PIKA Technologies Inc. FSK Bypass Application Sample October 2009
What is it? Sample Application developed in C++ Can be used to record an FSK signal once the call is established Uses Media Bypass feature
Overall Architecture Description (1/2) At start-up the main thread will create the FSK Receive Entry container. The main thread will then spawn the event thread. The event thread is used to handle asynchronous events from the PIKA driver. Only incoming calls will be handled. Once an incoming call is answered, the PK_BYPASS_FSK_Start call is made to bypass the GrandPrix media processing. This will in turn call PKX_CHANNEL_GetBypassInfo : Get Media Stream handle PKH_FSK_GetConfig : Get FSK configuration PKH_FSK_SetConfig: Set FSK Configuration PKH_QUEUE_Attach : Attach media stream handle to HMP Queue PKX_CHANNEL_EnableBypass : Enable Bypass for Channel PKH_FSK_RxStart: Start Low Level FSK recording PKH_FSK_GetRxData : Handle FSK events
Overall Architecture Description (2/2) Once the FSK is deemed completed, the PK_BYPASS_FSK_Stop call is made to stop the bypass feature. This will in turn call PKH_FSK_RxStop: Stop Low Level FSK recording PKX_CHANNEL_DisableBypass : Disable Bypass for Channel For cleanup purposes, the PK_BYPASS_FSK_Cleanup is called before exiting the application
Getting Started Install the PIKA Low Level HMP API and PIKA High Level on a PC ( 2.7.x or newer ) as described in the Getting Started Guide Install the Analog Trunk board in the PC Download, Compile, and run the FSK Bypass Sample application
Application thread diagram Main Thread Main Event Thread PIKA GrandPrix Library Spawn Thread PKX_SYSTEM_XXX PKX_GROUP_XXX PKX_CHANNEL_XXX PIKA MonteCarlo Library FSK Bypass Event Thread PKH_CHANNEL_XXX PKH_FSK_XXX PKX_CALL_XXX Incoming Call Events Incoming FSK Events Spawn Thread
CFskReceiveContainer Class containment CFskReceive 1 n FSK Main Sample 1 1
Where can I find it? The Source code is located under: le/ le/