TriCities Regional Airport 2006 Budget Proposal 2006 Budget Proposal
Audience Demographics Gender Gender Male 42.3% Male 42.3% Female 57.7% Female 57.7% Age Age 18-34, 37.6% 18-34, 37.6% 35-54, 51.5% 35-54, 51.5% 55+, 10.9% 55+, 10.9% Education Education Some High School, 5% Some High School, 5% High School Graduates, 16.4% High School Graduates, 16.4% Some College, 37.3% Some College, 37.3% College Graduate, 25.1% College Graduate, 25.1% Some Post Graduate, 4.1% Some Post Graduate, 4.1% Post-Graduate Degree, 12.1% Post-Graduate Degree, 12.1%
Audience Demographics cont. Marital Status Marital Status Married, 60% Married, 60% Never Married (Single), 26.2% Never Married (Single), 26.2% Widowed, 1.3% Widowed, 1.3% Legally Separated, 1.6% Legally Separated, 1.6% Divorced, 10.9% Divorced, 10.9% Income Income <$50,000, 31.1% <$50,000, 31.1% $50,000 - $74,000, 19% $50,000 - $74,000, 19% $75,000 - $99,000, 19% $75,000 - $99,000, 19% $100,000+, 30.8% $100,000+, 30.8% Employment Status Employment Status Employed Full Time, 74.7% Employed Full Time, 74.7% Employed Part Time, 10.8% Employed Part Time, 10.8% Not Employed, 14.5% Not Employed, 14.5% Scarborough Research, Richmond, VA 2005 Release 1 Total (October 2004 – March 2005)
Monthly Pageviews ,779,725 pageviews for the year ,779,725 pageviews for the year ,981,838 pageviews for the year ,981,838 pageviews for the year 2003 – Based on an average of 4,997,000 pageviews between the months of July and December 2003 – Based on an average of 4,997,000 pageviews between the months of July and December
2005 Top 5 Sections
Community/Regional Ties Member of Bristol and Johnson City Chamber of Commerce Member of Bristol and Johnson City Chamber of Commerce Speedway in Lights Charity for Children Speedway in Lights Charity for Children Banner advertisements for Johnson City Community Theatre Banner advertisements for Johnson City Community Theatre Banner advertisements for local animal shelter Banner advertisements for local animal shelter
Package Includes 35,000 impressions as Run of Site Leaderboard 35,000 impressions as Run of Site Leaderboard 40,000 impressions as News Section sponsporship 40,000 impressions as News Section sponsporship
Package Pricing Total 75,000 impressions a month! Total 75,000 impressions a month! Total package pricing per year: $4,260 Total package pricing per year: $4,260 $355 per month ($175 monthly savings) $355 per month ($175 monthly savings) Average retail pricing per year: $6,360 Average retail pricing per month: $530 Your savings: $2,100 per year