1. Seek Significant God Encounter
Top 3 ways to surprise people: 1.) Hide behind a door and yell boo! 2.) Stick a sharpened pencil on their chair. 3.) Dress up in a gorilla suit and hide in the closet.
10 Strategies for Leading Change
1. Seek Significant God Encounter
2. Love one another.
3. Love Your Community
4. Treat Urgency as a Gift.
5. Collect (and deploy) Bright-Eyed People.
6. Make a few helpful Bold Moves.
7. Create legend on the Community Grapevine.
8. Hold Difficult People Accountable.
9. Show up at the Parties.
10. Trust God and Expect Great Things!!
Ways to use The Surprise Factor
Practical Uses for The Surprise Factor: 1.) Training for New Appointments 2.) Resourcing for Turn-Arounds 3.) Pre-ordinationTraining 4.) Lay-Clergy Events
Moving Your Church Toward Vitality
Kim Shockley Team Leader Toward Vitality research project
What is Vitality? The continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence The power to live or grow Our end result: Congregations who put their energy into a intentional desire to grow disciples of Jesus Christ are vital.
Ecclesiastes 4:12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (NIV)
A Cord of Three Strands A pastor who is not afraid to lead Lay people in leadership who will work as a team A sense of purpose or vision that comes through prayer and discernment
Evangelical UMC – Billings MT
Yellowstone Free Store
Congregational Characteristics for moving TOWARD VITALITY Focus Intentionality Attitude adjustment (2 specific)
Focus and Intention True no matter the size, location, theological style or ethnicity of the congregation.
Obstacles to Change Fear and Anxiety Not recognizing the need for change Finances Facilities UM Structure & System
Amberson UMC - Spring Run PA
Amberson UMC Sunday School Picnic
Overcoming Obstacles Communication – inclusive, transparent, consistent communication Listening Prayer Celebrating baby steps Persistence over time
First UMC – Williamsport PA Evangelical Center - Sanctuary Life Center Worship North Campus Worship
Spiritual Disciplines Prayer! Bible study Worship practices Desire to deepen spiritual practices God language
Belle Plaine UMC - Kansas Dinner Crew
Toward Vitality Halifax UMC’s Youth Center and ROCK Solid Worship Halifax, PA
Summary Themes Vision and Purpose gives FOCUS Clergy leadership gives IMPETUS Lay leadership are the HANDS AND FEET of change
Summary Themes Overcoming obstacles are the HARD WORK Spiritual disciplines are the MOTIVATORS Resources are the HELP
More information The full Toward Vitality Report is available church/toward-vitality-research-projecthttp:// church/toward-vitality-research-project – for study guides \