Group Work25 minutes Gather in groups of 2 Read, Explain and discuss the following theories: Divine or supernatural/ spontaneous generation/ Evolution Explain Darwin survival of the fittest theory. Read the 5 th aspect of the theory and explain why Darwin believes only the fittest survive. Choose one of the theories and express your opinion about it.
One question, a thousand answers…. What is the origin of the world, human beings and nature? Page Important Theories: Religious Divine or supernatural theory – idea that a supreme being created humans just as they are. Scientific Theory of evolution by Charles Darwin – theory that proposed that the earth is millions of years old and has not been the same. The species living on earth had to adapt to the changing planet. Ex: Humans decent for primates or apes and through continuous change, we have evolve in to our current states. Several findings support this theory. Evolvements : Australopithecus – homo habilis- homo erectus – homo sapiens.
Charles Darwin Survival of the fittest theory This theory proclaims that we are all different even among same species (some have better sight, more feathers, lighter hair, etc.) Species compete for food and resources and the organism that better adapt to their surroundings have a better chance of surviving, reproducing, and passing on their dominant traits to the next generation. Human Evolution Fossils of the closest ancestors to humans were found in South Africa in Australopithecus (first to move in 2 legs) other fossils have been found that seem to follow the evolution of the hominid. Examples of hominid evolution. Homo habilis – able person Homo erectus – Walked up right. First to leave Africa Homo Sapiens- thinking person fist to create art, made stone tools.
Mesopotamia Read pages and answer the following questions: Where was it located? What Empires arose in Mesopotamia? Name 2 inventions of the Sumerians. Explain how they help them to improve. Where did the Akkad settle? What did Sargon established in the area? Who were the Assyrians? Describe them. Who was Hammurabi? Who did he united? What is the Hammurabi code? Explain how it worked?
Mesopotamia (Modern day Syria, Turkey and Iraq) Located in the Valley between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers. Farming in the area began around 8000 BC. Many rebellions and struggles of conquest took place in this region. Great Empires arose in Mesopotamia some were the Sumerians, the Akkadian, the Assyrian, and the Babylonian Empires.
The Sumerians Government: Monarchy with theocracy ( political leader is also religious leader) Better know as the Engineers of the Ancient world because of their inventions. Sumerians inventions: First to built canals (irrigation) for farming and to control annual flooding. Built dams Invented cuneiform writing system
Become Scribes! Write your name in cuneiform.
The Akkad Semite conquerors from Arabia settled in Akkad (Now Middle of Iraq) Sargon from Akkad, created the one of the earliest large empires in history. Acquired great military power through lightweight that were easy to carry.
The Assyrians Emerged 14 th century BC and ruled Mesopotamia for a long Period Was a civilization of warriors with a powerful army.
Babylonia Another great civilization in Mesopotamia. This empire included the reign of Hammurabi, who united Sumer and Akkad around 1700’s Hammurabi code set of laws Hammurabi established. It is associated with the idea of an “eye for an eye” or punishment equal to the harm that was caused. Around 1360BC, Babylon was dominated by the Assyrians.
Hammurabi code Activity: Imagine that you are the leader of your own Empire. How will you implement justice? Write 3 laws that you will create to ensure the safety and prosperity of your people. I ______ ruler of ___________. Declare that to protect my country I will implement this laws:
The Phoenicians Lived in what is now Syria Skilled sailors of the ancient world who lived from 2,000 B.C until the Babylonians subjugated (brought under control) them. Ruled by Kings became the great merchants of the ancient world. (exchange papyrus, luxury items, etc…) Founded colonies in North Africa and Spain. Considered as discovers of the Atlantic Ocean. invented an alphabet composed of 20 letters.
Palestine ( region south of Syria) Biblical named is Canaan. Conquered by the Hebrews in the 18th century B.C. Through history many different nations conquered Palestine perhaps the most significant conquering nations was that of the Hebrews. The Hebrew conquered Canaan in the 18 th century B.C. Their religion of the Hebrews was Judaism whose main belief later became the basis of Islam and Christianity