DoE SciDAC high-performance networking research project: INCITE 2004 Technical Challenges INCITE R. Baraniuk, E. Knightly, R. Nowak, R. Riedi (Rice), L. Cottrell, J. Navratil (SLAC), W. Feng, M. Gardner (LANL) INCITE: InterNet Control and Inference Tools at the Edge Impact and Connections Edge-based Traffic Processing and Service Inference for High-Performance Networks Poor understanding of origins of complex network dynamics Lack of adequate modeling techniques for network dynamics Internal network inaccessible Low impact, large scale monitoring Application-driven traffic modulation High-speed measurements Objectives: Improve throughput over the Internet for DoE high performance projects Thrust 1: Traffic analysis and modeling Thrust 2: Path and tomographic inference Thrust 3: Data collection tools (PingER, MAGNeT, +) Approach: Active and passive network probing Statistical model based inference PingER/ABwE (SLAC) 7 Many scientists are unable to participate in science due to poor Internet connectivity e.g % of HENP collaborators are from developing nations To understand need simple, low cost, performance measurements to and within developing regions providing: The graphs show Abing monitoring data via MonALISA Bandwidth Tools: MAGNeT & TICKET (LANL) MAGNeT: Monitor for Application-Generated Network Traffic 8 TICKET: Traffic Information-Collecting Kernel with Exact Timing Current solutions to network packet capture (e.g., tcpdump) are too slow or too expensive Monitor and record traffic at gigabit-per-second (Gb/s) speeds and nanosecond granularity Price/Performance Functionally reconfigurable, e.g., real-time intrusion detection, network flooding, etc. Network Tomography (Rice, Wisconsin) 4 Chirp: packet train with increasing rate When probe rate exceeds available bandwidth, queuing delay increases Monitor traffic immediately after being generated by the application (i.e., unmodulated traffic) and throughout the protocol stack to see how traffic gets modulated. Is TCP/IP the obstacle to high performance? Create a library of application-generated network traces (not just FTPs) to test network protocols extend monitoring to kernel events in general planning, setting expectations, policy setting PingER meets these needs < 100bits/s, uses ubiquitous ping covers > 100 countries (>90% of world’s Internet connected population) Pinger deployment Blue=monitoring site Red=remote site ABwE tool: abing Characteristics Interactive (1 – 2 second response) Low network impact (20 packets/host/direction) Simple & robust: just need simple responder installing Provides measurements in both directions Provides capacity & available bandwidth Agrees with more intense/complex methods Used in MonALISA, IEPM-BW & PlanetLab pathChirp: Efficient Available Bandwidth and Tight Link Estimation (Rice) 5 Available bandwidth estimates decrease in proportion to the introduced cross-traffic Canonical Subproblems: Two senders/receivers problem characterizes network tomography problem in general 1-by-2 Component 2-by-1 Component ? From edge-based traffic measurements (loss/delay/arrival order), infer internal topology, link level loss rates, queuing delays 1 1 11 22 33 44 55 66 11 22 33 44 Common Branch Point: Arrival order usually the same Different Branch Points: arrival order varies depending on delays, offset Arrival order fixed at joining point ROC Curve 1000 probes Loss Only Arrival Order Only Arrival Order and Loss Rice LAN Arrival Order Based Topology ID Impact: Optimize performance of demanding applications (remote visualization, high- capacity data transfers) New understanding of the complex dynamics of large-scale, high-speed networks New edge-based tools to characterize and map network performance as a function of space, time, resource, application, protocol, and service Highly efficient methods for monitoring in distributed computing systems. Connections: Rice/SLAC/LANL synergy Particle Physics Data Grid Collaboratory Pilot (Newman, Cottrell, Mount). SciDAC Center for Supernova Research (Warren) Scientific Workspaces of the Future (ANL, UIC, LANL, BU, Brown, NCSA). Globus Teragrid Transpac at Indiana U. European GridLab Project San Diego Supercomputing Center Telcordia IEPM-BW Internet2 ns-2 Simulator UIUC Rice tight link SLAC Rice tight link Reduce available bandwidth on Gigabit testbed using cross-traffic generator Locating tight links on two paths sharing 4 common links TCP Low-Priority (Rice) 6 Goal: Utilize excessive bandwidth in a non-intrusive fashion Applications: bulk data transfer, P2P file sharing TCP alone Kb/s TCP plus Kb/s TCP-LP Kb/ TCP-LP is invisible to TCP High-speed TCP-LP TCP-LP + HSTCP [Floyd03] Linux web100 implementation