Ch 4 sec 4-2
Men Work in morning Exercise and talk politics in afternoon and evening Rich men went to all male gatherings
Women Married at 14 or 15—have children and take care of house Poor women may work w/ husband in field or merchants Women rarely left house—if husband died- went w/ male relative
Women (con’t) No political rights—father, husband, children when widowed Aspasia-foreign woman who was educated and lived in Athens
Sparta Suspicious of Athens war 431 BC-404 BC
Peloponnesian Wars Pericles Funeral Oration – Morn Athenian dead – Tells why Athens is great—democracy and why they fight
Sparta Cannot beat in open battle—call farmers behind walls Athens has navy—gets supplies from colonies Disease spreads in city and killed 1/3 of Pericles dies Desperate to win Sparta makes deal to give land to Persia for ships—give up Greek land in Asia Minor Destroy Athens's ships Weakens all of Greece
Rule of Greece Sparta tries to rule Greece—war starts again in 30 years Macedonia to North is becoming powerful