Shahada- Profession of Faith At least once in their life the Muslim demonstrates his belief in one God. He recites: “There is only one God (Allah) and Muhammad is his Prophet.”
Salat- Daily Worship Pray five times a day Guided by a precise set of rituals Pray at: dawn, noon, midafternoon, sunset, and dusk No day of rest set aside Friday afternoon is a day of collective prayer
Zakat- almsgiving Charity Muslims give 2 ½% of their income or 1/40 th of all they possess annually. Islam recognizes that material things are important to life. Some people have more than others Muslims want to help those who are less fortunate.
Sawm- Fast Ritual fast From sunrise to sunset Takes place during the holy month of Ramadan This is the month Muhammad received his original commission as a prophet. Muslims do not eat or drink in the day.
Hajj- Pilgrimage Pilgrimage to Mecca Undertaken once in a lifetime Reminder of equality between all Muslims Must be physically and economically in a position to do so. It commemorates the trials and tribulations of Abraham, his wife Hajrah, and their son Ishmael.
Five Pillars Summary Copy Chart: Study for quiz Arabic English 1. Shahada Profession of Faith 2. Salat Daily Worship 3. Zakat Almsgiving - Charity 4. Sawm Ritual Fast- Ramadan 5. Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca