Sponsorship Overview
What is SchoolTipline? SchoolTipline is a way to prevent bullying, vandalism, theft, drug use, fighting, etc. at school Anonymity is key – it increases student reporting and eliminates the fear students have of being labeled a “snitch” or being seen in the principal’s office. Supported by research, SchoolTipline has seen results from its program.
2009 School Year States22 Schools150 Reports7,620 The Results This service saved my life. Thank you for having it at my school! - Lindsay
Featured On 4 Making News
SafeTalk ™ MassAlert ™ MobileContest ™ MobileGroups ™ SchoolTipline is dedicated to providing the advanced technology that facilitates engagement and open communication for school communities. SchoolTipline’s Mission Safety Engagement
Sponsorship: Contest Branding & community investment ContestVoting Present Winner Txt msg, video Press Releases Printed materials Vote online or by mobile phone School Assembly
Business Opportunities Branding on posters, cards, and flyers as well as your business link posted on our Web site. Press Releases and Community Letters will be sent out, thanking the sponsor for their contest enrollment. Recognition at School Assembly when winner is announced. GoldSilverBronze 30 Schools13 Schools5 Schools $25,000$10,000$5,000
Branding - Print & media Text to sign up To: Mobile Connect
Text Messaging? About 80% of teens carry a cell phone (up from 40% in 2004). In Q2 2008, teens sending and receiving an average of 1,742 texts per month. They're receptive to SMS Advertising 35% of teens see text message advertising in a month. 45% say they have responded in some way. The most popular response is through sending another text message. Data from the Q Nielsen Mobile Insights Report and Harris Interactive.
McDonalds burger offer, 25% took up the offer. They broke their turnover records during the test period. A two month mobile interactive ad campaign resulted in a 9% increase in sales. Coke saw a 5.2% response rate to their campaign ads. Lids saw a 200% return on ad spend after their campaign. After Palm’s campaign, 40.3% of respondents wanted a Palm Centro Phone. Why Text Messaging?
Marketing Opportunity Cheer practice changed to 3:30 pm tonight! Can't wait to see you! *Cravin double cheese? reply CHZY Mobile group msg. Tagline offer
Conclusion With SchoolTipline, you can reach your target market: parents, teachers, and students By sponsoring schools, you will raise awareness about your product and/or services Become more involved in the community by getting involed with School Tipline.
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