A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 Global surface Temperature increase 1.1 – 6.4 deg C over the 21 st century Sea level rise : 0.18 m to 0.59 m Regional-scale changes include: warming greatest over land and at most high northern latitudes and least over Southern Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic Ocean, continuing recent observed trends, Arctic late-summer sea ice disappears almost entirely by the latter part of the 21st century very likely increase in frequency of hot extremes, heat waves, and heavy precipitation likely increase in tropical cyclone intensity; less confidence in global decrease of tropical cyclone numbers poleward shift of extra-tropical storm tracks with consequent changes in wind, precipitation, and temperature patterns very likely precipitation increases in high latitudes and likely decreases in most subtropical land regions, continuing observed recent trend 1 CC - Climate Change
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 Source:DST 2 CC - Clean Coal
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 Thermal Power Plant - Rankine Cycle Boiler =87% 38% 39% Condenser Steam 100% Steam Turbine =90% 13% Gen =99% ~1% ~9% Feed Pump Coal Air TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE ENTROPY d e h i : Heat Utilised In Rankine Cycle 2 : Condenser Loss e d h i
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 C+O 2 →CO 2 2H 2 +O 2 →2 H 2 O Greenhouse Gas – CO 2 Green House Green House Gas – CO 2 60% “ global warming ” from CO 2. 280 ppm CO 2.. Before industrialization. 360 to 380 ppm CO 2.. Current level. 700 to 900 ppm CO 2 -- by 2100, if left uncontrolled
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 Technology Perspectives For Carbon Management In India Improvement of efficiency in thermal power generation through enhancing boiler parameters, improved cycles Energy efficiency in end use sectors Promotion of clean coal technology Constituted National Clean Development Mechanism Authority for considering projects for availing carbon credits by eligible industry projects Research initiated on carbon capture and storage
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 Power Plants Efficiency Trends Gas Turbine inlet temperature Deg.C PCC PFBC IGCC SC steam USC steam Brown coal and SC steam USC = Ultra supercritical steam SC = Supercritical steam Net effi. % (LHV) Sub Critical steam
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 Unit500 MW Sub-critical 660 MW Super-critical 800MW Super-critical ParametersBar/C/C170/538/538246/538/565246/565/598 Heat Rate Imp %Base Coal Savings t/yrBase CO 2 Rednt/yrBase Reduction in CO 2 Emissions in PC Boilers
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 Advanced USC boilers GOI has taken initiatives to develop boilers of 800 MW capacity to meet 300 bar 700°C/700°C cycle requirements with a consortium of BARC, NTPC, Midani and BHEL with a target completion of 2017.
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 Combined Cycle Plant Efficiency – 48% Oil/Gas AIR COMBUSTOR GASTURBINE CONDENSER COMPRESSOR STEAMTURBINE HRSG STEAM STACK Brayton CycleRankine Cycle 100% 31% 17% 34% 10% 3% 5% BFP FEED WATER
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 IGCC - Heat Flow Diagram Efficiency – 42% Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Syn Gas AIR COMBUSTOR GASTURBINE CONDENSER COMPRESSOR STEAMTURBINE HRSG STEAM STACK 25% 17% 33% 10% 3% 5% 100% Coal BFP FEED WATER 8% 74% 18% Cooler Clean-up
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 Coal Gasification – CCDP 6.2 MW e
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug CC - Carbon Capture
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 Oxy-Fuel Combustion
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012 To Conclude…… Coal is a dominant fuel in most parts of the world. Burning coal without adding to global carbon dioxide levels is a major technological challenge which is being addressed. The most promising "clean coal" technology involves using the coal to make hydrogen from water, then burying the resultant carbon dioxide by-product and burning the hydrogen. The greatest challenge is bringing the cost of this down sufficiently for "clean coal" to compete with others on the basis of near-zero emissions for base-load power. Development of new "clean coal" technologies is addressing this problem so that the world's enormous resources of coal can be utilised for future generations without contributing to global warming
A Govt of India Undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Program on 3CC27 th Aug 2012