YETS LHC 2015/16 - ABT Group TCM Francesco castronuovo
SUMMARY 1. Activities, Time and Services 2. Needs & Information 2
Activities, Time & Services ACTIVITIES MKI : UA 23 & 87TIMEABTSERVICE General Inspection in RA 23 & RA 871dFPS Replacement of 2 TDR (pt2 only)2dFPS Normal maintenance (software upgrade, hardware check…)2w?EC Consolidation thyratron heating system1w?EC Installation of capacitive pick-ups acquisition system2w?EC Check of thyratron bias board monitoring system1w?EC, FPS Add acquisition system for vacuum interconnect analog value1w?ECVSC? Start deployment of low-voltage monitoring system1w?EC Replacement fine delay modules in timing systems1w?EC Tests commissioning (reliability run?)2w?EC, FPSVSC, CV? 3
Activities, Time & Services ACTIVITIES LBDS : UA 63 & 67TIMEABTSERVICES General Inspection in RA63 & RA 671dFPS, SE Clean-up 30 MKD, 20 MKB (?) + Swap Stacks + New panels2 W/ptFPSFSU TE-08 Replacement of 5 stacks GTO2dFPSFSU TE-08 Normal maintenance (software upgrade, hardware, Check…)2W?EC, SE Cabling cleaning in GP racks2W?FSU-TE05 Improve re-trigger lines monitoring2W?EC Re-check UPS power failure)2W?EC Modification PROFIBUS communication frame (add fields)2W?EC Deploy MKB switch ratio auto calibration system2W?EC Tests Commissioning (reliability run?)3W?EC, FPS, SEVSC, CV 4
Activities, Time & Services ACTIVITIES UA 43 : MKQATIMEABTSERVICES General Inspection in RA dFPS Normal maintenance (software upgrade, hardware check…)1w?EC Migration FEC from RIO3 CPU to MEN-A20 CPU + FESA2 to FESA31w?EC Check quality of AC dipole interconnections1w?EC Tests Commissioning1w?EC, FPS, ? 5
Needs & Information An ABT planning of the activities is necessary. Information about Tests HV to foreseen is missing Details about the HV tests have to be fixed with the coordination team ASAP Needs to ensure a constant temperature in the UA and RA during the HV tests A coordination with EN-CV is necessary Up to now VSC Activities known Replacement of the ionic pumps on MKB V/H on Beam 1 (RA 67) Impact on the HV test EN-EL “tirage de cables” foreseen in UA 63 & 67 Impact on the planning to be checked 6