Global Conflicts: An example Ass. Professor Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen Københavns Kommune 20th June 2005, Copenhagen “…develop games which contain advanced content, operate according to sound pedagogical principles, enable classroom customisation, and create real excitement within the core game market…” - Henry Jenkins
Global Conflicts – Goals Explore whether educational computer games have a future in the educational system and the form it may take. Explore, develop and implement a prototypical educational computer game examining the challenges and possibilities in development process and the educational use of such a title Provide a foundation for a serious games industry through a prototype convincing other developers of the potential in developing educational computer games beyond low-budget titles Project wants to achieve the following
Global Conflicts – Core partners IT-University Copenhagen: Anchor point for the research part. Space for the project, sparring with game researchers, and a plug-in to a research network, OverTheEdge (5th Floor): Development of the prototype. They provide the entire technical development. Danish United Nation Association: Provide content, sparring, and connections with experts and organizations in the field. Alinea Publishing: Input on content, sparring, subject experts, and feedback on special didactic challenges in the educational system, and barriers towards use of computer games. Schools in Gentofte Kommune: The test bed for the practical experiments towards the end of the project with school classes. Electronic Arts Europe: Provides sparring on the commercial aspects of game production and ongoing related projects in UK.
Global Conflicts – Learning dynamic Discovery channel of computer games… Physics experiment: Safety, concrete, challenging, reflection, engagement. Training Learning Single Packaged Experience Concepts Extrinsic Intrisinc Low Tech High Tech Concept art from the game.
Global Conflicts – The gameplay Concept art from the game. Breathing universe modelled close to reality Transfer links: Newspapers, TV-spots, radio. Variation in difficulty, complexity and play style Strong reporting system Personal vs. strategic Avoid aggression Different roles Make education manual New Scenarios
Global Conflicts – What’s in it.. Evaluation of the learning outcome Documentation of production process Matured industry and market Integration of subject areas Support for the educational part Combine most recent research with industry Informed game design through colloboration Concept art from the game: A control post in game where the player must get through or hinder other people from getting through.
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