Definition of a “fiduciary” “A fiduciary is someone who has undertaken to act for and on behalf of another in a particular matter in circumstances which give rise to a relationship of trust and confidence.” A fiduciary duty is the highest standard of care.
Fiduciary Checklist 1.Have all plan fiduciaries been indentified and informed of their role as a fiduciary in writing? 2.Do you have a documented investment policy statement? 3.Have you reviewed your plan’s investment choices in the last twelve months through a formal monitoring process? 4.Are there periodic reports which compare investment performance against an appropriate index, peer group and IPS objectives? 5.Does your investment portfolio provide a diversified set of options suitable for a broad range of participant demographics? 6.Do you know the exact cost of the plan’s investments to the plan participants? 7.Is there ongoing communication to participants regarding the plan’s investments? 8.Does your plan have on hand a central due diligence file where all procedures, decisions and manuals are kept? 9.Is your advisor serving as an ERISA 3(38) provider in writing? 10.Does your provider have fiduciary liability insurance on your plan?
Fiduciary Service Protection
Plan Design Plus ServiceDescription Customized Plan Design based on the needs and demographics of the Plan Sponsor Ensure that all ERISA 404(c) requirements are met N/A CPA Based Plan Design 404c Compliance Diversified Model Portfolios Philosophy Specific Lineups Five fully diversified model portfolios that range from 100% stock to 100% bond Two Core Fund lineups that are evaluated through our mandate monitoring system
ServiceDescription A fully functional IPS will be provided and implemented A Quarterly Fiduciary Mandate Monitoring report will be continually monitored and provided RPC will act as an Independent Fiduciary in writing on behalf of the Plan Sponsor and take on the responsibilities thereof Full and complete fee disclosure will be provided with no hidden costs Fiduciary Liability Insurance is provided at no additional cost Ongoing fiduciary services such as investment monitoring and education is provided Investment Policy Statement (IPS) Fiduciary Investment Training Independent Fiduciary Full & Complete Fee Disclosure Fiduciary Liability Insurance Ongoing Fiduciary Governance Fiduciary Governance Program
ServiceDescription Our Fiduciary Audit File binder will include all items needed for a Plan Sponsor to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities Fiduciary Training is offered at no additional cost to the Plan Sponsor Fiduciary Audit File Fiduciary Training Fiduciary Training Plus