RECALL: 622 CE, MUHAMMAD MEDINA The community governed by the revelations to M. Many from Mecca joined Battles in Mecca, truce eventually in 628 CE 630 CE surrender Mecca accepted Islam, M Medina 632 M. visits Mecca last time This pilgrimage: Hajj
AFTER MUHAMMAD Abu Bakr caliph after Muhammad Islam spread rapidly, 637 CE Muslims in Jerusalem Muslim rulers did not force conquered people to convert to Islam By 150 after M., Islam: in N. Africa, Spain, central Asia
SHI’ITE MUSLIMS Early split: who should succeed Muhammad? Ali, a cousin thought he should (as a direct relative) Ali’s followers chose leaders based on blood relationship to M. These are called Shi’ite muslims
SUNNI MUSLIMS Others believed the best suited person should lead, regardless of ancestry Followers: Sunni Sunnis emphasize a person’s direct relationship with Allah Shi’ites emphasize the role & authority of religious leaders Today: 90% Sunni, 10% Shi’ite
FIVE PILLARS Ritual acts to express faith & identify as Muslim Give practical descriptions as to how Muslims worship and live as Muslim Creed Prayer Almsgiving Fasting Pilgrimage
FIRST PILLAR: CREED Shahadah “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” This is the key belief It is a sign of being Muslim One only has to say it aloud before 2 witnesses
SECOND PILLAR: PRAYER Salat Prayer of praise, 5 times/day Quiet verbal prayers, & gestures Can be anywhere, as long as it’s clean Fridays: mosque for community prayer Private prayer: du’a
THIRD PILLAR: ALMSGIVING Zakat Those who can, must donate to the needy, to build mosques, etc. Helps to share wealth in a Muslim society more fairly
FOURTH PILLAR: FASTING Sawm During month of Ramadan (the month M. received the message) During daylight: no food, evil thoughts, drinking, smoking, sex Evening: families & friends, gather to break the day’s fast with a light meal Ramadan ends: 3 day feast of Eid al-Fitr
FIFTH PILLAR: PILGRIMAGE Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca, only once in lifetime If, you can afford it, and are healthy enough It is a supreme experience
PILGRIM CLOTHING Special gown: ihram Men: 2 seamless garments, white cloth Women: only faces & hands uncovered Ihram emphasizes equality of all pilgrims and that in death, all material things left behind
THE KAABA The cube-shaped shrine in the centre of the Great Mosque in Mecca The holiest place Pilgrims circle the Kaaba 7 times