CERN openlab Phase V Governance, Timelines and Plans CERN openlab Major Review 16/10/2014 Alberto Di Meglio.


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Presentation transcript:

CERN openlab Phase V Governance, Timelines and Plans CERN openlab Major Review 16/10/2014 Alberto Di Meglio

16/10/2014CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans2 Governance

The CERN openlab V Ecosystem New partners CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans 316/10/2014

Motivations › A necessary scope extension:  Closer interaction with the LHC experiments  Work across more CERN departments  Engage with other scientific communities  Enable more multi-partner collaborative work › Focus will remain on IT subjects, but:  Across more scientific areas  Common challenges, common solutions CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans416/10/2014

What does change imply? › Expanding the scope of CERN openlab requires  Clear, widely agreed membership and collaboration rules  Clear definition of the work to be done, the expected outcome and the required resources  More flexibility to accommodate the requirements of other organisations CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans516/10/2014

CERN openlab Formal Agreements CERN openlab Framework Agreement Agreement signed by each sponsor (research lab, company, etc.) with CERN Project 1 Project Agreement Signed by all project participants Project N Project 2 CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans616/10/2014

CERN openlab Framework Agreement › Each CERN openlab member agrees to  Sign the CERN openlab framework agreement  Commit according to the role of their organisation: ̵ Companies: Pay 25,000 CHF/year Contribute to summer student programme ̵ Research partners: Host CERN openlab project-based events Contribute to summer student programme Contribute to dissemination/outreach activities within their communities CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans716/10/2014

Projects and Project Agreements Projects are independent from each other and have separate lifecycle and review processes Each project has  Project agreement (signed by all participating members)  Clear objectives  Identified team and project leader  Set of resources committed by participating members (cash and in-kind)  Schedule with key milestones and deliverables  Annual internal project report (includes results achieved and resources consumed)  Annual publishable project summary There is a minimum size for a project to be eligible for inclusion in CERN openlab:  Minimum 2 members and 1 year duration (smaller activities can be performed within the context of the framework agreement)  When a member company provides a cash contribution to fund project effort at a research lab it must be in units of 12 person-months. Required funds depend on the profile needed. CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans816/10/2014 Statement of Work

Project Resource Commitments › The set of resources to be committed to a project is defined according to the project’s needs  Contributions from member companies can be a mixture of “in-kind” (H/W, S/W, personnel on-site at research labs, consultancy, etc.) and “cash” (for the research labs to hire young IT specialists dedicated to the project)  Contributions from research partners can include: ̵ Domain specific & IT expertise ̵ Supervision of hired project personnel ̵ Use-cases ̵ Project management ̵ Testing environment ̵ End-user engagement ̵ On-site visits CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans916/10/2014

Management Structure Collaboration Board (all members represented) Mgmt team (Head, CTO, Comms, Admin) Project 1 (Project leader) Project 2 (Project leader) Project N (Project leader) CERN/IT Mgmt. (DHO, IT-EC Project Office, etc.), Legal, KT CERN Partner Contacts CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans1016/10/2014

Collaboration Board › Highest level management body of CERN openlab › Includes representatives of all members companies and research organisations › Annual Collaboration Board meeting  Members review the CERN openlab activities and the plans for the coming year CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans1116/10/2014

CERN openlab Mgmt Team › Head of CERN openlab (nominated by CERN DG) › Chief Technology Officer › Communications Officer › Administration Officer The management team will ensure an oversight and coordination of all the projects within CERN openlab and coordinate the dissemination activities The management team will also ensure a single liaison point exists with each company and research organisation and liaise with other IT Dep. Mgmt and other offices/services (e.g. the IT-EC Project Office, Legal Services, Knowledge Transfer, etc.) Interns may be included in the mgmt team to help with communication and administration, etc. CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans1216/10/2014

Membership levels The membership level for industry members corresponds to their total accumulated cash contributions across all the projects plus the membership fee 150,000 to 299,999 CHF/year Contributor 25,000 to 149,999 CHF/year Associate According to the rules for research labs Research 300,000 CHF/year and above Partner 1316/10/2014CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans Membership benefits as described in the Framework Agreement – Annex 1

