Weichao Wang, Bharat Bhargava Youngjoo, Shin 2006.09.12 Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication Weichao Wang, Bharat Bhargava Youngjoo, Shin 2006.09.12
Contents Introduction Assumptions Straight forward approach New approach Secure group communication Key update during group changes Discussions Conclusions Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Introduction Secure multicast has become an important component of many applications in wireless networks Two types of group communications Intra-group communication Inter-group communication This paper proposes a mechanism of key distribution and update for secure group communication Intra-group communication Inter-group communication Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Assumptions Network and communication model Threat model The links among wireless nodes are bidirectional Two neighboring nodes can always send packets to each other A centralized group manager (GM) is in charge of key distribution and key update Threat model Eavesdropping Impersonation Backward secrecy Forward secrecy Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Straight forward approach GM deploys a public-private key pair for each group GM PubG2 PubG3 PriG1 PubG1 PubG2 PriG3 PubG1 PubG3 PriG2 EPubG2(M) EPriG1(M) G1 G2 G3 Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Straight forward approach Three major disadvantages The public-private key encryption involves exponential computation Not efficient for a wireless node The GM will be overwhelmed by the computation overhead for generating secure public-private key pairs when a group changes An attacker can easily impersonate another node Since the public keys are known to every node Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
New approach Symmetric keys are used to protect the multicast traffic in intra-group communication Polynomials are adopted to determine the keys to protect inter-group communication Flat tables are adopted to distribute keys via broadcast when a group changes Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Secure group communication Intra-group communication GM EKi-GM(K2) EKj-GM(K2) EK2(M) i j EK2(M) EKk-GM(K2) k G2 Ki-GM - pairwise key shared between node i and the GM K2 - group key shared by members of G2 Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Secure group communication Inter-group communication GM h12(x) h13(x) h21(j) h31(j) h21(x) h23(x) h12(i) h32(i) h31(x) h32(x) h13(k) h23(k) Dh21(j)(Eh21(j)(M)) j i k Eh21(j)(M) G1 G2 G3 h(x) - t-degree polynomial to determine the keys for decrypting the multicast traffic from other group h(i) - personal key share to encrypt multicast traffic sent to the other group Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Secure group communication Secret keys held by node i in group G2 and their usage Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Secure group communication Secret key refreshment using the flat table Flat table Consists of 2r keys r : the number of bits that are required to represent a node ID (r=┌log2n┐) E.g., (z1.0, z1.1, z2.0, z2.1, … , zr.0, zr.1) Every group has its own flat table Every node has a set of keys in the flat table for its group E.g., If r=4, a node ID with 10 can be represented as (1010)2 Flat table : (z1.0, z1.1, z2.0, z2.1, z3.0, z3.1, z4.0, z4.1) The node has a set of keys (z1.1, z2.0, z3.1, z4.0) Every pair of nodes in the same group must have at least one different key Because every node has a unique ID E.g., a node ID with 10 has a set of keys (z1.1, z2.0, z3.1, z4.0) a node ID with 11 has a set of keys (z1.1, z2.0, z3.1, z4.1) Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Secure group communication Secret key refreshment (Cont’d) The flat table has brought two features Only one node in a group can decrypt the message Node i will have the keys (z1.i1, z1.i2, z2.i3, z2.i4, … , zr.ir) can be decrypt by only node I All the nodes but one node can decrypt the message can be decrypt by all the nodes but node i Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Key update during group changes Group joining operations GM EK1(K’1) EK1(K’1) a b i EK1(K’1) c G1 Step1. Update group key K1 Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Key update during group changes Group joining operations GM M : M M a b i M c G1 Step2. Update the new flat table for group G1 Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Key update during group changes Group joining operations GM M : EK1(h’12(x), h’13(x)) M M a b i M c G1 Step3. Update the polynomials for inter-group communication Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Key update during group changes Group joining operations GM EK1-GM(K’1, h’12(x), h’13(x), z’1.i1,…z’r.ir) a b i c G1 Step4. GM distributes the keys to node i Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Key update during group changes Group leaving operations GM M : M M M M a b i c G2 Step1. Update group key K2 Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Key update during group changes Group leaving operations GM M : M M M M a b i c G2 Step2. Update the new flat table for group G2 Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Key update during group changes Group leaving operations GM M : EK’2(h’21(x), h’23(x)) M M M M a b i c G2 Step3. Update the polynomials for inter-group communication Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Discussions Overhead Compared to the group changes, the encryption and decryption of the traffics happen much more frequently Additional transmission overhead for key refreshment is totally paid off The adoption of polynomials enables the distribution of personal key shares Difficult for an attacker to impersonate another node When a node changes its group, new keys must be established by the group manager Much efficient to choose several t-polynomials Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Conclusions Adopts polynomials to support the distribution of personal key shares Employ flat tables to achieve efficient key refreshment Reduces the computation overhead to process the packets Becomes more difficult for an attacker to impersonate another node Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication
Question? Key Distribution and Update for Secure Inter-group Multicast Communication