Notes for tenth grade Bible


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Presentation transcript:

Notes for tenth grade Bible I Samuel 1-7 Notes for tenth grade Bible

This was from a trip I took to the Canadian Rockies in 1998.

The books of 1 and 2 Samuel were originally written as ______________ The books of Samuel were first a. ___________ in the Septuagint, the oldest b._____________ translation of the c. _________________ Scriptures. The content of the books of Samuel includes. . .

a. ___________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________

Three marks of Israel´s deep spiritual decline during the years of the judges were. . . . . . . b. c.

God raised up Samuel and used him to restore the In the beginning of the first book of Samuel, the continuing corruption of the priesthood was demonstrated by . . . ______________________________________ _____ God raised up Samuel and used him to restore the a. ______________________________________ __ b. ______________________________________ __ These are some of the reasons why I enjoy hiking in the mountains of Canada.

youtube Tim Keller. Heaven and Hell Leadership youtube Tim Keller. . . Heaven and Hell Leadership. . . Example of Abraham Lincoln

Samuel was born in Ramah to. a. __________________ and b

The name Samuel means ¨_______________________________________¨ The name Samuel means ¨_______________________________________¨.¨ Faithful to her promise when she prayed for a son, Hannah returned Samuel to the Lord at _____________________________ as soon as he was old enough to be separated from her. When he realized the source of Samuel´s call, Eli instructed Samuel to answer. . . ¨________________________________¨

By His call to Samuel, God both a. _____________________ and b

Reflect God called to Samuel in a voice that could be heard distinctly, and yet neither Eli, his teacher, nor Samuel recognized it as God, until the third time. People today talk about ¨hearing¨ God speak to them, which generally does not mean they hear a physical voice, like Samuel. How does God ¨speak¨ to you? Be honest in your response. . . Do you, or have you ¨heard¨ from God? Explain how you ¨hear¨ God speaking to you?

Samuel was the last a. _________________ and the first b To be sure that the God of Israel was judging them, the Philistines placed the Ark of the Covenant on a a. ________________ drawn by two b. _________________ with their c. ____________________ shut up at home. The Lord delivered Israel from te Philistines by the ministry of _______________________.

Saul David Solomon Divided Kingdom: Israel Judah