LHC Experiments › LHC experiments are formally considered on the same level as research labs  However, as they are not full legal entities, they cannot sign the Framework Agreement  Instead, we ask for Letters of Endorsement and Support from an Experiment Spokeperson and establish an FA with research institutes as needed (if not directly CERN) › Same model may apply to similar collaborations from other labs CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans1416/10/2014

CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans15 Timelines and Plans

Agreements Signatures › Framework and Project Agreements have been sent to all existing partners › Feedback received has been or is being discussed and incorporated › Aim to sign the FAs and at least one PA per member before the end of the year or soon after › Projects can start as soon as Agreements are signed, even before January 2015 › Proposal to sign offline and then organize a more formal event with CERN management at the first Collaboration Board meeting in March CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans1616/10/2014

Project N Project Scheduling Projects have start/end dates with annual cycles Projects reviewed annually by participating members Projects are being planned now, more details later. More can be planned during the next three years The number of one year projects should be limited due to the overhead in preparation and management Project 1 Project CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans1716/10/2014

Project Reviews › No more common Major Reviews  Technical status updates can be done at the CB meeting › Each Project is responsible to organize its formal reviews (at least one per year) and define its visibility and audience (must include openlab mgmt. ) › “Minor reviews” can be done within a project at any time › Experts from the projects will be asked to regularly deliver technical seminars via the existing channels (IT Technical Forum, Computing Seminars series, ad hoc public or targeted seminars, etc.) CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans1816/10/2014

Communication Project activities and results will be disseminated to a wide audience › In a way compatible with each project objectives › Subject to agreement between all the participating sponsors that it does not compromise legitimate academic or commercial interests › Press releases and spotlights (must not imply endorsement of products by research labs etc.) › Participation to company-sponsored events › In collaboration with the other participating labs Visibility and presence of member companies on the website and joint dissemination activities will be proportional to the membership level CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans1916/10/2014

Annual Reporting › Each project will produce a brief annual project report summarising work performed, achievements, resources consumed and communication activities  These project reports can serve as justifications for the resources committed by each sponsor › The publishable sections of the projects reports will be used to produce an overall annual report for CERN openlab  This will be prepared in time for approval at the annual Collaboration Board meeting CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans2016/10/2014

Education and Training › Every project is expected to include some level of dissemination, education and training  Technical seminars, invited experts, presentations to conferences, workshops, papers and publications, etc. › Dedicated activities will also be implemented  Summer student program, schools of computing  Integrate educational and training offers from companies and research labs  Focused projects CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans2116/10/2014

Annual CERN openlab Event › High-visibility public event to promote the activities and results of CERN openlab and its projects  Possibly thematic  Press will be invited and the event can be broadcast › Each sponsor will be allocated a number of seats according to their sponsorship level  Sponsors can invite their partners/customers within the limit of their allocated seats  Visits to CERN installations (LHC etc.) will be organised for participants CERN Capacity ~200 CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans2216/10/2014

External Funding › Projects and activities within openlab may provide opportunities to submit proposals to competitive EC funding calls (Horizon 2020)  See › Any EC funds should be considered as additional funds to supplement commitments made by CERN openlab partners  A project will not be approved within the context of CERN openlab if EC funding is essential to its operation  EC projects can build on CERN openlab activities but must not delay, hinder or deviate such activities  Any EC project proposals that do build on CERN openlab activities should be made known to the CERN openlab project partners and CERN openlab management prior to submission CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans2316/10/2014

Mark the date › Collaboration Board  March 2015  Preceded by a public openlab V launch event  Agreement signature photo taking/press release 16/10/2014CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans24

Mark the date › CERN openlab Event  10 June 2015  Public technical dissemination event  Organized as a one-day conference  Possibly thematic 16/10/2014CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans25

EXECUTIVE CONTACT Alberto Di Meglio, CERN openlab Head (Phase V) TECHNICAL CONTACT Fons Rademakers, CERN openlab CTO COMMUNICATION CONTACT Mélissa Gaillard, CERN openlab Communication Officer ADMIN CONTACT Kristina Gunne, CERN openlab Administration Officer 16/10/2014CERN openlab V Governance, Timelines and Plans26