Curriculum ~ Terms Terms you should know to do your job right! Yearbooking Terms
Curriculum ~ Terms Jostens Terms Who is Jostens? – The company that prints and publishes your yearbook. What is Yearbook Avenue? – The website we will use to create and sell our yearbook! What is Replay It? – A site where photos can be submitted to a school by parents/students/teachers for use in the yearbook.
Curriculum ~ Terms Ladder – Page-by-page outline of the stories to be covered in the yearbook, and a schedule of when all page groups must be submitted to Jostens. Page – A single page of content with the opposite page featuring a different, yet often related topic. Double Page Spread (DPS) – Two facing pages presenting a variety of elements to tell a story. Yearbook Basics
Curriculum ~ Terms Yearbook Basics Coverage – Reporting the story of the entire year for all students, staff, and community. Each student should appear in your book at least 3 times. Theme – The unifying idea that has a visual and verbal element that holds the book together. Chronological Coverage – Content organized by seasons/months/weeks rather than by subject category (Academics, Sports, etc)
Curriculum ~ Terms Yearbook Basics Tag The ability to mark photos with names of individuals who appear in the photos. Tagging photos allows us to keep track of which students are already in the book and how many times. Coverage Report An option on YBA that displays the number of times individuals appear in the yearbook (photos must be tagged) and the page numbers on which they appear.
Curriculum ~ Terms Inside the book Table of Contents, and Opening Sports Section Academics Section Clubs/Organizations Section People Section Student Life Section Divider Pages ‘Baby Ads’ Index Closing
Curriculum ~ Terms Page Elements Headline – Introduces the reader to the page by summarizing the story of the page or highlighting its focus. Should use literary devices to be clever or eye- catching. Feature Story – Tells about the event and gives more insight and detail than a caption can.
Curriculum ~ Terms Page Elements Pictures are the Visual storytellers of Yearbook. – Candids: These are any UN-POSED shots you take that capture the action and emotion of the moment. – Portraits: These are the traditional school pictures: posed shots, usually taken by an outside photographer. Portraits are sometimes nick-named “mug-shots” by yearbook insiders because all students are seen in the same position, at the same distance away, and against the same background, like a police mug-shot.
Curriculum ~ Terms Caption – A short explanation, or description that goes with a photograph or illustration. There are different types of captions, but ALL CAPTIONS should tell the reader more about the photo than they can simply see. Page Elements
Curriculum ~ Terms Page Elements Folios – These are page numbers and page information. They should go with your theme and add to the page. Byline – The name of the author(s) of the spread/page. Photo Montage/Collection – A collection of photos, separated by very thin rails
Curriculum ~ Terms Personal “Baby” Ads – In General: Ads created by individuals to celebrate a variety of events/purposes including graduation, friendship, accomplishments, etc. We call them “Ads”-- short for Advertisements– because, like an advertisement for a sale in the newspaper, parents (like companies) pay for the space they are using in our book. Recognition Ads
Curriculum ~ Terms For our book: – 8 th Grade Ads are a yearbook tradition that allows parents to put their own pictures and words into the book to celebrate their child’s completion of middle school and readiness to move onto high school. We call them “Baby Ads” because parents usually submit super-cute baby pics! Recognition Ads cont.