I NTRODUCTION As the risk of global warming increases so does the need for sustainable energy. Being able to utilize renewable energy is vital to minimizing the amount of waste in the environment. Jobs losses because of green technology Jobs created because of green technology The depletion of natural recourses continues,
W HAT IS G REEN T ECHNOLOGY ? Field that encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials. The techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products. Technology that is environmentally friendly. Created and used in a friendly way. Conserves energy and natural resources. Referred to as clean technology.
G OALS OF G REEN T ECHNOLOGY Sustainability Meeting the needs of society (Going Green, recycling) Innovation Developing alternative to technologies (Wind turbine to create electricity) Viability Creating products that benefit the environment Source reduction Reducing waste and pollution
G REEN T ECHNOLOGY ’ S EFFECT ON W ORKING WORLD Companies being forced to change their ways. Poland spring uses less plastic Coke and Pepsi bottle are reusable and takes less plastic. Hand dryer rather than paper towel in public restroom Unemployment affecting the working force. Green Tech is environment friendly so they do not need a lot of people. Da Vinci tower (2000 workers-90 workers) Green tech schedules to create jobs. Making and installing solar panels & Wind turbines Creating new types of cars.
P ROS AND C ONS OF G REEN T ECHNOLOGY Renewable Saving the environment Saving the non- renewable resources Creating jobs Safer jobs Saves Money Costly Destroying jobs Not too reliable AdvantagesDisadvantages
N EW T ECH The ideas that are in place, availability of these technologies are or limited. There are several emerging energy-saving ideas that continually
I MPACT ON C ORPORATIONS With green and renewable technology remaining at the head of consumer concerns. Several company’s are adjusting their products. From product packaging to electronics, products are becoming more eco-friendly.
F UTURE O F G REEN T ECHNOLOGY Green transportation Electric Cars (Nissan Leaf, Honda FCX clarity) Green Buildings Uses solar panels and wind turbines to generate electricity Wave Power Creating electricity from the waves in the ocean Green alternative fuels Recyclable products Plastic Body for cars Clean Coal