ATIA 2009 Orlando Strand Advisor Call November 3 and November 10 Hosts: Ariane Jaskolka, Senior Education Coordinator, ATIA Headquarters Caroline Van Howe, Director of Programs, ATIA Becky Williams, Education Coordinator, ATIA Headquarters Elise Fette, Education Coordinator, ATIA Headquarters Joy Zabala, ATIA 2009 Educational Programs Chair
Agenda 1)Welcome 2)Updated Schedule 3)Strand Advisors bio/photos 4)Conference Outreach Efforts 5)Pre-Con Marketing 6)Speaker Orientation 7)Stand Advisor Housing and Registration 8)Questions and Answers
Updated Schedule Additional changes have been received A revised version of the gird will be sent by end of day November 4th Speakers were required to confirm their presentation by October 17 th. Some cancellations were received. We are working to contact all those who are still unconfirmed. Stand Advisors will receive a list of any speakers in their strand that are not confirmed as of November 7 th the week of November 10 th.
Strand Advisor Bio/Photos Last call to submit bios/photos for inclusion on the Strand Advisor portion of the conference website Those we need information from have been contacted individually
Conference Outreach Efforts A marketing kit was provided with the meeting agenda Ideas for placement and distribution of conference information
Pre-Conference Marketing A reminder to all pre-conference speakers to promote your session HQ will provide pre-conference speakers with a marketing template
Speaker Orientation As a reminder – strand advisors are required to attend one of two virtual speaker orientations Potential Dates: January 20 and January 22
Strand Advisor Housing and Registration Reminder to register for the conference by November 14 using the code sent to you via Housing forms were due Friday, October 31. If you have not yet sent them to Mary Kate, please do so as soon as possible.
Thank you! Our next meeting dates will be December 8 and December 15