OOD teaches a complicated method, best for large systems. Here we teach the ten cent version. OO Design for the Rest of Us 1
Ten Cent Object-Oriented Design Let’s do this. 2
Some (more) things we’d like to be true I can drive the design from the user stories The code just “writes itself” My code will be easy to understand by the team My code will be SRP and DRY 3
Reminder on SRP and DRY S ingle R esponsibility P rinciple ( SRP ) Each class should be responsible for one thing (capability, entity, computation, etc.) Can phrase this as “mind your own business” object do its own calculations object should not do calculations for another Easy to violate this because objects need to be connected to one another e.g., Events happen as part of Dates D on’t R epeat Y ourself ( DRY ) Each computational idea should be expressed just once Violations often the result of cut-and-paste programming incomplete class (others have to do calculations for it, which also violates SRP) But also over-specialization of classes (class = object)
A Concise Theory of Object-Oriented Object represents a “thing” person, car, date, … (not two things, not ½ thing) Object responds to messages (method calls) Things it does to itself (SRP) That is, other objects ask the object to do something to itself Objects are “opaque” Can’t see each others’ data/vars Messages (calls) are only way to get things done 5
A Concise Theory of Object-Oriented, II Because objects are completely opaque, we don’t need to know what’s really inside them Each car object could be implemented with its own unique code If two cars behave the same, then really should have same code Otherwise would violate DRY And a huge amount of coding work So all cars are made from a common car template Template = class The car template is not a car, it’s a “blueprint” for a car Helps satisfy DRY 6
myCity’s Show Friends on Map Story Rule Write code so that it sounds like the specification. I call this “coding to the specification” Recall that OO theory and SRP dictate objects that: represent a “thing” respond to messages about itself This suggests the start of a design process 1.Identify the “things” 2.Identify their messages 3.Assemble into classes 4.Right things call right messages 7 As a user I want see my nearby friends on the map So that I know who to contact for a spontaneous meet-up Given I am logged in And my location is known When my friends are online And my friends’ location is known And my friends are near me Then I see them on the map
myCity’s Show Friends on Map Story, II 1.Identify the “things” me (previous user story) friends, friend map (previous) 2.Identify the messages me.logged-in (previous) friend.location-known friend.location friend.online friend.near(me) friend.image 3.Assemble into classes (TBD) 4.Right things call right messages (TBD) 8 Given I am logged in And my location is known When my friends are online And my friends’ location is known And my friends are near me Then I see them on the map As a user I want see my nearby friends on the map So that I know who to contact for a spontaneous meet-up Note how messages “sound like” the specification Plural objects may be list/set of singular Classes for some objects may already exist Look for new messages May find repetitive messages e.g., location-known vs. location? maybe location just returns null (or not) Implied messages “see them on the map” −> something to see
myCity’s Show Friends on Map Story, III 9 As a user I want see my nearby friends on the map So that I know who to contact for a spontaneous meet-up class Friend { Location location(); // null −> not-known boolean online(); Bitmap image(); } class Friends implements Iterable { Friends online(); Friends locationKnown(); // −> online? } 1.Identify the “things” me (previous user story) friends, friend map (previous, built-in) 2.Identify the messages me.logged-in (previous) friend.location-known friend.location friend.online friend.near(me) friend.image 3.Assemble into classes 4.Right things call right messages (TBD) Given I am logged in And my location is known When my friends are online And my friends’ location is known And my friends are near me Then I see them on the map
myCity’s Show Friends on Map Story, IV 10 class Friend { Location location(); // null −> not-known boolean online(); Bitmap image(); } class Friends implements Iterable { Friends online(); Friends locationKnown(); // −> online? } Given I am logged in And my location is known When my friends are online And my friends’ location is known And my friends are near me Then I see them on the map This is the hardest part What thing does something to itself so friends get drawn on map? Not mentioned in scenario! Map? Predefined in Android How about a FriendMap? A map with added responsibility of drawing my friends Let’s take a look at this 4.Right things call right messages
myCity’s Show Friends on Map Story, IV 11 class Friend { Location location(); // null −> not-known boolean online(); Bitmap image(); } class Friends implements Iterable { Friends online(); Friends locationKnown(); // −> online? } Given I am logged in And my location is known When my friends are online And my friends’ location is known And my friends are near me Then I see them on the map This is the hardest part What thing does something to itself so friends get drawn on map? Not mentioned in scenario! Map? Predefined in Android How about a FriendMap? A map with added responsibility of drawing my friends Let’s take a look at this 4.Right things call right messages
myCity’s Show Friends on Map Story, V 12 class Friend { Location location(); boolean online(); Bitmap image(); } class Friends implements Iterable { Friends online(); Friends locationKnown(); // −> online? } Given I am logged in And my location is known When my friends are online And my friends’ location is known And my friends are near me Then I see them on the map class NearbyFriendsMap extends GoogleMap { private Friends friends; private GoogleMap map; NearbyFriendsMap(GMap map, Friends friends); void showNearbyFriends(); // reimplement every GM method so that it re-calls // the method on map. Called delegation. E.g. Marker addMarker(…) { map.addMarker(…); } } Is a map, plus nearby friend stuff Dual responsibilities (Map things, Friend drawing) Huge amount of work (reimplement all methods) Illegal in Android: GoogleMap is a “final” class! SRP implies class that just does drawing friends 4.Right things call right messages
myCity’s Show Friends on Map Story, VI 13 class Friend { Location location(); boolean online(); Bitmap image(); } class Friends implements Iterable { Friends online(); Friends locationKnown(); // −> online? } Given I am logged in And my location is known When my friends are online And my friends’ location is known And my friends are near me Then I see them on the map Basic idea is an intermediary whose Single Responsibility is drawing my friends on the map class NearbyFriendsTracker { private Friends friends; private GoogleMap map; NearbyFriendsTracker(GMap map, Friends friends); void showNearbyFriends(); } Single responsibility : drawing friends on map! Don’t have to bunch of “extra” methods Very similar, despite SRP Still trying to make code sounds like specification 4.Right things call right messages
UML Diagram: Subclass Approach 14 __NearbyFriendsMap__ - GoogleMap map - Friends friends −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− + showNearbyFriends() _________Friends_________ - List friends −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− + Friends online() + Friends locationKnown() _GoogleMap_ … _________Friend_________ + boolean online() + Location location() + Bitmap image() * _Iterable_ …
UML Diagram: Middleman Approach 15 _NearbyFriendsTracker_ - GoogleMap map - Friends friends −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− + showNearbyFriends() _________Friends_________ - List friends −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− + Friends online() + Friends locationKnown() _GoogleMap_ … _________Friend_________ + boolean online() + Location location() + Bitmap image() * _Iterable_ …
Take Aways Design method combines a few guidelines find things and messages pack into SRP classes make code sound like the specification Non-trivial, takes experience plural thing implies singular things messages that don’t quite work “Missing” (implied) things and messages May take multiple tries on harder parts Very common to revise after the fact (refactor) New insights, new features benefit from diff. design 16
Take-Aways from Class Today Object-oriented design is intuitive, but subtle Java is just a tool, does not guarantee good design (Just because I have an expensive camera does not make me a good photographer :) Easy to put functionality in wrong place, make classes too big, or make too small Possible to diagnosis and repair a design before or after the coding (may require both) SRP, DRY Change in one class affects another (SRP) Small change affects multiple classes or methods Unfortunately, there are many kinds of design mistakes, and unique repairs for them 17
Good-Enough is the “ 80/20 Rule ” Returns on engineering investment are not linear 80 percent of the benefit for 20% of the effort Diminishing returns for investment after that (other 80% of effort and only 20% gain) Also known as Pareto Principle 18 small effort big gain