Directions. Frank/Bryan, first, you will need to print out all the slides excluding this one, and put it on the poster board. The poster is located on the supply table in the far middle corner an near the closet door. MAKE SURE YOU ASK MRS.KLING TO PRINT THIS OUT OR ASK TO USE HER FLASHDRIVE AND TAKE IT TO THE MEDIA CENTER AND DO IT THERE. Second-make sure they are in order and not just thrown around. Third-make sure they are glued, taped, or stapled onto the poster. MAKE SURE IT IS NEAT. Try to decorate, spice, or fancy it up, the nicer the better, and the audience will pay less attention on the info, even though very little will be paying attention. Fourth--try to rehearse what you are going to say with Brian/Frank. Fifth-try to go last or tomorrow this will give you two more time. And will allow me to bring in the better one if applicable, and/or nesscecary. Remember don’t ask for more time, say u have it and show her we would just like to present with Matt, since he can give an in-depth clerification of his charges.
Charge 1 At 10 A.M. On the first of April in Adolf Hitler ordered the one-day boycott of the small businesses, owned by Jews. And for this action we pursue acts of prejudice.
Charge 2 On the 26 th of April in the year 1933, Adolf Hitler organized and created the S.A. Otherwise known as the Gestapo.
Charge 3 On February 25,1933,adolf Hitler empowered the youth with thoughts of study and education based on the foundation of the National socialism.
Charge 4 Adolf Hitler is charged with bringing up an innocent girl and have her change her philosophy, from kind and caring, to ruthless and backstabbing.
Charge 5 For lying on accusations of torturing an innocent civilian for trying to marry a Jew. And then empowering this within the people, without justice.
Charge 6 On May 6 th in 1933, Hitler organized the first book burning around the WWII years, demolishing and completely destroying hundreds of years of study, life and ideas.
Charge 7 He is brought to this charge of passing an unjust law of forced and unwanted breeding.
Charge 8 For taking away the peoples right of religion. By creating one church, and one Reich, and for breaking a treaty with a high authority of the Catholic church.
Charge 9 For setting up concentration camps, Killing Centers, Ghettos, and invading Poland on your quest for the “Final solution.” For the brutal and cruel murdering of 11million people. For crimes against humanity
“Your Life!” Adolf Hitler
“ As long as he’s alive, NO ONE will survive ”