Relating to others taking different roles in different situations interacting with diverse others in a range of learning contexts knowing when it is appropriate to compete or cooperate negotiating, sharing ideas, appreciating different points of view, and interacting with give and take What strategies do we have for negotiating a joint plan of action with others? What is the impact of what we do on others? Whose interests are being served or ignored in this interaction?
Managing self making good decisions for oneself while recognisng that we are part of a wider, interdependent, social context. knowing when to act rather than being acted upon and when to choose rather than accept choices decided by others. making plans, self assessing, setting and achieving personal goals, developing strategies to overcome hurdles How does this help my learning? What is my understanding and opinion on this? Is what I’m doing true to myself?
Belonging (Participating and contributing) active participation and contribution to a range of local and global communities balancing of rights and responsibilities. taking an active part to build and support the group in differing places and spaces What can we do that will make a difference? What are our obligations to the wider world and the future? What possible selves are available in this context, and might be available in another context?
Using knowledge and information (Thinking) pursuing and accessing funds of knowledge using knowledge in a reflective, effective and responsible manner creative, critical and logical thinking, metacognition, self-awareness, reflection and judgment. researching, organising and evaluating What do we need to know to address our question? Where does this knowledge come from and how will we know if this knowledge is sufficient? How can we use what we know already in this new context?
Using language, symbols and texts (Making Meaning) representing, communicating and creating ideas visually, orally, numerically, physically, and through a range of texts recognising the way tools and symbols clarify and shape shared understandings How might we express and represent what we know, feel and imagine? Whose languages, symbols or texts are we choosing and using, and why? How does the way we make meaning change in different contexts and times?
Key competencies are developed throughout life Assessment processes should empower learners progress depends on – support and feedback provided, –opportunities to practice in increasingly complex contexts, –transfer of responsibility from teacher to learner, –clarity of the learning goals –a learning environment that support a range of types of interactions. progression = consistency, strength, self knowledge, confidence, thoughtfulness and critique, in increasingly complex and diverse situations.
Your reflection / recall sheet What I did My thoughts on that Dr Jeni Wilson 2007 First and last 10 minutes of the day
1.To have you reflect on what the current level of thinking is in your class, centre, staff, school or cluster. 2.To develop your ability to raise the level of thinking in your focus area. 3.To develop an ongoing online community of people interested in raising the bar on the level of thinking and challenge in NZ primary and secondary schools / ECE centres through development of a wikispace for further contact. 4.To raise and broaden the level of thought involved in the use of ICT in classrooms and ECE centres.
It’s up to me! Poor EffortSensational Level of Engagement Depth of Thinking My choice
Important as a repertoire of strategies for student use. Last 10 first 10 minutes of the day. Classroom walls need to be student work not teacher or commercial! Making a display helps to reinforce the thinking involved - could be a homework task - make something symbolic for your developing toolkit of ideas and strategies - one could be duplicated to go on the wall. Student responsibility for their thinking environment - why do teachers feel the need to control this?
Thinking Ability I used to.... Now I....
See separate presentation