Going Green U.S. Environmental Policy
“ So we have a choice to make. We can remain one of the world’s leading exporters of foreign oil, or we can make the investments that would allow us to become the world’s leading exporter of renewable energy. We can let climate change continue to go unchecked, or we can help stop it. We can let the jobs of tomorrow be created abroad, or we can create those jobs right here in America and lay the foundation for lasting prosperity.” -President Obama, March
The Problems Large companies are laying off large amounts of workers making the unemployment rate rise. Not only are these large companies giving up hundreds of jobs, but they are also using energy that could harm our environment The US relies too much on foreign countries to supply our oil By doing so a lot of the available labor is over seas instead of in the US Climate change Country is not energy-efficient.
What’s happening? Electronics giant, Hewlett Packard is laying off 150 workers in Vancouver Weyerhaeuser is closing a sawmill and veneer near Aberdeen, eliminating 220 jobs. American’s also losing jobs to outsourcing. Pollution in U.S. hitting an all time high.
What does Obama propose we do? “New energy technologies that will lead to even more jobs, more savings, and cleaner and safer planet…” President Obama Double production of alternative energy in the next three years. Improve energy efficiency of 2 million American homes. Put Americans to work in jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced, doing things like building solar panels, and wind turbines, constructing fuel efficient cars and buildings
“Clean Energy, Green Jobs” January 2009 Requirements: New buildings to have zero green house gas by 2030 Require the state motor pool to phase in vehicles that have a fuel efficiency rating of at least 36 miles per gallon Weatherize the homes of low-income residents through an existing program Include multiple sales tax breaks for purchases of hybrid or electric vehicles Encourage businesses to become environmentally friendly.
Why it won’t Work: Publics Opinion The renewable energy industry does not have the capabilities to power large areas of a fossil fuel driven economy Obama's “green job plan” requires the construction of 10’s of thousands of windmills, thus for saving the environment from harmful pollution, and giving truck loads of people jobs in helping to build these windmills. This plan is compared to a shoe keeper’s store window being smashed in by children. The broken window can be argued in both a positive and negative case Sure the shopkeeper could be sympathized with, but his broken window could also help the economy. The broken window would give the glass maker business which could give him enough money to buy new groceries or new clothes therefore giving those store business In this case the broken windows would be the lost jobs in the coal, gas, nuclear and automobile industries. The Obama plan would then create new jobs in the renewable energy sector, and the broken window would be taken care of from the tax payers dollar. Therefore Obama’s green job is a win/lose situation. It would create new jobs, but at the same time get rid of others
Why it will Work: Publics opinion
Sources stldwritethru.html?syndication=rises stldwritethru.html?syndication=rises stldwritethru.html?syndication=rises