HOW GEOGRAPHY IMPACTS LIFESTYLE AND MEDIA USAGE ON THE PRAIRIES STUDY OBJECTIVES: 1.To determine what impact ‘community’ has on the types of news and information that people are interested in and the sources they use to seek out that information. 2.To identify influences and factors that could play a role in how people in different types of communities access information. 3.Use the information to quantify the differences between populations living in rural areas and smaller communities against those living in larger cities and metropolitan areas. 4.How does media accessibility influence the sources people use to get information. Communities 100K+
THE STUDY Commissioned by AdWest Marketing Inc and conducted by Totum Research Inc. Survey: 8-Page Mailed Questionnaire. Sample was selected by SM Research split into 1,000 random addresses within each of the 5 geographic groups for a total of 5,000 addresses in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northwest Territories/Nunavut Communities: Under 5,000 Population and Rural Communities: 5,000 to 10,000 Population Communities: 10,000 to 50,000 Population Communities: 50,000 to 100,000 Population Communities: Over 100,000 Population Surveys addressed to the resident of the household 18 years of age or older and the next to celebrate a birthday in the household. Timing: Mid November 2013 – Mid January 2014 Communities 100K+
SAMPLE SIZES AND RESPONSE RATES The maximum margin of error for 1,015 responses is ±3.1% at the 95% confidence level. For 200 responses it is ±6.9% at the 95% confidence level. Communities 100K+
Respondents in medium-sized cities ( K) were less likely to have lived in the community their entire life than were respondents in smaller cities and rural areas Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Respondents were engaged with local news more than any other news type. They were also the least engaged with national and international news of the three city sizes sampled Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Traditional Media As was the case in smaller communities, traditional media was reported as the media most likely to be referred to at least once per week for information about the community Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
As was the case across all community types, traditional media was entrenched as the favourite source for local news and information. Large cities were the only community type where television was favoured over the local printed community newspaper and radio Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Like respondents of medium- sized and small cities, residents living in cities with population of 100K+ were more likely to have a high-speed internet connection than those living in towns and rural areas. Cable TV modems were used by nearly half of respondents Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Just over half of respondents (55%) in large cities undertook Any Activity based on seeing an ad on a website. Respondents in this group were more likely than those in any other community size to click on an ad to learn more about the product or service Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
As was the case across all community sizes the #1 other use for a mobile device was to check local weather reports Less than half said they used the device to get information about the community Nearly 50% of respondents used their device for information on local bars and restaurants Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Over two-thirds of respondents living in a large city indicate they receive a printed community newspaper. Close to 40% said they pay to receive it Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Community newspaper engagement is very strong in this sample group. 84% of respondents said they spend at least the same amount of time with their community newspaper as they did 2 years ago Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015
Communities 100K+ Totum Research November/December 2013: How Media Habits Vary by Community Size and Type, N=1,015