Object Oriented Analysis and Design 1 CREATED BY RUONAN RAO Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Object Oriented Analysis and Design 2 Agenda Course Overview Instructor Introduction
Object Oriented Analysis and Design 3 Course Overview - Description Introduction to OOA&D using UML and Pattern For those students who have background of software engineering and object-oriented programming. Objectives Concepts of object-oriented UML notations Design patterns Object-Oriented analysis and design using UML and Patterns. Practical projects
Object Oriented Analysis and Design 4 Course Overview - Text and References Text “Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object- Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process, 3nd Ed.”, Carig Larman, 2006, ISBN Student References “Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications”,Grady Booch, 2003, ISBN: “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, 2nd Ed.”, Grady Booch,James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, “Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”, Erich Gamma etc., 2002, ISBN:
Object Oriented Analysis and Design 5 Course Overview - Text and References References used to develop the course material “Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object- Oriented Design”, Alan Shalloway,James R.Trott, 2003, ISBN: “Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices”,Robert Cecil Martin, 2003, ISBN:
Object Oriented Analysis and Design 6 Course Overview - Topics Part I Introduction Module 1 Introduction to Concepts of OO Module 2 Introduction to UP and OOA&D Part II Inception - Requirements Module 3 Defining Requirements Part III Elaboration Iteration 1 - OOA&D Module 4 Introduction to UML Module 5 Domain Model Module 6 Use-Case Realizations Module 7 Design Model & Implementation Model Part VI Elaboration Iteration 2 - Design Pattern Module 8 Introduction to Design Pattern Module 9 GoF Design Patterns Part V Elaboration Iteration 3 - Architecture Module 10 Software Architecture Module 11 Advanced topics
Object Oriented Analysis and Design 7 Course Overview - Topics Part III ELABORATION ITERATION 1 - OOA&D Module 2 Introduction to UML Module 9 Domain Model Module 10 Use-Case Realizations Module 11 Design Model & Implementation Model Module 12 Case Study and Project 2 Part VI ELABORATION ITERATION 2 - Design Pattern Module 4 Introduction to Design Pattern Module 13 GoF Design Patterns Module 14 Case Study and Project 3 Part V ELABORATION ITERATION 3 - Architecture Module 15 Software Architecture Module 16 Advanced topics Module 17 Case Study and Project 4
Object Oriented Analysis and Design 8 Course Overview - Grading Attendance is critical (incl. Quizzes) 150pts Projects 100pts Project 1 - Defining Requirements Project 2 - System Design Project 3 - Developing using PD & PB (optional) Exams100pts Presentation 50pts Projects Summary Use Case Modeling UML 2.0 Design Patterns (Creational, Structural, Behavioral) Database Design using UML Web Application Development using UML Others