Trainer Update November 27, 2015
Agenda Project training resource changes Operational Training User Group - Lori Peer supporter training - Lori Manager / MOH training – Lori Training database update - Lori Client Immunization Record Report Changes - Lori Setting Preferred Language - Julie Closing / Cancelling or Deleting Mass Immunization Events - Julie Update QRC 4.2 Inventory – Creating a Requisition - Julie Create Client Process - Lori Roundtable
Project Training Resource Changes Gwen Gillan – new trainer for First Nations deployment Julie Hesketh – last day March 31, 2016 Operational support role, not project coordinator Helena Wall – November 30, 2015 last day Lori Holuk Siddall – December 31, 2015 last day Arielle Goldman Smith – available until February 1, 2016 Joan Wheatley-Bissoon and Ruth Deane – transitioning to Clinical Analyst Panorama Support Unit operational role as of January 1, 2016 All Panorama questions / requests after December 31, 2015 must go through the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk.
Operational Training User Group Membership Chair – Panorama Support Team Clinical Analyst Two (up to three) Panorama trainers from each of the five health regions Pending discussions with regional managers First Nations Training Representative(s), First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba / FNIHB Policy Analyst (Vaccine Supply), Public Health, Manitoba Health, Healthy Living and Seniors Organizational leaders to decide who representatives are by January 2016 Being presented by November 30
Operational Training User Group Responsibilities To understand the Panorama training materials update process Reviews requests for large scale change to Panorama training materials and make decisions on behalf of their organization regarding training materials and process changes Tests new versions of training materials To consult with organizational Panorama training colleagues as required on operational training processes and materials Communicate training material and process changes to all trainers within their organization Be a champion for consistent use of Panorama and realization of its benefits within their respective organizations First Training User Group meeting – tentative February 2016
Peer supporter training Scheduled for November 30 and December 3 If peer supporters are unable to attend training on these two days, trained peer supporters to provide the training
Manager / MOH training WRHA Decision - managers not receiving access to Panorama. High level orientation provided to managers Nov 2015 MOH training planned – January 2016 Rural Recommended agendas and list of tools for both MOH and Manager training to be provided to regional leaders November 30 Immunization and Inventory navigation – regional trainer responsibility Reports training – Panorama team responsibility
Training Database Training database now matches Production Permission role changes Manager – now has “Add Historical” Epi_analyst - all aggregate surveillance reports Epi_Admin – additional permission role for some users Trainers will receive MOH role access in Panorama to see the reports Reports For viewing data fields Data not adequate for generating reports Items in Training that do not match Production Postal codes are not linked to SDLs Organizations / SDL / Holding Points changes Some vaccine inventory catalogue items
Client Immunization Record Report Available in both French and English defaults to print in English Providers should ask clients if they prefer hard copy in English or French Extra step is required when generating the Client Immunization Record After you click the Profile Report button, a new Reports Filters page will show.
Client Immunization Record Report The Language field will default to ‘Client’s preferred language’. Choose French or English as requested by the client and click Generate Report. QRC 5.3 has been modified to reflect these changes
Inventory – Creating a Requisition QRC 4.2 When creating a vaccine requisition, do not choose: Mass Requisitions Backordered Next Scheduled (defaulted) and Urgent are the two options that are most often used
Panorama: Inventory – Creating a Requisition Select the Inventory tab (top nav) Select Inventory Replenishment (L nav) Select Manage Requisitions (L nav) Select Product Requisitions (L nav) The Manage Requisitions: Search page appears Click C REATE R EQUISITION Enter a Holding Point name in the Ship To Holding Point Click the Refresh hyperlink The page will auto-populate several fields (e.g. Ship To, Bill To, Requestor) For Urgent Delivery: select a Reason, Requested date and a Comment. Click S AVE R EQUISITION A yellow bar displays at the top of the page: Requisition successfully saved Note requisition ID number Click A DD C ATALOGUE I TEMS The Catalogue Item Information: Search page appears Click A DD C ATALOGUE I TEMS Click S EARCH All catalogue items related to that Holding Point appear Click the Checkbox for each Catalogue item to be added to the Requisition Order Enter the Requisition Quantity to be ordered for each item Click S AVE R EQUISITION The Manage Requisitions: Create New Requisition page appears The selected catalogue items appear in the Requisition Item Summary View Click all the check boxes for the catalogue items to be ordered A warning dialog box appears stating “Only selected will be submitted...” Click OK A Requisition successfully submitted message appears in the yellow banner A Requisition successfully saved message appears in the yellow banner Click S UBMIT R EQUISITION Select Required Delivery: Next Scheduled (default), Other Future Date, *Pick-Up or *Urgent (*see points to remember) Add Ship To Instructions and Comments as required Panorama: Inventory – Creating a Requisition QRC 4.2
Panorama: Inventory – Creating a Requisition Points to Remember: Urgent Requisitions require a reason and a comment If the order is urgent or the order will be picked up, phone the Materials Distribution Agency (MDA) warehouse at or Toll-Free DO NOT choose: Back-ordered or Mass Immunization as Required Delivery. Doing so will trigger the MB Health authorization process and delay your requisition Panorama: Inventory – Creating a Requisition QRC 4.2
Create Client Process Only clients who are not Manitoba residents and who will not become a Manitoba resident can be created in The Panorama user is required to complete a Request to Create Client in Panorama form and sent it via approved organizational process for Personal Health Information to the organizational Peer Supporter Outside of the Panorama Support Unit staff, the Peer Supporter is the only role that will be creating new No PHIN, so these records will not be viewable in eChart
Roundtable PMH Flu clinic – trained data entry staff to help with flu clinics Brandon – organizations need to be updated New PH staff starting – upcoming training Casual PHNs – decided will be training these staff Merge process? Clinical analysts are working on a process for merge. Will be communicated in the near future. SH-SS Boundary Trails – delayed entry for flu clinics, one on one training to replace Stacey; trouble with access for a new Manitoba eHealth account Steinbach – 61 community flu clinics into Panorama, both direct entry and delayed entry, used the client upload sheet (important not to use the client upload sheet because it causes problems) IERHA No concerns NRHA WRHA
Roundtable IERHA No concerns NRHA Will be closing flu clinics in PAN Multiple dates with mass imms events MOH and Caroline reviewing the surveillance reports Occ Health nurse staff for the region will be a user New staff – January 2016 WRHA Data entry clerks entering data are ahead of previous years MOH training in January New PHN training in January Clerks used Panorama directly at clinics if internet connection was available.