Tobacco Notes
Tobacco Nicotine A highly addictive drug that is naturally occurring in the tobacco plant A plant whose leaves can be dried and mixed with chemicals to make products such as cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and cigars. Tobacco plants >
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Additives The chemicals that help tobacco stay moist, burn longer, and taste better. Examples – ammonia & acetone Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) The mixture of exhaled smoke and smoke from the ends of burning cigarettes
Carbon Monoxide Tar A gooey chemical found in tobacco smoke can coat the airways and that can cause cancer A gas in cigarette smoke that makes it hard for the body to get oxygen
Chronic Bronchitis Emphysema A disease in which the lining of the airways becomes very swollen and irritated. This irritation makes a person produce large amounts of mucus and cough a lot. A disease in which the tiny air sacs and walls of the lungs are permanently destroyed. Many people with emphysema require the use of oxygen tanks to help them breathe.
Cardiovascular Diseases Diseases of the circulatory system. Heart attack - When arteries that supply blood to the heart become blocked Stroke – When arteries that supply blood to the brain become blocked May cause brain damage - may be temporary or permanent May cause speech problems May cause paralysis – especially on one side of the body
Cancer Carcinogen Any chemical or agent that causes cancer ALL tobacco products contain cancer-causing chemicals A disease in which cells grow uncontrollably and invade and destroy healthy tissue Lung cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer!
Common Types of Cancer for Tobacco Users: Lung Throat (voice box) Mouth Gums Stomach
Buerger’s Disease Only in smokers Causes poor circulation in feet and hands May lead to tissue death and amputation Gets worse the more you smoke
Addiction Drug addiction – the inability to control one’s use of a drug Tolerance – the process of the body getting used to a drug
Addiction Physical dependence – a state in which the body needs a drug to function normally Psychological dependence – a state in which you think you need a drug in order to function Withdrawal – the way in which the body responds when a person stops using a drug