Changes in Matter Is it chemical or physical?
Properties Physical Properties ~Can be observed or measured without changing the identity Observed with senses Able to be measured –Includes density, length, mass, volume, temperature Conductivity: electric, heat, sound Malleability: flattened into sheets Ductility: form into wires Solubility: can dissolve Chemical Properties ~gives the material the ability to change into different material with new properties Reactivity: able to react –Forms of Reactivity include: Oxidation: able to rust Corrosion: ability to corrode or wear away chemically Flammability (combustion): able to burn
Types of Physical Change cuttingbending sanding mixing tearing, slicing, grating crushing melting, evaporating stirring, dissolving
Evidence of Chemical Change fizzing burning production of odor light rust decomposition corrosion change in color solids smoke
What does making breakfast have to do with chemical reactions?
Ask yourself: Did the process or action turn the substance into a new substance with new properties? “How do I know if it’s a physical change or chemical reaction?” If the answer is “no,” then it is a physical change. If the answer is “yes,” it’s the result of a chemical reaction.
Chemical or Physical?