Introduction Of Coaches ► Velma Garcia Athletic Coordinator/ 8 th BB/ Head Track ► Nathan Aguilar Head VB/ ► Kristina Rassman 8 th VB/ BB ► April Torres Head Soccer/ Track ► Brooke Callanan Head XC/ Track ► Justin Ramirez 7 th BB ► Shannon Munoz 7 th VB / BB ► Joanna Munguia7 th VB ► Juliette Peyrano 7 th Soccer/Track ► Alma Aguilar Swimming
PHYSICAL ► Must have one per school year. ► Must be completed by a physician in the US ► Must be on current document ► Will not be issued any equipment until physical is received. ► Physical forms are available on the B.L. Gray website on the home page ► Aug. 28 deadline or removal from athletics
Practice clothes ► Issued once cleared by the trainer ► First set issued free of charge ► Shirt to replace $10.00 ► Shorts to replace $10.00 ► Can purchase additional sets of clothes ► Must wear EVERY DAY!
Excuse Notes ► Parent excuse is only valid for that specific day ► Athlete must have a Physician note if illness or injury requires student to sit out for more than 3 consecutive days.
Game Schedules and Travel ► Will be sent home with athlete once they make a team ► Will be available online ► Students must travel to and from the game on the bus with the team unless prior arrangements are made and approved. If the student misses the bus, the parent cannot drop them off ► The athlete will only be allowed to leave the “away” game site with a parent or legal guardian. ► If a student must be picked up by someone other than the parent or legal guardian then an signed document from the principal must be approved one day prior to event.
Grades Must be passing all courses at report card Must be passing all courses at report card 3 weeks period for ineligibility 3 weeks period for ineligibility Athletic grade: 50% participation,50% dressing out. Rental clothe, points deducted Athletic grade: 50% participation,50% dressing out. Rental clothe, points deducted
Lockers ► Issued to athlete after released by the trainer with a complete physical on file ► Athletes are responsible for their items being secured!!!!!!!
Non- Completion of a Sport ► Please list all the pros and cons before trying out ► Student is subject to not being able to try out for anther sport after quitting.
Try out dates Volleyball try-outs August Volleyball try-outs August Games on Mondays Games on Mondays Basketball October Basketball October Games on Mondays Games on Mondays Cross Country (late September) Cross Country (late September) Meets on Saturday Meets on Saturday Soccer (late December) Soccer (late December) Games on Monday Games on Monday Swimming (mid February) Swimming (mid February) Saturday Saturday Track (Mid February) Track (Mid February) Meets on Thursday Meets on Thursday
Numbers per team ► Volleyball/ Basketball * 30 players 7 th grade ( 2 teams) * 25 players 8 th grade ( 2 teams) Soccer Soccer * 22 players 7 th grade (1 team) * 22 players 8 th grade (1 team)
Numbers per Team Swimming Swimming * Top 40 Scores Cross country All athletes that meet timed trials
Absences from Practice ► 1 absence does not start ► 2 absences does not play but must attend the game ► Only excuses for missing practice are tutoring,UIL or band
Code of Conduct ► Sharyland ISD Student Code of Conduct ► Extra Curricular Code of Conduct: ► Athlete commitment to team for the entire season ► Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner ► Arrive to events on time and prepared ► Make their Coach aware when they will miss practice,game, tournament ► Injured or ill and cannot participate, still attend practice ► Engaging in persistent or serious misbehavior, as defined in the Student Code of Conduct ► Stealing
Code of Conduct ► Using profanity, or obscene gestures ► Scuffling or fighting ► Cheating on high level exams ► Participating in inappropriate behavior recorded or transmitted on any electronic media or the internet ► Failure to meet these expectations can result in disciplinary action by the coach or principal
Remind 101 ► Coaches will set up a Remind 101 phone number for each sport. ► Allows coach to send text message to athletes regarding practice, game change, or any pertinent information.
Extra Information Do not drop off your daughter earlier than 6:30 a.m. There might be days when the 7 th grade will have early morning practice and the 8 th will have after school practice After school athletic bus Parent/fan behavior in games Athlete walking home after a game What happens when you do not make a team Dropping off food in front office