PowerPoint Template Demonstration Dr. John Smith NYU Silver School of Social Work March 23, 2010
Part One: Basic Slides PowerPoint Template Demonstration
Point One: This is an Example of a primary discussion point This is a supporting statement As is this This is a further supporting statement As is this And this If necessary there are two other levels. This is the first This is the second. But those are likely to be used only on rare occasions. Point Two: This is the second point. Space permitting, there can be as many points as needed per slide This provides flexibility PowerPoint Template Demonstration
Part Two: Other Slide Layouts PowerPoint Template Demonstration
This slide compares two things. This is the first column. More expensive More overhead Fragile Is very pointy Most people probably won’t notice this Smells like fresh bread Can be replaced easily No technicians needed No union concerns The items on the left and right are parallel to each other. Better reliability Fewer Staffing Costs Durable Is not very pointy Those who do notice this will be pleased Has no smell Experts required for replacement Specialists must be hired Possible union conflicts PowerPoint Template Demonstration
This text box can contain further information to support the caption. For instance, this photo was taken in Early Spring One Washington Square North PowerPoint Template Demonstration
This slide is blank so that custom content can be added
This slide is entirely blank for use as a placeholder or pause during a presentation.