc.) on behalf of industrial associations / groupings in order to expand the knowledge base and improve the overall competitiveness of large communities of SMEs. COLLECTIVE RESEARCH projects are usually large-scale, Europe-wide initiatives set up to: 1)Reinforce technological basis of specific sectors; 2)Develop ‘technological tools’; 3)Perform pre-normative research to provide a scientific base for setting European norms and standards; 4)Address common problems / challenges (e.g., to meet regulatory requirements, etc.). WIDE KNOW-HOW TO BE OFFERED BY COST-TIST ACTIONS
TC–TIST Oct. 24, COLLECTIVE RESEARCH ( 2 ) Activities supported: Research + Innovation-related activities; Consortium management activities; Training activities. Funding + project duration: Proposals handled in 2 submission steps; Typical budget: mio EUR / project; Typical duration: years. Estimated nb of approx. 15 large-scale projects / call
TC–TIST Oct. 24, COLLECTIVE RESEARCH ( 3 ) Estimated FP6 budget distribution: CALL CLOSURE DEADLINERELATED BUDGET ( First step ) 1) mio EUR 2)2004Similar budget expected for 3)2005each call in
TC–TIST Oct. 24, Characteristics : COOPERATIVE RESEARCH ( 1 ) Objectives of COOPERATIVE RESEARCH ( CRAFT ) are similar to those of COLLECTIVE RESEARCH, but are situated at lower-scale project and partner basis. Activities supported ( => same as for COLLECTIVE RESEARCH ): Research + Innovation-related activities; Consortium management activities; Training activities. Funding + project duration: Proposals handled in 1 submission step; Typical budget: mio EUR / project; Typical duration: years. Estimated nb of approx. 40 lower-scale projects / call
TC–TIST Oct. 24, COOPERATIVE RESEARCH ( 2 ) Estimated FP6 budget distribution: CALL CLOSURE DEADLINERELATED BUDGET 1a) mio EUR 1b) idem mio EUR 2-3) ca 155 mio EUR (estimated)
TC–TIST Oct. 24, FURTHER SOURCES OF INFORMATION FP6 SME TechWeb site: FP6 Website on Horizontal Research activities involving SMEs: SME network of National Contact Points: General network of National Contact Points: FP6 partner search platform: Special info on FP6 participation for the 10 new Member States:
TC–TIST Oct. 24, EXPECTED BENEFITS Expected benefits from participation of COST-TIST Actions to COLLECTIVE + COOPERATIVE RESEARCH: For SMEs (target beneficiaries): Advantage of entering into contact with experimented and already constituted scientific networks; For COST-TIST Actions: > Possibility to valorize know-how set up within Actions; > Research funding possibility; > Fundamentally interesting for SMEs belonging to Actions, or emerging from Actions ( start-ups, spin-offs ). For COST: > Active contribution to ERA-Net; > Contribution to visibility of COST.
TC–TIST Oct. 24, RECOMMENDATIONS + INFO Recommendations to COST-TIST Actions: Consider the participation of COST-TIST Actions to COLLECTIVE + COOPERATIVE RESEARCH projects providing an opportunity to valorize the know-how elaborated within COST Actions and Working Groups. Please inform COST-TIST Secretariat in case members of your COST-TIST Action have contributed or are contributing to the preparation of such a project proposal. For information: TC-TIST will inform the SME network of National Contact Points about scientific expertise available within COST-TIST Actions for potential contribution to COLLECTIVE + COOPERATIVE RESEARCH.