Study Hall YOU SHOULD BE SITTING IN YOUR ASSIGNED SEATS…. STUDYING QUIETLY FOR YOUR QUIZ: **You will not be given time to review once the bell rings
Warm Up Log in to Chromebooks…. First name initial last name last 4 digits of student id Example: Password: year of birth, month of birth, date of birth Example: (2001, February 28)
Agenda You will first complete your quiz on Food webs and Food Chains, producers, consumers….. Afterwards you will use the remainder of the block to finish researching your biome Biome Projects Due: Wednesday, April 9th
Clear off your desks Eliminate answer choices, make your best educated guess if you are unsure…. Check over all your answers and make sure you answer every question! 25 Minutes for Quiz – when you finish put your quiz inside your folder and begin researching your biome
Continuation of Biome Projects To enrich our unit study, you will create a poster centered on 1 of the following biomes: RainforestDesert TundraTemperate Deciduous Forest TaigaGrassland
Biomes Poster Activity The project guidelines will be posted on the whiteboard You must have all the required information on your poster Use your time wisely You will be presenting your project on Wednesday, April 9th This is for a formal grade
Any questions?
Textbooks Today! You are going to use textbooks today to begin your research Try to find as much information as you can based on what you need for the project To be fair, everyone will simply be assigned a biome by counting off iPads tomorrow for more research
Bill Nye Explains it best…