Step 1: Locate carb I.D. tag, Write down info to purchase correct rebuild kit.
Step 2: check parts kit to ensure correct parts are there.
Step 3: Refer to parts break- down and enclosed instructions for reference and ease of rebuild.
Remove carburetor lid, linkages, vacuum lines and carb from vehicle. STEP 4:
Step 5: Remove dashpot, Accelerator pump housing and diaphragm.
Step 6: Remove float, needle valve and main jets.
Step 7: Remove secondary venturis, Power valve, accelerator check valve ball and mixture screws.
S tep 8: After Cleaning in carburetor cleaner, blow out all passages and re-assemble in reverse order of disassembly.
Step 9: Next, make your float adjustment and install carb top. Adjust mixture and idle screws as needed after installation on engine.
Step 10: Start your engine and enjoy your restored performance and power!