Grading assessment in the current unit based environment Sue Jeavons, TAFE Policy Strategy and Review David Frith, Business Arts and Information Technology Curriculum Centre conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning What’s happening in TAFE NSW AQTF compliance and a range of practice Debate re whether and how – impact on curriculum, policy and practice Graded Assessment Project - Consistency, Diversity and Cost Effectiveness in Graded Assessment Report Shift modular to unit based curriculum ESC Discussions Review Student Assessment Policy – TAFE NSW Procedures conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning Key Questions Why? –Credit transfer and university admission –TAFE NSW State Awards –Employer recruitment/selection –Student reward and motivation How? –Models –Advice –practice conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning AQTF Compliance Some non-compliance against Standards 8 & 9 across organisation Shift in emphasis Validation responsibility conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning Universities for: articulation purposes conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning Industry for: recruitment licensing requirements employer reports determining State Awards/Medals*[1][1] (Some industry groups/employers encourage competition and provide incentives by awarding prizes to the best student in the state. This is a high risk decision and will require clear guidelines about marks allocated to distinction grade outcomes for the selected units.) conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning Institutes to: attract international students (related to university articulation and student expectations) support articulation to university conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning Students for: university articulation employment seeking conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning Grading Models Generic (use of supplementary criteria such as employability skills, Mayer Key Competencies) Content Specific (competency standards referenced) Capstone Performance Framework conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning Current Student Assessment Policy - TAFE NSW Procedure 4: Principles… Procedures 9 & 14: Grades based on marks Assessment tool – examinations = marks Assumption that assessment occurs at a predetermined point of time – assessment event Vs evidence Advice required on how to grade performance above competence Gaps in procedures conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning Future Practice Competency-based environment requirements Training package assessment advice Outcomes reporting National trends conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning CRITERIA 1: Demand for graded assessment Key question 1: Who wants graded assessment of this unit or course and why? It is not necessary to demonstrate demand from all of the above sources in order to proceed with grading. For example, not all units/courses will require university articulation, licensing or state awards and medals. conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning CRITERIA 2: What to grade? Key question 2: What should be graded? a course a unit: Key Question 3: Is the unit a core or elective unit? Key Question 4: Is the unit additional to the Training Package requirements of the qualification? conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning CRITERIA 3: Suitability of unit for grading Key Question 5: Can the unit accommodate graded performance? Can performance levels be validated? Can scoring/weighting be accurately applied? Are there sufficient nominal hours attached to the unit to allow performance level evidence gathering? conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning CRITERIA 4: Unit context Key Question 6: What is the industry and course context? Is the unit specific to an industry area or is it likely to be imported into courses in other industry areas or integrated with other units? If yes: will grading be supported by other industry stakeholders? What impact will integration with other units have on grading assessment? conference 2006
TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning CRITERIA 5: Support requirements Key Question 7: What advice and resources are required for specific contexts? Specific advice What is the risk of lack of consistency in assessment? –Delivered in many locations –Assessed by a large number of assessors –Assessed in areas where there is a high ratio of part time: full time staff. conference 2006