THE “Roaring Twenties” Prohibition


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This ppt originally appeared on the Langley Secondary School website at

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Presentation transcript:

THE “Roaring Twenties” Prohibition

The Temperance Movement

Prohibition: “The Noble Experiment” Prohibition: a ban on the manufacture, consumption and sale of liquor in the United States.

18th Amendment

Americans “get around prohibition” Alcohol is illegal in the US, opportunity strikes for illegal activity Bootleggers- prospered by smuggling liquor into the US from Canada or the Caribbean

Speakeasies Secret saloons became popular known as speakeasies.

G- Men Fight Prohibition Related Crime

No…Not These G-Men

G- Men Fight Prohibition Related Crime “G-men” – were Federal Prohibition agents sent across the US to shut down speakeasies and break up bootlegging rings.

Rise of Organized Crime Prohibition gave organized crime a big boost

People began to think Prohibition was a mistake Prohibition was very difficult to enforce. Crime rates skyrocketed in the 1920’s due to illegal activity related to prohibition. The Government was loosing millions of dollars fighting crime and on liquor revenue.

21st Amendment In 1933 the 21st Amendment was ratified. The 21st Amendment repealed prohibition. Repealed- cancelled

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