In vivo and in vitro zebrafish models for CNS axonal regeneration after injury Abdiel Badillo Jeffery A. Plunkett, Ph.D.
What We Know: Mammals Teleost Fishes Regeneration Inhibited In contrast to mammals, adult zebrafish will regenerate many axons that project from the brainstem to the spinal cord after lesion that leads to near 100% functional recovery of swimming. Mammals Teleost Fishes Regeneration Inhibited Regeneration, functional recovery SCI site SCI site
in-vivo model of SCI using zebrafish What role do stem/progenitor cell populations play in the regenerative abilities seen in the zebrafish CNS? Becker et. al., 1997 Brainstem nuclei: High regenerative capacity Low regenerative capacity Wulliman et. al., 1996
Rhombencephalic ventricular What We Know: Rhombencephalic ventricular proliferation zone mouse zebrafish Stem Cell Niches
Experimental: Method: Perform SCI and experimentally identify descending tract axons and analyze brainstem tissues for tracer dyes FR or FE
Method: Analyze stem/progenitor markers in the brainstem near back-traced neurons FR or FE
Result analysis and possible ideas: