NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 1 Conceptual Design for NCSX Auxiliary Systems Heating, Fueling,Wall Conditioning and Vacuum Systems
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 2 NCSX NBI Heating Requirements Requirement BaselineUpgrade Long Term H 0 Power3 MW6 MW6 MW Pulse Length300 msec300 msec1.2 sec Voltage50 kV 50 kV 50 kV Orientation1-Co,1-Cntr2-Co,2-Cntr TBD (or 3-Co,1 Cntr) Focusing3 MW to 6 MW to6 MW to Plasma PlasmaPlasma
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 3 Neutral Beam System Design Description: The Design Will Provide the Required Performance NBI Alignment Provides for: Balanced co- and cntr- injection for control of NB driven currents and rotation. NBI Ports Located for: Maximizing absorption of injected power on the desired plasma region. Minimizing effects on injected species. Minimizing injected power absorption on ports on opposite wall.
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 4 Neutral Beam injection Pulse Length Plan PBX-M NBI systems pulse lengths were typically ~300 ms. The NB power handling surfaces were engineered to operate to 500 msec pulse lengths at the full power, peak power density of 3 kW/cm 2 ORNL found that beyond 400 ms, the Ion source I decel increased too much. A control technique was developed. ORNL operated one ion source with H 0 to 500 msec at ~1.5 MW With this, PBX-M demonstrated 500 msec at reduced power (4MW total ) Each NBI demonstrated to operate with D 0 at ~40 KV, 1 MW, to 500 msec. Operation to higher powers at 500 msec is feasible for both H 0 and D 0 MAST using similar ORNL NBI plans to upgrade to sec pulses. NCSX will adopt this technology for long pulse NBI
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 5 Design Description: Test Cell Can Accommodate the Required Beam Arrangement
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 6 Design Description: Beamlines Connect to High Conductance Auxiliary Systems Duct for Minimal Reionization Losses To Torus Pumps Torus NB Port (one on each side of Auxiliary Systems Duct) Vessel Entrance Port Lower Divertor Viewport
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 7 Design Description: Beamlines Aligned for Co- and Cntr- for Beam Balance Studies and Control of Beam Driven Currents Outer Circle Enclosing ~96% of the Injected Power from NB-S (IS#1) (HWHM =1.5°) Superimposed on the Oblate Target Plasma. Inner Circle Encloses ~47% of Injected Power. The Vessel Far Walls Will Have NB Armor
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 8 NBI Design Definition Includes Scope, Schedule, Costs, Risks, and Measures for Risk Reduction Scope Prior to First Plasma: Repair and refurbish existing Beamline hardware Repair and refurbish existing Power Systems Install Beamlines on NCSX Make all cabling and other connections Achieve Beamline operating vacuum Design strategy: will apply methodologies and procedures developed during previous 17 year operating history.
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 9 NCSX Fueling Requirements, Design Description and Performance 2 to 4 Injectors for torr-liter/sec of H 2, D 2 or He. Flexibility for easy changing of gas plenum volumes, or adding additional injectors at selected vessel locations. Will re-use parts from the existing PBX-M Gas Fueling system. Controls will be upgraded with a modern PLC using the proven NSTX design. Procurement and fabrication records from the high performance NSTX design will help to implement the design. Will accommodate Pellet Injector as future upgrade.
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 10 NCSX Wall Conditioning Requirements, Design Description and Performance Glow Discharge Cleaning (GDC) during maintenance, Bakeout, and between discharges as required. One fixed wall anode and one biased dual pre-ionization filament in each sector. H 2, D 2 or He pressures of ~2-4 mTorr, positive bias of ~500 v applied between the anode (+) and the vessel (-). Pre-ionization electrons facilitate breakdown of ioniztion at the desired operating pressure and voltage to simplify controls. Design will capitalize on recent NSTX experience with designing, procuring, and installing a similar system.
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 11 NCSX Vacuum Requirements, Design Description and Performance Produce base pressures of at least 2x10 -8 torr. Will re-use parts from the existing PBX-M Torus Vacuum Pumping System. –Four PBX-M 1500 l/s turbo-molecular pumps, configured for total pumping speed of at least 2600 l/s (PDX). –Four Welch Model 1398 belt driven backing pumps. –One Kinney 500 belt driven roughing pump. –Gate valves, flanges, instrumentation. New Residual Gas Analyzer. Controls will be upgraded with a modern PLC using the proven NSTX design.
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 12 Design Description: High Conductance Auxiliary System Duct Provides for Torus Pumping Duct, Neutral Bean Duct, Diagnostic Viewports, and Vessel Entrance Port Assembled Auxiliary Systems Duct - NBI Duct - Pump Duct (~1.5-2 PDX) Insulator break / bellows assembly Conical reducer 36” OD pipe Adapter flange 10” gate valve 1500 l/s TMP
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 13 WBS 2: Auxiliary Systems Costs WBS 21 Gas Fueling: K* WBS 22 Torus Vacuum Pumping: 306.6K* WBS 23 GDC Wall Conditioning: 104.8K* WBS 25 Neutral Beam Heating: K* * with 18% Contingency
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 H.W. Kugel Slide 14 Conclusions The Neutral Beam design adopts the high performance NBI system of the PDX, PBX, and PBX-M projects - provided automated, reliable, economical operation during 17 year operating history. The Fueling, Wall Conditioning, and Vacuum system designs make use of PBX-M parts and adopt proven NSTX engineering designs for similar systems. The designs minimize technical, cost, and schedule risks by re-using existing equip, adopting NSTX engineering, and testing off-line.