CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold 1 Moving Your Audience
CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold2 Logos, Ethos, Pathos Logos Logical structure of reasons and evidence in an argument; make argument internally consistent and logical; find best reasons, support them with best evidence Ethos Audience’s confidence in the writer’s credibility and trustworthiness; present self effectively; enhance credibility Pathos Audience’s sympathies---both real and imagined; make reader open to message; appeal to reader’s values and interests
CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold3 Creating Effective Ethos Be knowledgeable about your issue Use examples, personal experience, statistics, empirical data, etc. Be fair Fairness to alternative views Understand and emphasize with other points of view Build a bridge to your audience Ground argument in shared values and assumptions
CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold4 Creating Effective Pathos Use concrete language Specific details add interest Use specific examples and illustrations Provide evidence; give presence and emotion Use narratives Grabs attention and leads to claim Choose words, metaphors, and analogies with appropriate connotations
CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold5 Assignment 10 Watch the Meatrix (in class and again outside if needed)Meatrix 1.Does this argument create effective ethos? If so, how? Be specific. 2.Does this argument create effective pathos? If so, how? Be specific