©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 1 DESIGN MEETING AGENDA/WORKING TEAM Meeting Purpose: The purpose of the meeting is to design a high-level Learning and Development System Architecture that meets the requirements established in the analysis meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting, the system elements and key features will have been selected and the Working Team will be able to describe how these elements and key features work together to meet the requirements. Agenda: TopicNotes 1.Review the requirements, mission, and philosophy from the analysis meeting Get everyone re-grounded in the content of what the team is doing. 2.Subteam presents straw models Explain each straw model and how it works to satisfy the requirements. 3.Working Team critiques the straw models Discuss features liked and disliked, pros and cons, etc. 4.Construct a new model Take the best of the straw models and edit it or create a new model base don the critique of the straw models. Note: Steps 1-4 should take about one day PHASE 4: Future L&D System Architecture
©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 2 DESIGN MEETING AGENDA/WORKING TEAM (cont.) TopicNotes 5.Design/describe the system elements For each element in the system (e.g., learning strategies, delivery channels, L&D organization structure, etc.) Design to at least one more level of detail Describe the design and how it works (This can be done in subgroups, but experience suggests the result will not be as good and no time will be saved.) 6.Test the system to make sure it will work well and meet the requirements 1.Tell the story about how the system, as designed, will meet each requirement. 2.Create a list of challenges the system will be faced with in the next few years, and tell the story about how the system will meet these challenges. 3.Keep track of design flaws as you go through the story telling. 7.Fix the flaws in the design1.Make design changes. 2.Tell the story about how the design changes handle the requirements and challenges. PHASE 4: Future L&D System Architecture
©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 3 DESIGN MEETING AGENDA/WORKING TEAM (cont.) TopicNotes 8.Design/describe the system elements 1.Key features and description of each element Story about how all these features work together to meet the requirements Story about how the system works from various points of view Learner/employee Supervisor Functional manager Business leader Initiative leader Product manager Etc. 9.Test the system to make sure it will work well and meet the requirements Make any needed changes 10.Design Report and Executive Briefing Package 1.Assign a subteam to document the design in a Design Report (see typical contents). 2.Assign a subteam to develop an Executive Briefing package (Working Team do storyboard if there is time). 3. Establish an agenda for an Executive Steering Team review (see typical agenda). 4.Select the presenters and decide if the entire Working Team will attend (recommended). PHASE 4: Future L&D System Architecture