NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 1 Conceptual Design for NCSX Auxiliary Systems Heating, Fueling,Wall Conditioning and Vacuum Systems.


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Presentation transcript:

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 1 Conceptual Design for NCSX Auxiliary Systems Heating, Fueling,Wall Conditioning and Vacuum Systems

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 2 NCSX NBI Heating Requirements  Requirement BaselineUpgrade Long Term  H 0 Power3 MW6 MW6 MW  Pulse Length300 msec300 msec1.2 sec  Voltage50 kV 50 kV 50 kV  Orientation1-Co,1-Cntr2-Co,2-Cntr TBD (or 3-Co,1 Cntr)  Focusing3 MW to 6 MW to6 MW to Plasma PlasmaPlasma

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 3 Neutral Beam System Design Description: The Design Will Provide the Required Performance  NBI Alignment Provides for:  Balanced co- and cntr- injection for control of NB driven currents and rotation.  NBI Ports Located for:  Maximizing absorption of injected power on the desired plasma region.  Minimizing effects on injected species.  Minimizing injected power absorption on ports on opposite wall.

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 4 Neutral Beam injection Pulse Length Plan  PBX-M NBI systems pulse lengths were typically ~300 ms.  The NB power handling surfaces were engineered to operate to 500 msec pulse lengths at the full power, peak power density of 3 kW/cm 2  ORNL found that beyond 400 ms, the Ion source I decel increased too much.  A control technique was developed.  ORNL operated one ion source with H 0 to 500 msec at ~1.5 MW  With this, PBX-M demonstrated 500 msec at reduced power (4MW total )  Each NBI demonstrated to operate with D 0 at ~40 KV, 1 MW, to 500 msec. Operation to higher powers at 500 msec is feasible for both H 0 and D 0  MAST using similar ORNL NBI plans to upgrade to sec pulses.  NCSX will adopt this technology for long pulse NBI

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 5 Design Description: Test Cell Can Accommodate the Required Beam Arrangement

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 6 Design Description: Beamlines Connect to High Conductance Auxiliary Systems Duct for Minimal Reionization Losses  To Torus Pumps Torus  NB Port (one on each side of Auxiliary Systems Duct)  Vessel Entrance Port  Lower Divertor Viewport

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 7 Design Description: Beamlines Aligned for Co- and Cntr- for Beam Balance Studies and Control of Beam Driven Currents Outer Circle Enclosing ~96% of the Injected Power from NB-S (IS#1) (HWHM =1.5°) Superimposed on the Oblate Target Plasma. Inner Circle Encloses ~47% of Injected Power.  The Vessel Far Walls Will Have NB Armor

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 8 NBI Design Definition Includes Scope, Schedule, Costs, Risks, and Measures for Risk Reduction  Scope Prior to First Plasma:  Repair and refurbish existing Beamline hardware  Repair and refurbish existing Power Systems  Install Beamlines on NCSX  Make all cabling and other connections  Achieve Beamline operating vacuum  Design strategy: will apply methodologies and procedures developed during previous 17 year operating history.

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 9 NCSX Fueling Requirements, Design Description and Performance  2 to 4 Injectors for torr-liter/sec of H 2, D 2 or He.  Flexibility for easy changing of gas plenum volumes, or adding additional injectors at selected vessel locations.  Will re-use parts from the existing PBX-M Gas Fueling system.  Controls will be upgraded with a modern PLC using the proven NSTX design.  Procurement and fabrication records from the high performance NSTX design will help to implement the design.  Will accommodate Pellet Injector as future upgrade.

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 10 NCSX Wall Conditioning Requirements, Design Description and Performance  Glow Discharge Cleaning (GDC) during maintenance, Bakeout, and between discharges as required.  One fixed wall anode and one biased dual pre-ionization filament in each sector.  H 2, D 2 or He pressures of ~2-4 mTorr, positive bias of ~500 v applied between the anode (+) and the vessel (-).  Pre-ionization electrons facilitate breakdown of ioniztion at the desired operating pressure and voltage to simplify controls.  Design will capitalize on recent NSTX experience with designing, procuring, and installing a similar system.

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 11 NCSX Vacuum Requirements, Design Description and Performance  Produce base pressures of at least 2x10 -8 torr.  Will re-use parts from the existing PBX-M Torus Vacuum Pumping System. –Four PBX-M 1500 l/s turbo-molecular pumps, configured for total pumping speed of at least 2600 l/s (PDX). –Four Welch Model 1398 belt driven backing pumps. –One Kinney 500 belt driven roughing pump. –Gate valves, flanges, instrumentation.  New Residual Gas Analyzer.  Controls will be upgraded with a modern PLC using the proven NSTX design.

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 12 Design Description: High Conductance Auxiliary System Duct Provides for Torus Pumping Duct, Neutral Bean Duct, Diagnostic Viewports, and Vessel Entrance Port  Assembled Auxiliary Systems Duct - NBI Duct - Pump Duct (~1.5-2 PDX) Insulator break / bellows assembly Conical reducer 36” OD pipe Adapter flange 10” gate valve 1500 l/s TMP

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 13 WBS 2: Auxiliary Systems Costs  WBS 21 Gas Fueling: K*  WBS 22 Torus Vacuum Pumping: 306.6K*  WBS 23 GDC Wall Conditioning: 104.8K*  WBS 25 Neutral Beam Heating: K* * with 18% Contingency

NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 14 Conclusions  The Neutral Beam design adopts the high performance NBI system of the PDX, PBX, and PBX-M projects - provided automated, reliable, economical operation during 17 year operating history.  The Fueling, Wall Conditioning, and Vacuum system designs make use of PBX-M parts and adopt proven NSTX engineering designs for similar systems.  The designs minimize technical, cost, and schedule risks by re-using existing equip, adopting NSTX engineering, and testing off-line.