Slow Worms
Slow worms are legless lizards, not snakes
Male slow worms are grey brown in colour, females are brown and have dark sides with a line running down their back. Slow worms also differ from snakes in that they have closable eyelids and tails, which drop off if they are trying to escape danger. MaleFemale
These are slow worm eggs
Many babies They can grow up to 50cm
Diet is disgusting! They eat worms, snakes and snails But don’t bite people
Slow worms can often be found in woodlands, pastures, heaths. Gardens can often provide suitable places for slow worms as well; compost heaps along with loose soil, rotting vegetation, logs and large flat stones provide ideal homes for them. Pieces of tin or plastic, or piles of stones can also provide ideal hiding places. Slow worms will burrow and hibernate underground from October to March.
I like slow worms because they are not very common They have nice patterns They are interesting And they freak my mum out, and she calls them disgusting